Meilleurs Jeux Discount
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 19, 2022
NEOGEO's masterpiece games are now available in the app !!And in recent years, SNK has partnered with Hamster Corporation to bring many of the classic games on the NEOGEO onto modern gaming environments through the ACA NEOGEO series. Now on smartphone, the difficulty and look NEOGEO games had...
Version: 1.0.11232 APK - Updated: January 19, 2022
【Welcome to contact us in our community for the situation you come across】Facebook:————————【Recommended mobile device】RAM>3GB,System>Android 9.0【Controller not supported...
Version: 2.94 APK - Updated: January 18, 2022
Plus de 400 000 joueurs exercent leur cerveau chaque jour avec le jeu Android Crossword Puzzles. Crossword Puzzle est une application de jeu amusante et engageante.Crossword Puzzles est un jeu classique d'esprit et de connaissances par les créateurs de vos jeux préférés, "Eureka"...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 18, 2022
Cara o cruz, cara o escudo, águila o sol...¿Podrás decidir tu suerte con la poderosa moneda de 5 Pesos MXN?Presiona el botón de Play, localizado en la parte inferior, y tu suerte será decidida por uno de los lados de la moneda.¡Un volado con estilo pixelart!Contacto:[email protected]
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: January 16, 2022
In this infinite and beautiful universe there is not only randomness but also synchrony with sound!Survive, Enjoy and Break Your Own Records!
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: January 15, 2022
Looking for clash battle and units game?Do you want to download enemy fight, battle games?You just got the perfect game app! Masters of Zion Battles Game is the best game where Join Keith travel throughout all of Zion with his friends to defeat the most powerful enemies and to conquer their lands....
Version: 2.3.7 APK - Updated: January 14, 2022
Bienvenue dans un univers RPG épique dans lequel la ville que vous bâtissez pourra se développer du simple hameau pour devenir le paradis des aventuriers les plus audacieux de ces contrées !Les guerriers entreprenants qui feront halte dans votre bourg fleurissant terrasseront des monstres et...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: January 14, 2022
Fun English Learn: Educational Games for Kids is a great app for children. If you are looking for an Early Education app or preschool learning app for children that teaches through fun baby learning games, then this Kid-Development app might be a good choice for you. ☘️☃️❄️☔ THIS...
Version: 3.3.120 APK - Updated: January 13, 2022
Nous recherchons des Galaxy Truckers !==================================(5/5) "Galaxy Trucker n'est pas seulement le meilleur jeu de société adapté sur iPad cette année, c'est tout simplement la meilleure adaptation sur iPad d'un jeu de société" - Pocket Tactics(5/5)...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: January 13, 2022
The classic sudoku game comes with an incredible design and intuitive interface where you can solve thousands of sudoku puzzles created instantly for you.You will be able to obtain hints during the game, which not only give you the answer, instead, the game teaches you how to arrive at the correct...
Version: 2.4.1 APK - Updated: January 12, 2022
Dans Cat Lady, les joueurs incarnent des passionnés de chats au sein d'un groupe d'élite dont font partie entre autres Marie-Antoinette et Ernest Hemingway. Pendant la partie, d'autres passionnés de chats et vous choisirez trois cartes à la fois, pour récupérer des jouets, de la...
Version: 1.79 APK - Updated: January 12, 2022
Survivez à l'apocalypse zombie avec un combat tour par tour et une mort permanente! Gérez les survivants, faites de dangereuses missions d'exploration, construisez des alliances, fabriquez vos équipements, prenez des décisions difficiles qui influencent l'histoire, défendez votre...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: January 10, 2022
Avertissement・Certaines scènes de ce jeu peuvent inclure du contenu gore.-----------Zelle - Aventure occulte -Zelle est un jeu d'aventure dans lequel vous pouvez explorer l'intérieur et l'extérieur d'un château tout en combattant des démons avec un système utilisant...
Version: 2.00 APK - Updated: January 10, 2022
Open the menu by clicking on the icon with a pallet of colors (found at top/left corner).Set an "ok" in all the color you want to display in your wheel. Clicking over a color switches it on/off.How to customize this wheel of colors:First of all, you should open the options menu using the...
Version: 1.0.8g APK - Updated: January 09, 2022
Version: 17 APK - Updated: January 08, 2022
JK・KIDSチームコラボのドッジボール!目標達成に向けてチームの結束を固め、どんな時も乗り切っていこう! ※課金は購入時のみ。アプリ内課金も広告表示も一切ありません。
Version: 3.1.0 APK - Updated: January 07, 2022
Zaman geçirilecek, kullanımı basit bir animasyon oyunu. Dilerseniz kendi rekorunuzu geçmek için oynayın, dilerseniz ufak bir kayıt işleminden sonra diğer insanlarla yarışın.Online sıralamada olanlar için bazı haftalarda yarışmalar düzenlenecektir. Sıralamada adınızı görmek...
Version: 2.6.2 APK - Updated: January 06, 2022
La course caméléon est un jeu de course automatique unique, rapide et corsé avec un petit plus coloré. Sautez, changez de couleur et courez dans des niveaux conçus avec expertise qui vous donneront envie d'y revenir.Votre but est de changer de couleur pour coller à celle du sol sur lequel...
Version: 2.26 APK - Updated: January 06, 2022
□ 게임 소개 □ ◈ 2020구글 인디게임페스티벌 TOP20 ◈ ◆ 방치형 우주선 키우기 게임!▷ 우주선의 함장이 되어 매력적인 여러 함선을 키워 보세요!▷ 우주를 이동하며 인류가 정착할 행성을 찾아보세요!▷ 숨겨진...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 04, 2022
Este elote se hizo para que lo disfrutes y siempre lo tengas contigo.Sirve para quitarte el hambre, tenerlo todos los dias, llevarlo contigo y da suerte porque este es el mejor elote para tu 2022 Elote x5
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 04, 2022
Tap the tiles and pop all of them one by one. Try different colored tiles. Enjoy
Version: 352.10 APK - Updated: January 03, 2022
Raise your shield. Embrace Lady Tallowmere's ever-changing dungeons. How far can you make it?FEATURES:• Action roguelike platformer• Randomly-generated rooms, each bigger than the last• Seven tiers of loot, ranging from Basic to Otherworldly• Single-player mode (use touchscreen,...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: December 30, 2021
Un jeu éducatif développé pour vous qui étudiez ou souhaitez commencer à étudier la musique, même pour ceux qui sont déjà musiciens.Un jeu amusant où l'objectif est de découvrir les notes de la portée, améliorant ainsi votre vitesse de lecture des notes de musique dans la...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: December 29, 2021
Vente d'automne : économisez 75 % sur The Sun: Origin !The Sun: Origin est un RPG d'action et de tir post-apocalyptique qui vous mettra au défi de survivre dans un monde dur et impitoyable. Explorez les terres désolées, construisez votre personnage et combattez pour votre vie contre des...
Version: 1.1.5g APK - Updated: December 27, 2021
Version: 3.4.0 APK - Updated: December 25, 2021
2021/12/31 이후 판매종료 예정입니다.이미 구매하신분은 이후에도 구매목록을 통해 재설치 가능하니 안심하세요.1. 기본 설명 미스테리 스릴러 비주얼 노벨로 이야기를 중심으로하는 컨텐츠입니다. 2. 스토리 추리소설 작가...
Version: 3.2.6 APK - Updated: December 23, 2021
Despite only being able to burn for 10 seconds, a little candle journeys into the darkness, with the purpose of seeking light.Candleman is a distinctive action adventure story entwined with low-light gameplay. Acting as a little candle who can burn for only 10 seconds, venture through an unsettling...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 23, 2021
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 23, 2021
Dear Adventurer, Once again your Uncle Henry is in need of your expertise to help locate a missing amulet that unlocks the 4th enchanted book you discovered. Over his travels he also discovered three enchanted books that transport you to the worlds written on their pages when using a special amulet...
Version: 1.12.5 APK - Updated: December 22, 2021
Lead German forces on the rise towards the East or defend mother Russia on the Soviet side. Choose the right tactic of warfare and earn your stripes as an ingenious Commander at the FROZEN FRONT!PLAY WITHOUT ADS!Experience mind-blowing World War 2 battles in the brilliant new military STRATEGY-sim...