Pioneers of New World

Pioneers of New World

Catan alternativa za več igralcev! Različni načini, turnirji in prilagoditve!

Doživite klasično družabno igro v okolju za več igralcev z razburljivimi novimi preobrati! Igrajte v različnih načinih, pridružite se tekmovalnim turnirjem in prilagodite svoje igranje za edinstveno izkušnjo. Izzovite prijatelje ali igralce po vsem svetu v strateških tekmah in se povzpnite na vrh na vrhunskih turnirjih. Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušen igralec ali šele spoznavate to priljubljeno alternativo družabnih iger, vam naša igra prinaša zabavo in strategijo na dosegu roke. Začnite svoje potovanje danes

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Pioneers of New World
Price: Free
Current Version:
Installs: 10
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: game.pioneers.ponw

What's New in Pioneers-of-New-World

    Welcome to Pioneers of New World! ? Dive into the ultimate board game experience, inspired by Settlers of Catan.
    Key Features:
    ?️ Strategy Gameplay: Trade, build, and expand your empire.
    ? Customization: Unlock skins for roads, cities, and settlements.
    ? Tournaments: Compete in Single Elimination, Knockout, Qualifier and Championship tournament modes.
    ? Multiplayer: Play with friends or challenge players worldwide.
    Download now and become a true pioneer! ?