God Simulator
Bli en herre av dødelige sjeler!
Decide who will be worthy of heaven or hell!
Make wise decisions!
- be careful that a worthy person goes to heaven, and a criminal goes to hell
- You can judge people by their actions and thoughts
- unlock the ability to determine the fate of pets!
Make wise decisions!
- be careful that a worthy person goes to heaven, and a criminal goes to hell
- You can judge people by their actions and thoughts
- unlock the ability to determine the fate of pets!
Download God Simulator 4 APK
Gjeldende Versjon: 4
Installerer: 100,000+
(5.0 out of 5)
Android 6.0+
Innholdsvurdering: Teen
Pakkenavn: hyper.god.simulator
What's New in God-Simulator 4
We've added lots of new features and characters! Check it out!