Guess the Hero for Dota 2

Guess the Hero for Dota 2

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Download Guess the Hero for Dota 2 2.3 APK

Guess the Hero for Dota 2 2.3
Fiyat: Free
Mevcut Sürüm: 2.3
Yükler: 100,000+
Derecelendirme Ortalaması: aggregate Rating (4.6 out of 5)
Derecelendirme Kullanıcıları: 8,646
Gereksinim: Android 2.3+
Içerik Derecelendirmesi: Everyone
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What's New in Guess-the-Hero-for-Dota-2 2.3

    - Updated Hero Spells
    - If I'm Missing some please comment or email me