International checkers game

International checkers game

Međunarodna igra provjere s mnogim značajkama i različitim vrstama pravila

International checkers game that includes rules of different countries :

- English Checkers
- Russian Checkers
- Brazilian Checkers
- International Cherckers

Features of the game :

- Play with friend
- Play with the robot
- Diferrents levels : Beginner, Midium, Hard, Very Hard, Professional
- Possibility to go backward and cancel the move

Download International checkers game 1.2.1 APK

International checkers game 1.2.1
Cijena: Free
Trenutna Verzija: 1.2.1
Instalacija: 5,000+
Prosjek Ocjene: aggregate Rating (4.2 out of 5)
Korisnici Ocjenjivanja: 27
Zahtjevi: Android 2.2+
Ocjena Sadržaja: Everyone
Naziv Paketa: com.broukdev.checkersinternational