IQ Mission

IQ Mission


***在App Store的董事會和益智遊戲類別中的50多個國家 /地區的最高1 ***!全球超過1,500,000名玩家!{#} {#}在特殊模式下,我們招募您成為特工。你會擔任這份工作嗎?您的第一個任務是代碼為智商。參觀八個城市,解決那裡遇到的難題。要完成每個任務,您將獲得地圖的一部分。我們可靠的消息來源報告說,只有完整的地圖才能揭示地球能量的秘密來源所在的位置。只有您才能遇到這個挑戰!{#} {#}您的任務詳細信息{#} - 8個城市:Luxor,Monte Carlo,Antwerp,Antwerp,Rapa Nui,Marrakech,Paris,Paris,Paris,Beijing,北京Ricco,Aaron Goldbaum,Uru Kenu,Mohamed Ben Karim,Colette,Colette,Lin Zi,Bob Atkins {#} - 8種邏輯遊戲{#} - 128個不同級別的難度{#} - 20個成就賺取{# } - 和#} - 和1個最後一場遊戲(任務目標){#} {#} live,nive and do die!{#} {#}*機密材料- 僅對您的眼睛。{#} { #}最好的手機遊戲是使我們的人感到聰明,在短時間內易於玩,看起來比文藝復興時期的繪畫更好。美味工廠的智商任務就是這樣的遊戲...

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Download IQ Mission 1.3 APK

IQ Mission 1.3
價格: $1.10 Free
當前版本: 1.3
安裝: 500,000 - 1,000,000
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.2 out of 5)
評級用戶: 2,794
要求: Android 2.3+
內容等級: Everyone
軟件包名稱: com.YummyFactory.IQMission

What's New in IQ-Mission 1.3

    Thank you for your feedback.
    We realize that the game is difficult and that some puzzles are hard for you to solve. We've read all your feedback and we would like to assure you that all the 128 levels have their solutions. There are no errors or bugs. From now it will not be a problem - we have prepared a hint mode to facilitate. Now, you can buy keys with a hint, and then use them, but it's not necessary to solve the puzzles. You can use them or not. The choice is yours.
    It’s time to update!