Moto Traffic Race 2
Izzivajte svoje prijatelje v moto prometni dirki 2!
Moto Traffic Race 2 : Multiplayer je ena najboljših dirkalnih iger. Zabavajte se z izogibanjem avtomobilov in tovornjakov, medtem ko pospešite do meje.
NADGRADNJA!!! Tekmujte se proti svojim prijateljem v novem MULTIPLAYER MODE !!!
Tekmujte v izjemnih izzivih in poskušajte zaslužiti spoštovanje kolesarjev.
Vzemite kolo in dirko proti vsem v petih različnih igrah ... dneve ali ponoči!
V novem MULTIPLAYER MODE lahko svojim prijateljem pošljete izziv ali vodite hiter tek proti vrednemu nasprotniku.
Uživajte v dirki in delite rezultat v različnih družbenih mrežah. Kupite sodobna visokotehnološka kolesa ali klasična kolesa in jih delite tudi!
Uživajte v zabavah vožnje najbolj neverjetnih modelov koles na svetu. Lahko dobite nekaj običajnih koles ali celo nekaj starejših klasikov. Pridobite najboljše kolo denar lahko kupite in premagali vsakogar v tej neverjetni igri za kolesarske dirke.
Kaj čakaš? Prenesite Moto Traffic Race 2 zdaj!
- 5 načinov igre, vključno z 2 načini več igralcev
- Več kot 10 koles
- 5 voznikov
- Velika 3D grafika
- Neverjetna glasba
- Beskrajna zabava!
Moto Traffic Race 2: Multiplayer is one of the best racing games. Have fun dodging cars and trucks while you speed up to the limit.
UPDATE!!! Race against your friends in the new MULTIPLAYER MODE!!!
Race in outstanding Face-Offs and try to earn the respect of your fellow bikers.
Take your bike and race against everyone in 5 different game modes… day or night!
In the new MULTIPLAYER MODE you can send your friends a challenge or run a quick race against a worthy adversary.
Enjoy the race and share the result in different social networks. Buy either modern high tech bikes or classic bikes and share them too!
Enjoy the fun of driving the most amazing bike models in the world. You can get some custom bikes or even some older classics. Get the best bike money can buy and beat everyone in this amazing bike racing game.
What are you waiting for? Download Moto Traffic Race 2 now!
- 5 game modes, including 2 Multiplayer modes
- Over 10 bikes
- 5 Drivers
- Great 3D graphics
- Awesome music
- Endless fun!
NADGRADNJA!!! Tekmujte se proti svojim prijateljem v novem MULTIPLAYER MODE !!!
Tekmujte v izjemnih izzivih in poskušajte zaslužiti spoštovanje kolesarjev.
Vzemite kolo in dirko proti vsem v petih različnih igrah ... dneve ali ponoči!
V novem MULTIPLAYER MODE lahko svojim prijateljem pošljete izziv ali vodite hiter tek proti vrednemu nasprotniku.
Uživajte v dirki in delite rezultat v različnih družbenih mrežah. Kupite sodobna visokotehnološka kolesa ali klasična kolesa in jih delite tudi!
Uživajte v zabavah vožnje najbolj neverjetnih modelov koles na svetu. Lahko dobite nekaj običajnih koles ali celo nekaj starejših klasikov. Pridobite najboljše kolo denar lahko kupite in premagali vsakogar v tej neverjetni igri za kolesarske dirke.
Kaj čakaš? Prenesite Moto Traffic Race 2 zdaj!
- 5 načinov igre, vključno z 2 načini več igralcev
- Več kot 10 koles
- 5 voznikov
- Velika 3D grafika
- Neverjetna glasba
- Beskrajna zabava!
Moto Traffic Race 2: Multiplayer is one of the best racing games. Have fun dodging cars and trucks while you speed up to the limit.
UPDATE!!! Race against your friends in the new MULTIPLAYER MODE!!!
Race in outstanding Face-Offs and try to earn the respect of your fellow bikers.
Take your bike and race against everyone in 5 different game modes… day or night!
In the new MULTIPLAYER MODE you can send your friends a challenge or run a quick race against a worthy adversary.
Enjoy the race and share the result in different social networks. Buy either modern high tech bikes or classic bikes and share them too!
Enjoy the fun of driving the most amazing bike models in the world. You can get some custom bikes or even some older classics. Get the best bike money can buy and beat everyone in this amazing bike racing game.
What are you waiting for? Download Moto Traffic Race 2 now!
- 5 game modes, including 2 Multiplayer modes
- Over 10 bikes
- 5 Drivers
- Great 3D graphics
- Awesome music
- Endless fun!
Download Moto Traffic Race 2 1.25.01 APK
Current Version: 1.25.01
Installs: 10000000
Rating average:
(3.9 out of 5)

Rating users:
Android 4.4+
Content Rating: Teen
Package name: com.extremefungames.mototrafficrace2