Neighbor - Five Nights

Neighbor - Five Nights

Heighbor meg akar találni!

Your neighbor is hiding something terrible and you managed to solve his secret,
however, night falls and the neighbor happens to lock you in his house.
You must do everything possible so that he does not find you.

Gameplay Guide:
At your disposal is a battery that powers the electric doors,
lamps and camcorders controller.
You must distribute electricity manner and prevent your neighbor from reaching you.

Good luck my friend!

Download Neighbor - Five Nights 1.2 APK

Neighbor - Five Nights 1.2
Ár: Free
Aktuális Változat: 1.2
Telepítés: 500,000+
Értékelési Átlag: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Követelmény: Android 4.4+
Tartalom Besorolás: Teen
Csomagnév: com.PokaifuGames.Neighbor.FiveNights

What's New in Neighbor-Five-Nights 1.2

    *** REMOVED INTERPAGE ADVERTISING during gameplay ***
    *** now you can adjust the position of the advertising BANNER yourself if it bothers you! ***
    >>> fixed bug with moving neighbor <<<
    >>> neybor no longer stays in one place for a long time <<<
    >>> added item "How to play?" with an explanation of the gameplay <<<
    >>> fixed a bug with the attack of the neybor through the door <<<
    >>> now the battery does not run out as quickly as before <<<