Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 10, 2017
Suvi on siin! Kas saate selle läbi ellu jääda? , mu saatus ripub lõimega. Ülemaailmne pandeemia on mu lastest läbi pühkinud, ajanud nad mu omaks või võttis elu. See on sünnitanud muteerunud hiiglasliku vermiini, mille hävitavad insticid rebivad minu sisekülge. Kuid inimkond on visad....
Version: 4.3 APK - Updated: January 10, 2017
Go Pro - ilma reklaamideta: köitke oma töömälu N -Back Gameiga! { #} Mängijale on esitatud stiimulite jada (visuaalne ja heli) ning ülesanne koosneb näidata, millal praegune stiimul vastab N -sammult varem...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 10, 2017
아이들을 위한 퍼즐 게임아이들의 집중력과 창의력을 길러주세요!*특징-쉽고 간단한 조작법-딩동이가 등장하는 귀여운 일러스트-조각들을 이용한 다양한 동물 만들기----개발자 연락처 :경기도 수원시 영통구 광교중앙로49번길...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: January 09, 2017
Money Flow Challenge võitis Soome mänguauhindade 2016. aasta galas parimad rakendusauhinnad. Money Flow Challenge on mõeldud üle 15 -aastastele inimestele. See pakub täiesti uut ja lõbusat viisi raha haldamisega seotud kõige olulisemate probleemide õppimiseks. Mängides saate teada -...
Version: 1.74 APK - Updated: January 09, 2017
Create and destroy galaxies with your fingertips. Arashi allows players to take control of particles by touching the screen of the phone.Enjoy the colorful images Arashi can create and play with your friends! Arashi supports up to fifteen touch points!---Start Arashi, and watch the screen as Arashi...
Version: 5.01 APK - Updated: January 09, 2017
Nüüd on reaalajas mitme mängijaga väljakutse oma sõpradele ja inimestele kogu maailmas meie vingete režiimidega! Koguge münte, põgenege zombidest või muutuge zombideks ja jahtige teisi mängijaid. Nüüd saate vaadata meie uut lipu režiimi! stunt Car Racing Premium on põnev vabalt...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 09, 2017
A new official Shaun the Sheep game from Aardman Animations.Ever wondered what it would be like to fling a sheep out of a HUGE pair of underpants? Of course you have!Sheep Stack is the new game from Shaun the Sheep, where flying by the seat of your pants has never been so much fun! Using a pair of...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: January 07, 2017
Mängige kahe tehisintellekti mängija vastu kolme mängijaga Pinochle. Rakendusel on kõik tõelise mängu komponendid, sealhulgas segamine, tegemine, pakkumine, sulatamine, trikkmäng ja punktiarvestus. Mängu konfigureerimiseks üle 30 võimaluse, sealhulgas MELD -punktid, trikkpunktid,...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 07, 2017
Liigutage malelaua rüütel vastavalt malereeglitele, nii et rüütel külastab ainult üks kord. tahvlid erineva suurusega (5x5 kuni 8x8 ja 10x10). ilma reklaamideta.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 07, 2017
This is an unique word search game, you will provide the scrambled letters needs to make them different possible words. The words should starts from 3, 4, 5 and 6 letter once you create the word needs to press submit button then you can see whether your word is correct or not. If it is correct then...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
***FREE*** 23rd-30th Zombie Fortress : Ice Age ProA Zombie Plague is sweeping across the Jurassic island, can you citizen help the human survivors against the dead. Can you survive yourself? Become the ultimate hunter, there’s a fortress made from an older settlement, find and pick up other...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
A Zombie Plague is sweeping across the Jurassic island, can you citizen help the human survivors against the dead. Can you survive yourself? Become the ultimate hunter, there’s a fortress made from an older settlement, find and pick up other survivors in your 4x4 jeep while looking for...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
A Zombie Plague is sweeping across the Jurassic island, can you citizen help the human survivors against the dead. Can you survive yourself? Become the ultimate hunter, there’s a fortress made from an older settlement, find and pick up other survivors in your 4x4 jeep while looking for...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
You are...ARCHER E. BOWMAN, Rampart Hero! Take to the wall with your trusty bow and defend the kingdom from beastly hordes! It was supposed to be a quiet day on the wall - will you survive the onslaught? Unlock magic arrows such as the BOOM-Stick & the Shocker! Teach your enemies a lesson...
Version: APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
Kõik uisutamine teie käe peopesas , mille uisutajad uisutajad on kujundanud Võimas ja intuitiivne juhtimine Kasutage sõrmede ja lauda otse juhtimiseks sõrmi. Juhtimisseadmed on hoolikalt loodud selleks, et esile tõsta kõige lõbusamaid ja olulisemaid uisutamisel, keskendudes suurele nihke...
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
Clown Horror Nights on koomiksistiili hüppehirmustusmäng. Sa said tsirkuses uue töö. Teid on määratud öövahetuses. Teie ülesanne on jälgida kaameraid, et veenduda, et miski pole valesti. Varsti leiate, et lahti on psühhootiline kloun. õudus märksõnad: õudusmäng, kloun, öö, ...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
Kas teil on seda, mida on vaja jäähoki väravavahi superstaariks? Padjadele rihmale rihmaks, kas see on võrk ja peatage mõned litrid? Tere tulemast virtuaalse väravavahi, südamepumba juurde, adrenaliiniga Rushin, refleksitstiin, kiire tempoga jäähoki väravavahtide mäng. -väljakutse end...
Version: 8.1 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
See on lukkude usutav simulaator. Erineva keerukusega lukkude avamine tunnete end tõelise vargana;) mängus on 6 asukohta: kuurid, muuseumid, pangad jne. Iga asukoht koosneb 9 tasemest, millest igaüks sisaldab väärtuslikku eset. Pärast kõigi tasandite läbimist kogute ainulaadse...
Version: 3.27 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Elysium 3 (COE3) vallutamine on sujuv pöördepõhine fantaasia strateegiamäng, millel on puudulik petturitaoline ja sarja sarja keeruka alatooniga, mille on välja töötanud ka Illwinter Game disain. Kuigi COE3 näib olevat lihtne mäng, mille esmapilgul on piiratud, paljastab mängu veelgi...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
This is new, digital life of classic board game!Letter'o'tron will make your game experience amazing because of such features as:• try unique self-learning shared dictionary, you will (almost) never put right word, what is unknown by the game• play with friends anywhere, anytime with...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Lennusimulaator 0 on lendamise tunne. Juhtige lennukit abstraktse maastiku kohal, kallutades lihtsalt nutitelefoni või tahvelarvutit. 26 rada ootab avastamist, mõned neist asusid maaliliselt kristallselgete järvede kallastel, teised peidetud raseerimis-teravate polügoonide vahele. Lihtsalt...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Compete against the device or a friend in a stirring round of 9 holes/cards. The lowest score wins! To begin, tap to reveal two cards of your choice in your grouping of 9 cards. On each subsequent turn, choose either the top card off the discard pile or the deck. Replace any card in your...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Simple and interesting pastime. Play and learn simultaneously! With the completion of the levels you unlock information on one of the Solar System’s Objects in the Gallery. The task: lay stones to complete the board within the time limit, if necessary, by using wildcard element.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 04, 2017
Leidke! on lihtne, kuid sõltuvust tekitav mäng. Eesmärk on leida Heidi - meie värvikas CAT -logo - igal taustal nii kiiresti kui võimalik. Kui olete ta leidnud, liigub Shell uude asukohta uuel taustal ja peate ta uuesti leidma. heli on liiga lihtne? Leidke! Sisaldab viit raskust, ulatudes...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 03, 2017
Kunagi ärge sõitke seda lauamängu haarama uuesti koju. Mängusõnade generaator paneb lauamängu taskusse; sinuga kogu aeg. Tegin selle rakenduse, kui sain teada, et mõne oma lemmikmängu jaoks pole hõlbus moodustada sõnade nimekirja. Ma tahtsin mängida sõnastikku ja Charades, kuid mul...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: January 03, 2017
Memorize dozens of airplane pictures in Kids Airplane Matching Game; a classic board game that helps develop children’s memory skills. It has been scientifically proven that regular memory exercise for children can greatly improve a child’s memory. Kids Airplane Matching Game is an educational...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 03, 2017
Full version "Spider Solitaire". Available 1000 coins.Take a break from everyday routine with the exciting "Spider Solitaire". Spider Solitaire is the best solitaire game. The best card game.- Enjoy the beautiful animations that we have prepared specially for you.- Use the...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: January 02, 2017
Trova le parole nascoste tra le lettere. Ci sono diverse categorie e per ogni categoria da 10 a 30 parole da trovare. Divertiti e scopri quanto sei bravo.Al momento sono presenti sette categorie con da 10 a 20 parole ognuna con cui poterti divertire a trovare le parole nascoste tra le lettere.Una...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: January 02, 2017
"Emojistry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 11 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 31, 2016
* A first person shooter adventure in VR for Google Cardboard.* 2072 A.D. Eden-4 the last planet from Escila system was choosen by energy corporations to despoil its resources. After being forsaken it became a savage land ruled by pirates and mercenaries.* You are in the most dangerous place of...