Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas

Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
Klaunu šausmu vakari ir multfilmas stila lēciena skandāla šausmu spēle. Jūs saņēmāt jaunu darbu cirkā. Jūs esat iecelts nakts maiņā. Jūsu uzdevums ir uzraudzīt kameras, lai pārliecinātos, ka nekas nav kārtībā. Drīz atklāsit, ka uz brīvajiem ir psihotisks klauns. šausmu ...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
Vai jums ir tas, kas nepieciešams, lai būtu hokeja vārtsarga superzvaigzne? Lai piespraustos uz spilventiņiem, cilvēku tīklā un apturiet dažas ripas? Laipni lūdzam virtuālajā vārtsargā, sirds sūknīnā, adrenalīna rushin, refleksa testinā, ātrdarbīgā hokeja vārtsarga spēle. ...
Version: 8.1 APK - Updated: January 06, 2017
Tas ir ticams slēdzeņu simulators. Atverot dažādas sarežģītības slēdzenes, jūs jutīsities kā īsts zaglis;) Spēlē ir 6 vietas: nojumes, muzeji, bankas utt. Katra vieta sastāv no 9 līmeņiem, no kurām katra satur vērtīgu priekšmetu. Pēc visiem līmeņiem jūs savācat unikālu...
Version: 3.27 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Elysium 3 (COE3) iekarošana ir pilnveidota fantāzijas stratēģijas spēle ar negodīgu līdzīgu un sarežģītu Dominion Series pieskārienu, kuru izstrādā arī Illwinter Game dizains. Kaut arī Coe3 šķiet vienkārša spēle ar ierobežotām iespējām Pirmajā skatienā,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
This is new, digital life of classic board game!Letter'o'tron will make your game experience amazing because of such features as:• try unique self-learning shared dictionary, you will (almost) never put right word, what is unknown by the game• play with friends anywhere, anytime with...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
flight simulator 0 is all about the feeling of flying. steer a plane over an abstract landscape by simply tilting your smartphone or tablet. 26 runways wait to be discovered, some of them picturesquely located on the shores of crystal clear lakes, others well hidden between razor-sharp polygons....
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Compete against the device or a friend in a stirring round of 9 holes/cards. The lowest score wins! To begin, tap to reveal two cards of your choice in your grouping of 9 cards. On each subsequent turn, choose either the top card off the discard pile or the deck. Replace any card in your...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: January 05, 2017
Simple and interesting pastime. Play and learn simultaneously! With the completion of the levels you unlock information on one of the Solar System’s Objects in the Gallery. The task: lay stones to complete the board within the time limit, if necessary, by using wildcard element.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 04, 2017
atradu! ir vienkārša, bet atkarību izraisoša spēle. Mērķis ir atrast Heidi - mūsu krāsaino kaķu logotipu - uz katra fona, cik ātri vien iespējams. Kad esat viņu atradis, čaumala pāriet uz jaunu vietu uz jauna fona, un jums viņa būs jāatrod vēlreiz. Skaņas pārāk viegli?...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 03, 2017
Nekad nebrauciet mājās 'reāli ātri', lai greiferstu šo galda spēli. Spēle Word Generator ieliek galda spēli jūsu kabatā; vienmēr ar tevi. Es izveidoju šo pieteikumu, kad uzzināju, ka nav vienkāršs veids, kā nākt klajā ar vārdu sarakstu dažām manām iecienītākajām...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: January 03, 2017
Memorize dozens of airplane pictures in Kids Airplane Matching Game; a classic board game that helps develop children’s memory skills. It has been scientifically proven that regular memory exercise for children can greatly improve a child’s memory. Kids Airplane Matching Game is an educational...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 03, 2017
Full version "Spider Solitaire". Available 1000 coins.Take a break from everyday routine with the exciting "Spider Solitaire". Spider Solitaire is the best solitaire game. The best card game.- Enjoy the beautiful animations that we have prepared specially for you.- Use the...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: January 02, 2017
Trova le parole nascoste tra le lettere. Ci sono diverse categorie e per ogni categoria da 10 a 30 parole da trovare. Divertiti e scopri quanto sei bravo.Al momento sono presenti sette categorie con da 10 a 20 parole ognuna con cui poterti divertire a trovare le parole nascoste tra le lettere.Una...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: January 02, 2017
"Emojistry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 11 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 31, 2016
* A first person shooter adventure in VR for Google Cardboard.* 2072 A.D. Eden-4 the last planet from Escila system was choosen by energy corporations to despoil its resources. After being forsaken it became a savage land ruled by pirates and mercenaries.* You are in the most dangerous place of...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 31, 2016
Die verrückte Kuh versucht Ski Laufen zu lernen. Hilf der Kuh dabei soviele goldene Sterne wie möglich zu sammeln ohne gegen ein Hinderniss zu stoßen.Bewege die Ski laufende Kuh nach rechts und links und springe um an die höheren Sterne zu gelangen und die Hindernisse zu...
Version: 1.35 APK - Updated: December 31, 2016
Atbalsta valoda: angļu, japāņu, ķīniešuFaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/witchspring2/Šis ir stāsts par Lunu, Mēness gaismas raganu, kad viņa dodas pasaulē.Witch Spring 2 ir stāstu balstīta vienas spēles simulācijas lomu spēlekas neprasa papildu pirkumu spēles laikā.Vāciet...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: December 30, 2016
Nozagt svešzemju pilnvaras un apgūt viņu atmiņās! Vai jūs varat pārdzīvot jūsu pretinieki, lai izvairītos no planētas Versus?"VERSUS: The Lost Ones" ir aizraujošs 123000-vārds interaktīvs romāns, pirmais jaunā sērija, ko Zachary Sergi, autors mūsu vislabāk pārdoto...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 30, 2016
Drag the frog for removing all the tiles, and navigate to the destination.If entered the wrong way, you can do it again by reload button.Using items will help you find your way.You can replay when the road was already passed any time.You can preview future road.-----@ Items - Back Jump : With this...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 29, 2016
This game is a good pool physics trainer for kids of all ages. It is very funny to play and easy to learn. There are five different games and the goal is to put all the balls in the holes.Features:-Realistic pool billiard simulation-Hours of funny gameplay-Ideal for all child's-5 different...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 29, 2016
Mixed Up Words is a very cool word game for the whole family. The object is simple. Rearrange the letters in each column to unscramble each of the five secret words. Just because you make a word does not mean it's one of the five secret words.Once you have a correct word it will get locked down...
Version: 1.0.39 APK - Updated: December 29, 2016
Prasa pievienotu joypad vai tastatūru, lai spēlēt (Bluetooth vai USB vadu).Immersive VR spēle, kas sastāv no četrām galvenajām spēļu veidiem, kas saņem arvien grūtāk kā misijas gaitu. Vai jums ir prasmes, lai atbloķētu visas 100 misijas vārtus?25 x dogfighting apkārt kaujas.25 x...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 29, 2016
Tas ir mīļākie RightStart ™ math spēle, mīlēja ar bērniem visā pasaulē!Spēles mērķis ir saskaņot divas kārtis, kas ir vienādi 10. Ir 29 pāri kartes, izmantojot skaitļus no 1 līdz 9 un trīs līmeņu grūtībās.Spēle sākas ar piecām kārtīm uz apakšējā rindā....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 29, 2016
The Great Vortex - Extreme Hard Cyclone Spinning Arcade action! Starts Very Hard... Gets Even Harder... Ends Extreme Hard...In this game you need to see how long you can stay alive in the rotating vortex. Sounds very simple? Just move your space ship with touching left and right the screen to go...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 28, 2016
* Operētājsistēma Android 8.0 netiek atbalstīta atpalicības dēļ.Pagātnē cilvēce lepojās ar tās izveidotās tehnoloģiskās civilizācijas labklājību. Bet tas viss beidzās ar iznīcību...Tomēr tagad, daudzus gadus pēc tā laika, pasaule atkal ir ieguvusi pieticīgu mieru...Ienāk...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: December 28, 2016
WARNING: Some users may find the content of this game offensive, violent, disturbing and may too intense for some audiences.Welcome to My Sinister Memories where children’s tales offer up some of the most disturbing experiences of terror, revenge and horrific events imaginable. From the creators...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: December 27, 2016
Chess Games European Tournaments has leading 2016 chess tournaments in cities of Leon, and Bilbao in Spain, and Russian tournaments.All chess schaken from the genius chess masters of today's generation playable in your phone or tablet. Enjoy xadrez.Includes some Magnus Carlsen games and also...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 27, 2016
FREE Version:- 3 Levels "Easy Mode"- 1 Level "Drug Mode"- no highscore boardFULL (Paid) Version:- 9 Levels "Easy Mode"- 9 Levels "Drug Mode"- including highscore boardEasy Mode:BreakOut in arcade style. Classical gameplay. Drug Mode:BreakOut in hard...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2016
VRarcing is a racing simulation game, you can choose from 3 circuits (with 2 season , for a total of 6 maps), after plugging the phone to the joypad and VR viewer, you will be in a new exciting race! Winter and day&night coming soon.JoyPad and VR viewer required
Version: 4.0.1 APK - Updated: December 26, 2016
Discover “Cricket Kids”, Slim Cricket’s line of educational products for children under 7.-----FunEducationalApps.com : It's a value pack of activities that are all geared toward improving those critical readiness skills that form the foundation of learning.GeeksWithJunior.com : It's...