Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.047 APK - Updated: November 18, 2016
Астуджальная новая гульня-галаваломкі, якая адзначае 10 гадоў Dexter і паказваючы галасы Джэймса Рэмара (Гары Морган). Толькі будзьце ўважлівыя, дзе вы кладзеце...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: November 18, 2016
Сардэчна запрашаем у Auto Dealership Tycoon!Auto Dealership Магнат паварот магнат гульня, заснаваная, у якой вы валодаеце, і кіраваць сваім уласным аўтасалона.Сачы задаволенасці...
Version: 3.3.3 APK - Updated: November 18, 2016
Трохкутнік ... трохкутнік ... трохкутнік 5/5 - Touch Arcade yankais Triangle - гэта любоўны ліст да трохкутнікаў. Дзівосная гульня -галаваломкі пра прыгажосць і радасць бясконца...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 18, 2016
бясплатная версія абявы! Вы хворы на звычайныя выявы ў сваіх профілях у сацыяльных медыя? Стварыце свой уласны мультфільм -персанаж і будзьце тым, хто мае самы...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: November 17, 2016
The cute popular MiniMo monsters from MiniMo Town are back. Now you can bake with them. MiniMo Bakery is a game of fun and learning for children (4-8 years), where you lay the foundation for baking. In the kitchen you of course have the cute MiniMo Monster to help you out in making great cakes....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 16, 2016
You are either a boy or a girl (the game allows to choose at the start) who has to enter the walled city of Antescher in order to rescue their significant other who has been captured and tied up somewhere in the city. The city is inhabited by giant ants which chase and attempt to bite you. You can...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: November 16, 2016
Збівайце свае высокія балы і спаборнічайце з сябрамі, перажыўшы прыступ, які паступае ў свінню!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 15, 2016
This is an kind of snooker board game where you can feel like an original playing match with varieties of sounds also its designed look and feel like an video game.
Version: 1.0.01 APK - Updated: November 15, 2016
IT WAS JUST A COMMON DAY.THE WORLD IS OVER.ONE BIRD SURVIVED..AND HE WANTS TO FIND SOMEONE STILL ALIVE..It's easy and intuitive to play.The bird flies to right and left avoiding abstracts. Save his friends' soul and head to the exit. There are super difficult stages waiting for you...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 15, 2016
If you ran for President, would you win? In this game you will run for president against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election with this full 50-state election simulator. Run your campaign your way. Make speeches, advertise, tell people what you think about the most...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 15, 2016
Hi, little architect! Do you like to design and build extraordinary constructions? Let’s create a beautiful virtual world! Each level is your playground – build whatever you want. Nothing is predetermined! Everything goes by your rules.What are you waiting for? Go to the construction site,...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 14, 2016
The Ad free version!Smart Kids Games offers you to take a fascinating journey with a new games about cars for toddlers Cars Adventure. Cars are very busy, each has a work to do: the fire needs to be put out, houses need to be build, citizens need to be taken from the airport and ice-cream should be...
Version: 1.6.8 APK - Updated: November 14, 2016
Сваніце вочы на пышных колерах і варяцкіх калекцыях садавіны, цукерак, кветак, цацак, каляровых алоўкаў, фарбы, інструментаў і макіяжу. Што агульнага ў гэтым...
Version: 1.8.114 APK - Updated: November 14, 2016
Cloudy and cold with a chance of warfare! Conquer and reclaim your throne as the Cloud King.In this addictive Real Time Strategy game, the clouds are at war. Clouds have different power, based on their weather conditions.Your goal is to insurrect the other clouds and claim control of the skies!Now...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: November 14, 2016
iBash Cars 2 is a new and improved version of the iBash Cars app. It introduces the 3d element of game play. Using your fingertips to smash a vehicle to bits has never been more fun!Featuring:- Unlock-able levels- All New Content- Particle fire and explosion effects
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: November 13, 2016
Ты можешь быть программистом или геймером, но можешь ли ты стать задротом?Наш симулятор именно для вас!Начинай "тащить деньги у мамы", ведь каждый задрот...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: November 13, 2016
Want to play some pinball? How about breakout or invaders? Why not everything at once?Did you think phone games were all easy, watered down casual pastimes? Guess again! Pinspace Pixelball is a challenging and rewarding retro mashup of oldschool arcade games, with a high level of difficulty for old...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 13, 2016
Вы апынуліся ў пастцы ў самай бяспечнай турме ў свеце. Выбрацца немагчыма. Ваш план - выйсці з турмы, каб пазбегнуць. Такім чынам, вы робіце выгляд, што будзеце...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 13, 2016
Ваша дзіця будзе любіць практыкаваць свае матэматычныя навыкі 2 класа з гэтай вясёлай і прывабнай гульнёй. Наш падыход да навучання, заснаваны на гульні, прымушае...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: November 11, 2016
All kids love playing with balloons!Let your child inflate and burst balloons and learn numbers at the same timeVery simple rules: - Tap the screen to create a balloon. - Tap on a balloon to inflate it - Drag them together to create words - Burst them individually or all at once There are no...
Version: 0.981 APK - Updated: November 11, 2016
Сардэчна запрашаем у Elevenses для аднаго - картачная гульня пасьянс для аднаго гульца, які павінен загрузіць яе чай Каляска з усімі рыштунку, неабходных для пышнага...
Version: 1.0.31 APK - Updated: November 11, 2016
Piczle Lines Jr. is a child-safe incarnation of the popular and classic Piczle Lines logic-puzzle game. 100 colourful logic-puzzles for everybody age 5 to 555!- NO internet connection required to play!- NO log-in required or requested!- NO advertisements!- NO in-app purchases!-...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 11, 2016
Усе дзеці любяць цягнікі! Гэта класічная гульня Choo Choo. Ідучы да месца, якое вы пастукалі. Вы можаце праверыць гэта дадатак, перш чым купляць, усталяваўшы яго...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: November 11, 2016
Практыка выбірайце пары відэа -покера (таксама вядомы як Picture Poker) з гэтым рэалістычным трэнажорам гульняў у казіно. Перайдзіце ў дом, які гуляе з 3 шчодрымі...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 11, 2016
Celebrate holidays by playing this Holiday themed strategy board game of Mahjong Solitaire. Your task in the game is to match identical tiles and clear the board. The tiles contain colorful holiday themed art, and there's even additional set to chose from. Keep track the number of wins and the...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2016
Test your mental agility and reaction time with Shape On, the exciting shape sorting Game.Get the shapes into the correct order before they reach their corresponding holes in the center of the screen.The speed and the number of shapes steadily increase as the game progresses. Can you handle it?
Version: 1.1.2g APK - Updated: November 10, 2016
Прапаноўваючы унікальную гісторыю, прыгожа аказаную свету, класічную сістэму бою і дынамічны рост як для зброі, так і для персанажаў, бясконца #} Аднойчы,...
Version: 1.1.0g APK - Updated: November 10, 2016
* Android 8.0 не падтрымліваецца з-за ўзнікнення затрымкі.СПЕЦЫЯЛЬНАЯ ЦАНА 40% ЗНІЖКА (USD 4,99 -> USD 2,99)!!!Зменіце свой лёс у свеце на мяжы вымірання! Касмічная фэнтэзі...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2016
Кожны, хто хоча звярнуць увагу на сацыяльную адукацыю з дзецьмі (з 2-3 гадоў), можа выкарыстоўваць прыкладанне Virtenspel. Апісанні цнотаў на картках цноты дапамагаюць...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: November 10, 2016
*** Гульня ў цяперашні час не працуе на Android 7 ці 8 - мы гэта выпраўляем! *** Праверце сваю сітуацыйную дасведчанасць і навыкі кіравання ў гэтай простай, але цяжка...