Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: October 21, 2016
Mokslininkai norėjo įvertinti šimpanzių intelektą ir darbinę atmintį ir sukūrė specialų beždžionių žaidimą. Jį galite pamatyti šiame vaizdo įraše .„Fanpage“ programos bendruomenė: Aš jums atnešiu išmaniojo telefono ir...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 20, 2016
Kids ABC Tracing, Learning and Writing is ad free alphabet app for kids. This ABCD character for toddlers all the way to preschoolers and kindergarten AD Free Game.📝 Best Alphabet tracing Game. 📝Kids can learn while playing with your mobile. Many parents are worried because their kids...
Version: 1.3.12 APK - Updated: October 20, 2016
„Dreamsky Games“, tiesiog būkite laimingi! „Lost Keveake“ yra dėlionės žaidimas, kuriame gyvename kosmoso tyrinėjimas, mes gavome: 2015 „Indieplay“ geriausia mobiliųjų žaidimų nominacija 2014 įsivaizduokite taurės apdovanojimą Kinijoje 2014 -ųjų Numatomas id @ xbox...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 20, 2016
Карточки для разностороннего развития малышей. Позволяют ребенку изучить многообразие насекомых и познакомиться с их названиями. Развивающие карточки содержат...
Version: 1.1.72 APK - Updated: October 20, 2016
Check the trailer ! STARS is a sci-fi rpg shooter set in a procedurally generated infinite universe.This game puts great emphasis on exploration. By studying different kinds of life forms and technologies you will be able to learn new skills and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 20, 2016
10 Block GO! is a classic block clear puzzle game.No time limit, No complex rule.Just drop blocks to clear a row or column in a 10x10 block area.It is suitable for all age players, prevent dementia.Even rule is simply, but hard to gain high score!Build in Google Play Game Service,Let you compete...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: October 19, 2016
Alma and Anker explore the Little Village Farm is an educational platform with free play for the youngest boys and girls from nursery to preschool (1-4-year-olds). No text and no in-app purchases and 100% safe for children.Explore the farm where you can: • Feed the horse • Shear sheep •...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 19, 2016
Builds vocabulary and reading comprehension skills!ThinkAnalogy™ Puzzles is a fun, engaging app that helps students truly understand the basis of an analogy. These activities develop razor-sharp analogy, vocabulary, word analysis, and comprehension skills for the highest academic and test...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 18, 2016
Treniruok savo darbinę atmintį naudodami šią naują „N-Back“ žaidimo versiją, siūlančią vaizdo atpažinimą! . Žaidėjui pateikiama dirgiklių (vaizdinių ir garso) seka, o užduotis susideda iš nurodymo, kada dabartinis dirgiklis sutampa vienas iš n žingsnių anksčiau iš...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 18, 2016
Story:You wake up in a desert cemetery one night. You don't remember how you got here, but something feels wrong about the place.The ground begins to shake and you suddenly find yourself in a fight for your life against a swarm of deadly monsters.How long can you survive this night of...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 17, 2016
Jūs einate į darbą traukiniu, tačiau pakeliui nutinka keistų dalykų: traukinys sustoja, rožinis rūkas pasirodo lauke, o žmogus, kuris išėjo iš traukinio, iškart miršta. Pagrindiniai veikėjai pasirodė užrakinti traukinyje be jokių įkalčių apie tai, kas vyksta ... Pasirinkite,...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: October 17, 2016
Play the best Strategy cardgame ever!Stratego® Official Battle Cards from Jumbo is all about good tactics, strategy and cold hard bluff, a combination of chess and poker. The Strategy battle game that has been played by millions of card and board game players and is now available for your Android...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 17, 2016
Real piano has come! When you play real piano, you and your childs will have fun and learn how to play piano and the other instruments at the same time. Through six different instruments you will gain different experiences. Your childs will learn how to play piano with playing the songs in this...
Version: 1.9.17 APK - Updated: October 17, 2016
Levandos yra balzamas mūsų pojūčiams, jo aromatas maudosi mus ramiai ramiai ir vešli spalva, užliejanti mūsų akis. „Flippix Jigsaw“ levandos turi 9 scenas, iš kurių iš viso yra 240 galvosūkių, kurių dydis yra nuo 5x5 iki 20x20. Senas japonų loginis dėlionė įgauna naują...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: October 17, 2016
This is the PRO version of MEGA Crosswords application ( Features in PRO version:- full functionality of basic version,- absolutely no ads,- Polish - basic dictionary - 100% bigger (2x bigger),- Polish - geography dictionary - 20%...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 17, 2016
Manipuliavimas stebuklingame labirinte, naudojant įvairias savybių magiją, atakos pasirodė įvairios savybės priešas labirintas - turėkite kalną, nuokalnę, praėjimo perdavimo tašką, turite šokinėti žemyn Norėdami perjungti atributą ataką ir pulti su vairasvirt atributais...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 16, 2016
„Catan“ naujakuriai yra jaudinantis, strategijos, socialinio stalo žaidimas, žaidžiamas aplink atsitiktinai sugeneruotą lentą. Žaidėjai renka išteklius, įskaitant medieną, plytas, avis, kviečius ir rūdą, norėdami prekiauti ar statyti naujus kelius ir gyvenvietes. Pirmasis asmuo...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 15, 2016
MC Lars helped to pioneer the genre of nerd rap in 2003 and has been touring the world with his laptop ever since, packing concert venues and writing raps about everything from Guitar Hero to Edgar Allan Poe.In this beat-driven platformer, the record industry kidnaps MC Lars and tries to turn his...
Version: 1.6.3 APK - Updated: October 15, 2016
Grab a mallet and ball, stake the wickets, and enjoy this refreshing take on the classic outdoor sport. Shoot, stroke, and knock your way through a hand-designed collection of croquet courts.Croquet the app is inspired by the sport enjoyed by many people. The rules most closely resemble 9-wicket...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 15, 2016
atitinkantis dėlionės žaidimas, dar žinomas kaip koncentracija ar atminties žaidimas. Vartotojas gali žaisti žaidimą, pasirinkdamas 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 3x4, 4x4, 4x5, 4x6 arba 5x6. Garsui galima pasirinkti anglų, prancūzų, vokiečių, italų, japonų, rusų ar ispanų kalbos. Kiekvienai...
Version: 2.05 APK - Updated: October 15, 2016
App compiled by Dominique Pilon consisting of 50 bridge deals to help you learn or revise your defensive play against NT. After 1NT opening, Opps defensive bidding, ex Landy 2 clubs (majors) 2 diamonds : unicolor major, double : long minor and a major with 4. Defensive play, Lead signals and...
Version: 1.024 APK - Updated: October 15, 2016
Explore the Kingdom of Broceliande with celtic culture and fantasy creatures like elve and gobelin. achieve Ultimate quest within Realm enclaved into the broceliande forest. You will start your journey as a young Pup then after some adventure choose your path to become a dominant alpha wolf, a...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: October 14, 2016
'The Eighth Continent' is an interactive novel in which you are the story's hero!In a world devastated by a cataclysmic super-eruption, you must search for your lost family. Who should you trust? What dangers await you in the volcanic wasteland?Scavenge, fight, hack, and trade your...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2016
The letter sounds are the most important elements when children learn to read. The app "Find letter" is an excellent tool for your child in order to learn how to match the correct letter sounds to the correct letters.How to play: The speaker has a letter sound, and only one of the letters...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: October 14, 2016
*** Featured on App Store "New Games We Love" in 100+ countries *** Laserix: Puzzle Islands is a relaxing light reflection puzzler where you catch gems by reflecting lasers. Explore the islands, at your pace, during the day, at sunset and at night. • More than 40 unique puzzles are...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 14, 2016
Can you stop the Globber invasion? Unlock and upgrade tons of robots, each with their own unique weapons and abilities designed specifically to defeat the marauding aliens. Swipe to match colors, activate devastating special powers, and unleash a massive arsenal in this fast-paced shooter!FEATURES-...
Version: 2.05 APK - Updated: October 14, 2016
An application with which you can play 50 games (level beginner-intermediate) prepared by a world champion, Dominique Pilon. Y'll be able to leanr and revise the principal bridge techniques : indirect finesse trumping from the short hand, setting a suit. Level 1 on a scale of 1 to 5.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2016
Halloween is coming, and it’s the perfect time to set out on a mystical adventure! Halloween Night 2 Mahjong is a fantastic gift for all fans of classic puzzles. Get closely acquainted with the traditions of Halloween and get your bag of treats ready!Here you will find the most varied Mahjong...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: October 13, 2016
Ateik - grįžti pas mus su pasekėjai dienų. Kai 8 spalvos buvo pakankamai, ir pikseliai buvo individualiai aptinkamas žmogaus akiai. Tai žemuma, fantazija RPG nuotykių paprastesniais laikais. Tai gali būti * * tavo tėvo RPG!Atversti šlovingą nuotykius išgelbėti pasaulį nuo blogio...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: October 13, 2016
Bus Tycoon ND (Night and Day) is a passenger transport tycoon game. Start building your transport empire by creating bus routes between as many cites as possible. You can freely build the road network and create traffic lights in order to have a better control of your traffic. The player's...