Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas

Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 27, 2016
Turpiniet zēna sāgu, kurš dzīvoja šajā burvestībā saistošajā piedzīvojumā gan Wizards, gan Muggles. Piedzīvojiet Hariju pēdējos gados Cūkkārpā un kaujas lords Voldemorts galīgajā cīņā starp labo un ļauno. Radošais LEGO veiklība apvienojas ar Harija Potera plašo pasauli,...
Version: 2.0.3 APK - Updated: September 27, 2016
Includes: English, German, French, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Russian, Indonesian, Italian, Turkish, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Bulgarian, Catalan, Georgian, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Greek, RomanianCan learning to read be as easy and exciting as playing a computer game? We've developed a game with...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2016
①「選手一覧画面」・選手登録・選手削除 選手名右端の×をタップして削除・リストグループ:3グループ②「オーダー選択画面」・グループリストを選択・名前を選択(他の選手名を選択すると自動で切り替え・守備を選...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: September 26, 2016
Iepazīstieties ar jauno spēles Satellina Zero-tagad ir pieejama Google Play! Satellina: vienkārša un eleganta mīkla, ko piecu gadu vecumā var saprast 10 sekunžu laikā, bet ir arī virzījusi pieaugušos uz obsesīviem garumiem. Tam ir tīrs, minimālistisks izskats, āķīgs oriģināls...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: September 24, 2016
Tap to fire the grappling hook and help Captain George climb out of the canyon!Story----------Captain George Morgan has been sent on a mission to the planet Zelta 4. Here his task will be to locate the valuable resource known as Quantinium......Suddenly an unknown force rendered the controls...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: September 23, 2016
Everyone gathers around the tablet, and places their finger in a circle. When the circles start to move, the game is on! Everyone needs to keep their finger in their circle as long as possible! You'll have to move all the way around the tablet, climbing over and under each other! See how long...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: September 23, 2016
Blackjack Coach vilcieni jums pamata Blackjack stratēģijas. Izmantojot to, ko jūs mācīties šeit, jums būs vislielākā varbūtība veiksmes reālā kazino.Iespējas:* Basic Blackjack stratēģija coaching informē spēlētāju labāko kustībā, kad tiek pieļauta kļūda.* Konfigurējams...
Version: 29 APK - Updated: September 23, 2016
Baila con los Gigantes de Pamplona y descubre elementos sorpresa a través de cuento de "Joshemiguelerico ha perdido su corona"Con los puntos que vayas acumulando conseguirás ir completando el álbum de la Comparsa hasta conseguir las 25 figuras: Reyes, Kilikis, cabezudos y...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 23, 2016
Atsauksmes: Ja jums patika citas krāsainas mīklas, piemēram, 6. spektrs, ColorBars un pat Bicolor, jums patiks tas, ko Huetopia ienes žanrā - AppAdVice Huetopia ir krāsains jauns minimālistiskais žurnālists. -Pocketgamer -------------------------- Iegremdējiet prātu Huetopijas...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 22, 2016
Pasažieri, kas šoreiz uzkāpj uz Karību jūras pērles, iekāps tieši šausmās un undead murgā. Ieskauj plašs okeāns, šiem viesiem nebēg, kad zombiji tiks izlaisti. Kad kruīza kuģis, kas pilns ar tūristiem, pārvēršas zombiju kruīzā, jūs esat vienīgais, kurš var apturēt...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 22, 2016
The game is mainly for primary school grade three,corresponding the third grade eighth unit of primary school mathematics of Human education--Initial recognition of fraction. We have learned about ten thousand.Then there is a new problem.Divide an object into 4 parts,how to represent one of them?...
Version: 1.4.11 APK - Updated: September 22, 2016
PILS SPĒLES - Slēpts mantojums ir skaista slēpta objekta spēle ar mistisku iestatījumu. Stiprie alkoholiskie dzērieni tiek izlaisti, kā atrodat priekšmetus, vai jūs varat tos visus uztvert? 18 Krāšņi līmeņi, kas iesaiņoti ar priekšmetiem (ar vairākiem līmeņiem ir pieejams...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 22, 2016
The game is mainly for primary school grade three,corresponding the third grade fifth unit of primary school mathematics of Human education--Multiple recognition.Remember the multiplication tables and table division we learned?This unit is a simple application of multiplication and division....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 22, 2016
The game is mainly for 3rd grade students. We learned about the centimeter and meter, gram and kilogram. Now we are going to learn the other units of length. This game is designed for different angles.Interesting and consistent with cognitive law. Children can play while learning
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: September 21, 2016
Jogo para auxílio na alfabetização para crianças. O leãozinho Arie guia as crianças em brincadeiras onde elas associam palavras a objetos. São quatro jogos: Jogo de colorir, jogo da memória, jogo das frutas e jogo do caminho.A cada jogo completo, a criança ganha um medalha, e é convidada...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: September 21, 2016
O leãozinho Ariê é o guia em três brincadeiras educativas com seus amiguinhos. No Jogo do Elevador, é preciso agrupar as letras para formar palavras, e ajudar a cobra a descer do elevador. O Jogo das Bolhas tem o elefante soltando bolhas de sabão com letras no estilo caça-palavras. Já, no...
Version: 1.5.3 APK - Updated: September 21, 2016
PLAY WITHOUT ADS!Charge up your soccer ball, calculate power and shoot down every rival in your way! Pass, shoot and destroy your opponents in brilliant battles on the field. Plan effective passes, take down heavy rowdies and smash the goalkeeper to win the match!‘Super Party Sports: Football’...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 20, 2016
Outwit three players in this classic card game where strategy and luck go hand-in-hand!Three cards are dealt face down to each player. Seven additional cards are then dealt to each player. Choose three cards to use at the end of the game, while the remaining cards are played. Play a card that is...
Version: 2.30 APK - Updated: September 20, 2016
Axe and Fate 2 is a real turn-based RPG game with classic game mechanics, a fair and well-balanced scoring system, and smart enemy AI. You’re free to move your characters over gridless areas. It is a first person turn-based Dungeon Crawler with unique controls letting you immerse into the world...
Version: 2.0.9 APK - Updated: September 20, 2016
CPU spēles spēles režīms iesācējs / starpposms / uzlabots / atlasiet augstākā līmeņa četrfāžu režīms ir datorspēle. 2p termināļi, izmantojot cenu spēli, un spēles režīmi liek tam trāpīt akmenī divos maiņos. Pat bez tāfeles un akmeņiem ir pieejami nekavējoties spēlēs...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: September 20, 2016
Word Tunnel is word-finding puzzle. Dig your way down the tunnel - used letter tiles crack and break, revealing new ones below. Gold and silver tiles at deeper levels have score multipliers.The game can be played against the clock, or in a more slow paced and thoughtful turn-based mode. An...
Version: 2.3.0.p APK - Updated: September 19, 2016
Welcome back! Wizardry's world!3D role playing game. like a Wizardry.Wandroid #2 Scenario.Add new classes . Bard and Valkyrie. With auto-mapping.Two types of ad version and paid version can be downloaded.This is a paid version .Or close to it is recommended resolution 800 * 480 or 480 *...
Version: APK - Updated: September 19, 2016
Jūs to jautājāt, un šeit tas nāk - santehniķis tagad ir bez reklāmām un bez vairāku spēlētāju atļaujām. Santehniķis ir vienkārša, jautra, aizraujoša, ātri domājoša mīklu loģikas spēle.Santehniķim jums ir jāpievieno krāsu caurules, lai šķidrumi varētu plūst,...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: September 18, 2016
Šī kāršu spēle ir svaiga un unikāla variācija Solitaire žanrā. Galvenais spēles mērķis ir izveidot pilnu apli. Ievietojiet kartes ap pulksteņrādītāja virzienu augošā secībā, pārmaiņus sarkanos un melnos uzvalkos. Apvidū sekvences var pievienot kopā.
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 18, 2016
Hyuga Book 2 Samurai ir asins sūknēšanas turpinājums interaktīvajai stālei, kuru jau zināt. Atgriezieties zīda un tērauda zemē, kur katrā posmā jūs gaida fantāzija un realitāte.Labi, ka jūs joprojām esat visgrūtākais ronin.Kļūsti par miesassargu, glābēju vai vienkārši...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: September 18, 2016
Tikai stratēģijas entuziastiem! Šī ir Amerikas pilsoņu kara viena spēlētāja pilna versija, uz riskiem līdzīga uz gājieniem balstīta stratēģijas spēle. Ir demonstrācijas versija, ja vēlaties izmēģināt lietotni pirms pirkšanas (nosaukta pilsoņu kara stratēģija un riska...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: September 17, 2016
From Night School Studio, the award-winning creators of Oxenfree, comes Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n.apk. Taking place during the first season of USA Network’s Golden Globe Award-winning drama, you find a smart phone on the ground outside the Fun Society Arcade at Coney Island. Little do you know...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 17, 2016
This new game, now also brings the opportunity for both Japanese children as any to learn better to order numbers from 1 to 25.As you know, Japanese culture has its own writing and so we want to take Japanese children the resource adapted to your language. Thus, we believe that also anyone else...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: September 17, 2016
“VanGoghistry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cats comprised of smaller cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 11 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 1.8.87 APK - Updated: September 16, 2016
Lauku draugi: jautra rhyming Storybook spēle visu vecumu bērniem. Pielāgoti, lai izklaidētu un mācītu jaunus zēnus un meitenes vecumā no 2 līdz 5 gadiem ar 33 mīklām un jaukiem rhyming dzejoļa stāstiem. Jūsu toddler uzzinās visu par dzīvi saimniecībā un tās dzīvniekiem,...