Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 10, 2016
Väljakutseline hirmutav põgenemismäng! Raamat, mis paljastab selle mõisas kunagi elanud kauni daami šokeeriva tõe, toimus mõisas kohutav tragöödia. Viceroy oli julm kuri mees ja tema intuitsioon oli saada ta iga hinna eest omaks. Perekonna kaotamise sügavaim lein raputas oma hinge...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 10, 2016
Swipe for Gadget. You can turn the one very easily 3D Adventure game.We have many mystery gadget in this App.You can solve the many gimmick of mystery gadget and then you can escape to clear final stage from locked room of final stage.General escape game need to back and forth in locked room but...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 10, 2016
Absoluutselt uus ja väljakutsuv mäng! Teie eesmärk on testida oma põgenemisoskusi, lahendades keerulised mõistatused, minimängud ja kasutades kõiki ruumis olevaid esemeid. Samuti võite toas varjatud esemeid korjata ja lahenduse leidmiseks kasutada. Lahendage uste avamiseks tegevused. Andke...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 09, 2016
In der "Sofia die Erste"-Appisode "Hokus Krokus" erleben Vorschüler durch Sehen, Spiel und Interaktion den Zauber ihrer liebsten Disney Junior TV-Sendung auf eine völlig neue Art und Weise! Sie sehen Episoden nicht nur, sondern begleiten diese mit lustigen Aktivitäten wie...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 09, 2016
Return Zero VR is a­ beautiful,­ psychedelic,­ ultrafast VR tunnel racer. If racing past mad-fast, frantic mazes set out in virtual, Virtual/Digital- like worlds is your thing, then Return Zero VR is definitely the game for you.Collect blue gates to gain speed while avoiding the red and yellow...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 09, 2016
Teie eesmärk on kasutada kõiki ruumis olevaid objekte või meditsiinilisi vahendeid. Teie missioon on põgeneda haiglast, avades ukse, kus on juurdepääs ainult arstile või külastajale. Koodi saamiseks koguge ja ühendage üksus. Lahendamiseks on erinevaid tegevusi ja ajumänge. Erinevus on...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 09, 2016
Your children will love this memory game inspired by Peer Gynt !!! But it is of interest for adults, too!This application is ideal to exercise your visual memory and also your auditory memory ! - Match the colorful birds nestling in a magnificent scandinavian forest (visual memory)- Match the tunes...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: September 08, 2016
Hüppa lastearsti rolli ja ravige oma patsientide väikeseid valusid. Seda tehes saate teada palju, mida tasub teada saada kehadest, laste haigustest, tervisest ja toitumisest. omaenda arstid praktika lastele alustades juba esimesel päeval, et teie abi vajavad paljud väikesed patsiendid....
Version: 1.6.7 APK - Updated: September 08, 2016
Vihm või sära, hüppasid lahtised vihmavarjud, mis olid täis lõbusaid kujundusi, mis näitavad kunsti ja viimistletud meisterlikkust, mis läheb ilusaks ja kasulikuks lisaks. Hekslogilised vihmavarjud hõlmavad 23 pildi põhjal 69 erineva raskusastme mõistatust. Gabysoft, mitteprogrammide...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 08, 2016
No ads, no disruptions for the ultimate Virtual Reality Experience!I created this simple Virtual Reality app to give myself the most realistic experience of seeing the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) in the comfort of my own home.Now I would like to share this with the world.Spend 5 minutes a day...
Version: 1.0.45 APK - Updated: September 07, 2016
** Erinevused tasuta versioonis ** - pole reklaami kingitusi tasuline versioon - 5 tähemärki lukustamata - Infinite Powers meenutab suurepäraselt !! Nostalgia tunne on üks ilusamaid, sest see aitab meil meeles pidada, kes me olime ja kes me praegu oleme. , kui tunneme täna samu...
Version: 1.19 APK - Updated: September 06, 2016
Deer Jumal on hingekosutav 3D pixel art'i seiklus, mis vaevab teie uskuja teie platforming oskusi.See on mäng ellujäämise, reinkarnatsiooni ja karma kohta; kõik seade on hingekosutav ja ainulaadne 3D pixelized maailm.Pidage silma ilusate valgustuste, päevase ja öise süsteemi ning...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: September 05, 2016
Peate ellu jääma! Olete kadunud saarel üksi. murda puud, leidke ressursse, käsitööesemeid. Kui soovite öösel ellu jääda, peaksite tegema palju asju. Vaadake ellujäämismängu: Lost Island Pro, see on hämmastav saare seiklus! hoiduge metsloomadest, jahist, leidke toitu. valmistage muid...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: September 04, 2016
Всем любителям сериала "Однажды в сказке" посвящается:Текстовая игра "Однажды в Сибири" - новая история со старыми героями. Автор учится в колледже в...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: September 03, 2016
Version: 1.19 APK - Updated: September 03, 2016
Beautiful cape skins for Minecraft, hand picked for Minecraft PE players.To use your new skin in the game, first open our "Cape Skins for Minecraft" & tap on "Boy Cape Skins", "Girl Cape Skins", "Superman Cape Skins" or "Batman Cape Skins",...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 02, 2016
Linia is a colorful puzzle game that mixes a relaxing atmosphere with brain melting challenges. In Linia, you create color sequences by tracing a line connecting coloured shapes. Sounds easy enough, right? Not quite. Imagine when colors are running around, revolving, hiding, changing shape and...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: September 02, 2016
Sisaldab: Inglise, saksa, prantsuse, hispaania, hindi, hiina, vene, indoneesia, itaalia, türgi, poola, taani, rootsi, bulgaaria, katalaani, gruusia, slovaki, tšehhi, ungari, kreeka oh ei! Kapten Hippocampus läheb arvesse ja põrgu ei anna kvartalit! Kahjuks puudub tal mõned asjad: näiteks...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 01, 2016
Lõin ja jagasin algset mängu tasuta, kuid kahjuks on tootmisraha Runnnig kuiv, nii et lõin tasulise versiooni. see aitaks mind palju välja, kui saaksite mind selle rakenduse ostmisega toetada! aitäh !
Version: 1.0.16 APK - Updated: September 01, 2016
Start your career as Coach-Manager in Virtual Basket Manager PRO (Name Editor! No Adds!)Choose one of 92 world's teams in 5 different Ligues, sign good free agents, do trades, buy and sell players, train them to improve your results, and manage directly the match (or, if you prefer, simulate...
Version: 1.0.49 APK - Updated: September 01, 2016
Tutvuge nelja kauni poni tüdrukuga - kirss, kristall, tuulised ja mullid - ja mängige oma Dream Horse Hooldus kuurordis tüdrukutele parimaid ponimänge! käivitage oma poni juuksurisalong, kujundage oma unistuste poni riietus, ravige väikeseid poniesid Nad saavad haiget, nautige juga spaas ja...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 01, 2016
Try Skill Roller with fast action, special features and super multi ball action.Throw as many baseball as you can, swipe to launch each new ball. There is real skill involved, swipe speed and direction are important for the big points and those special bonus options.Hit the side targets for double...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: August 31, 2016
Little Paul is a boy from a Parallel universe. His main objective is to save Princess Nehalennia from Evil Drakos - the Black Dragon with flaming wings.His first challenge is to find the 16 Octa-icons. When collected the Castle door will open. After the 16 Octa-icons have been collected, Little...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 31, 2016
EARLY ACCESS FIRE SALE -EASY TO USE CONTROL SYSTEM-Your Task is to hold back enemy forces in Space,You must battle against raging spaceships and collect there ore, the more enemies you annihilate the quicker you can upgrade and stand a chance :Upgrade:-Speed-Fire Rate-Hp-Armour As you play you will...
Version: 5.3.2 APK - Updated: August 31, 2016
Animal Hide and Seek is a hidden object game designed specifically for children. Discover animals and share nature with your kids. Simple yet rich gameplay will help your child to improve creative thinking, reactions and decision making abilities.★ visit new Dino Park and find prehistoric animals...
Version: 2.15.9 APK - Updated: August 31, 2016
Piloteerides oma uut täiustatud paaki, koodi nimega Alpha, pildistate seda erinevate üksustega, näiteks tankide, lennukite, relvade ja palju muud. Laske oma peamine suurtükk ja jälgige, kui vaenlane plahvatab tükkideks. Kasutage oma juhendatud rakette, et vähendada vaenlase lennukit või...
Version: 5.3.130 APK - Updated: August 31, 2016
Cinderella Classic Tale is an interactive book for children based on an amazing morality story by the French author Charles Perrault. The adventurous journey will take your kids to the magic world of fairy-tales! There are 400+ fascinating animated elements and 20 puzzles on every page. The...
Version: 5.3.126 APK - Updated: August 30, 2016
The royal wedding and the fate of Europe are put at stake when an engagement ring with a rare diamond is stolen from the princess’s compartment. Take on the role of a seasoned detective and solve this daring crime in a fascinating hidden object adventure game. Features: ● exciting spin on a...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 30, 2016
A horror gamebook strongly referring to the universe created by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. This novel takes us back to the sixties of the twentieth century and the reader takes on the role of Jordan Allan who, looking for his would-be son in law, finds himself in a certain port town. As it turns...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: August 30, 2016
Scan your barcodes to get incredible creatures, magic armors, wonderful potions or terrible poisions.Join the tournament to beat the evil forces or fight against a friend to get coins and buy more stuff!Welcome to HEROES OF LAMEE, barcode battler's style retro game.