Játékok Fizetett Android Ingyen

Játékok Fizetett Android Ingyen
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 13, 2016
静岡県下田市で開催している「Black Ships -黒船-」公式イメージキャラクターの“くぅちゃん”達が「花札」ゲームになって登場!! 今作用に、新たに6名の個性豊かなキャラクターが追加!...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 12, 2016
Solitaire Premium is a collection that allows you to play 2 challenge Solitaire games: Klondike and Klondike by Threes.Solitaire Premium Features:- Many beautiful card sets, card backs and backgrounds to choose from- Automatic card flipping- Deal animation and winning animation- Unlimited undo...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: August 12, 2016
More than a thousand of questions! Relive the fun, entertaining and memorable moments in movies! This classic trivia game asks a series of multiple-choice questions. Get two-and-a-half stars or more for a "thumbs up" performance and you earn a bonus question. Fun to play, or just fun to...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 12, 2016
The Earth was attacked by groups of Aliens and Galactic Pirates. After global nuclear explosions, life is not sustainable on the Earth. The survivors form the Earth Republic, planing to strike back the aliens and pirates in the solar system around the Earth.Get ready and strike back the Aliens and...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: August 11, 2016
Hideg, határtalan tér, amelyet néha hideg csapok villognak. De itt, a szürkületi holdban, amelyet az ég ura elfelejtett, a másik oldalon, mint a magba fagyott jégsapkák, az egyenlítői vizek szélén, a hurrikánok dühén és a káosz uralkodnak. Planetoid SH -003/18, Vietrix. A...
Version: 0.18 APK - Updated: August 11, 2016
We'll make pizza, build a brick wall, put out a fire, and learn to drive a fire engine. At the same time we'll be learning geometrical shapes and the the colors of the rainbow, learning to count, and rescuing kittens. The story of one working day doesn't just introduce your kid to...
Version: 9 APK - Updated: August 10, 2016
"As a huge puzzle game fan, I’m in love with Partyrs." 4,5 / 5 - App Advice "[...] a cute puzzle game which is not like any other." 4,5 / 5 - Appsrumors"Also - the art is absolutely charming." 4 / 5 - Gamezebo8 / 10 - PocketgamerThirty cheerful creatures are...
Version: 1.0.029 APK - Updated: August 09, 2016
Towers was ranked as top 1 in New Free Games among several countries! Build the highest skyscraper which is belong to you. How to Play1. Stack up the blocks and construct a tower2. Build the tower as tall as you can. Don't Tap too fast!Features● Very fun and enjoyable game● Multiple towers...
Version: 1.0.18 APK - Updated: August 08, 2016
Buy the full version of Save the Animals to get rid of advertisements and unlock all levels now! Use programmer’s logic to guide home the Tamarin, Elephant, Capybara… and more! A puzzle game which teaches basic sequential and procedural programming logic! Save the animals by ordering a set of...
Version: 1.5.6 APK - Updated: August 08, 2016
A Hexsaw Wild West felajánlja a régi nyugatot a filmektől cowboyokkal, szalonokkal, fedett kocsikkal és hat lövészekkel! Fogd meg az arany serpenyőjét, nyeregbe, és menj el a naplementébe! Hexsaw - A Wild West 23 színes rejtvényt tartalmaz, négy kihívást jelentő méretben. Hexsaws...
Version: 1.10.1 APK - Updated: August 08, 2016
an action element, and ARPG from which I evolved with the growth element. The new feeling game focused on attack mode decorates the first phase of series! Now, what on earth is the monster which waits for you on the last stage?If it is search about an interesting game, this "Dot Ranger"...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 08, 2016
Fedezze fel egy rég elveszett világ őskori és uralkodni felette, mint egy minden hatalmas dinoszaurusz! Utazzon vissza az időben, amikor hatalmas húsevő uralták a Földet és egzotikus növényi élet tele veszélyes dzsungel! Ez az első alkalom, hogy válasszon a TEN Lejátszható...
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: August 07, 2016
ㄱ. 게임의 앞서서2012년, 20만명이 넘는 유저가 즐겼던 비주얼 노벨 '우리들의 날개는 언제부턴가 부서졌다' 가 ', Fragments'을 포함해서 다시 한 번 리메이크 되었습니다.ㄴ. 게임 설명'우리들의 날개는 언제부턴가...
Version: 1.7.6 APK - Updated: August 07, 2016
Gunner: Szabad Tér Defender az első személyű háború 3D shooter.A jó öreg mottó: "Shoot 'em all" talán a legjobb módja annak, hogy pontosan leírják a játék célja.Te vagy a lövész kontrolling helyet torony és a cél az, hogy lőni, lőni és lőni néhány védelmére...
Version: 2.0.21 APK - Updated: August 06, 2016
Ha szereted szó játékok, imádni fogod Syrious Scramble®! Legyen annyi 3-6 betűs szavak a lehető 6 kódolt levelek idő előtt elfogy! Ha gyors, idő bónuszok hogy még több pontot. Keresse meg az egyik leghosszabb szó vagy kap 7500 pontot egy kerek és megy tovább a következő...
Version: 1.4.1 APK - Updated: August 06, 2016
Live the quest of a medieval knight!Durlindana is an old school, single player, classic offline RPG, set in a fantasy-medieval town with its surroundings. Like the old style classics of 80's and 90's, it's hard to start but harder to stop playing ;)Through many adventures, bring your...
Version: 2.0.7 APK - Updated: August 04, 2016
ㄱ. 게임의 앞서서2012년, 20만명이 넘는 유저가 즐겼던 비주얼 노벨 '우리들의 날개는 언제부턴가 부서졌다' 가 ', Fragments'을 포함해서 다시 한 번 리메이크 되었습니다.ㄴ. 게임 설명'우리들의 날개는 언제부턴가...
Version: APK - Updated: August 04, 2016
Chimpact Run a Shield Hub -ban! YIPPEE! Fogd meg magad a többmillió letöltési chimpact sorozat következő részletét! puszta grafikus örömmel, a behatanásokkal, hogy segítsen az összes tűz-fák újbóli összekapcsolásában, és feloldja a hűvös új szinteket Futtatás,...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: August 04, 2016
Wall Destroyer Pro – No AdsBrick Breaker, Block Buster game the aim is to break all the bricks on each of the levels.There are 12 training levels to get you started, then stacks of fabulous levels to complete with lots of imaginative wall designs based on cartoon characters, animals, flags,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 04, 2016
Take the word safari challenge with this hidden word search game!Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. There are 5 rounds. Points are added based on the timer. Watch the round timer on the bottom as well!
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 04, 2016
The program "Talking with ghosts" is developed on the same basis as our previous program of Feng Shui in mobile.They are based on the latest development of a huge number of researchers in the field of computing the various manifestations of abnormal phenomena, natural disasters and...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 03, 2016
Ladbrokes...Coral...Betfred...William Hill...Paddy Power...Love nothing more than flushing your money down the loo in these fine establishments?Spin the wheel to get the buzz... Just without the subsequent distressPlay Unlimited European Roulette for less than minimum bet required to even spin the...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: August 02, 2016
Chessgenius, díjnyertes sakkprogram. A szerzők sakkprogramjai tíz világbajnokságot nyertek. } -Chess órák -Hatalmas nyitókönyv és nevű nyitások -Állítsa be a Pozozíciót -A játékszintek százai, beleértve az Easy, a Blitz és a Tournament Levels -adatbázist. Mentse el / töltse...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 02, 2016
Hungry moles' funny and joyful finding of Super Carrots! One mole after the other mole dies of hunger. Due to the dense woods of buildings, it becomes more difficult for moles to find foods. Very dangerous ant lion's pits, balls of flame, hard walls and other many obstacles make it more...
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: August 02, 2016
Elansar is a small myst like "point & click" adventure gameExplore an island and solve puzzles.Will you uncover the Island's mystery ?Game available in English, French, German and Spanish language.This game was created only by myself for 2 years during my free time.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 01, 2016
Tanulja meg a szorzást és az osztást rövid időn belül, a zcooly bányával. A játékot díjnyertes tanárok és tervezők fejlesztették ki, és a 2. és az 5. osztályú matematikához adaptálták. A Math Bine a lenyűgöző 3D grafika és a szerethető karakterek világát kínálja....
Version: 1.8.2 APK - Updated: August 01, 2016
How many treasures can you collect? Place bridges to jump from island to island and pick up special treasures. Deciding where to place the bridges engages the thinking and planning part of your Cerebral Cortex. Cross a bridge to the creative part of your brain, where you get to be create art and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 31, 2016
Doodle God Griddlers is an exciting intellectual game for those who love logic puzzles and want to feel like a god. Discover six divine elements and protect them from destruction by creating new elements to build an entire civilization!This game is also known as Japanese scanwords, Japanese...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: July 31, 2016
Educational Puzzle for Children: Nations and National FlagsThis is an educatonal puzzle game for juniors and infants. Children can learn location and shape of each continent and each country as well as the national flag and the capital of the nations by using world map and national flags while...
Version: 0.1.12 APK - Updated: July 31, 2016
pontozási alkalmazás a Carcassonne Boardgame számára, támogatva az összes bővítést, beleértve a kereket is. Nincs szükség arra, hogy a matematika többé akadályozza a jó játékot. Szintén nagyon praktikus az, hogy el akarja vinni a játékát valahol, és nem akarja, hogy a...