Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 4.3 APK - Updated: November 04, 2018
● Serbaguna - Main luar talian vs komputer atau terhadap rakan dalam mod 2 pemain● Customizable - Lebih banyak pilihan daripada mana-mana aplikasi backgammon lainMain & pelajari backgammon pada tahap kemahiran dari pemula hingga kelas dunia! Aplikasi ini direka untuk kedua-dua telefon &...
Version: 1.1.0-paid APK - Updated: November 04, 2018
Lebih banyak pelari berulang daripada yang tidak berkesudahan Red Rover adalah serupa dengan permainan yang dikenali sebagai Red Rover di Australia atau sebagai Bulldog British di UK. Anda adalah pemain hijau. bergerak (dan tukar arah) dengan meleret dan ketuk untuk berhenti. Anda perlu...
Version: 1.1.09 APK - Updated: November 04, 2018
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: November 03, 2018
Permohonan ini merupakan pengganti Lembaga Pemain Rasmi Terraforming Marikh. Anda mempunyai fungsi yang sama daripada yang asal. Panel skor dimasukkan untuk membantu anda mengira skor akhir anda.
Version: 4.4.4 APK - Updated: November 03, 2018
Kelebihan versi Pro:**Pengalaman Tanpa Iklan****8 susun atur papan tambahan****Rawak papan. Campurkan jubin DL, DW, TL TW dan berikan permainan kelainan baharu****Pilihan untuk mendayakan ciri pembayang (Perkataan yang sah muncul di atas rak semasa anda membentuknya dengan menggerakkan jubin)**Word...
Version: 0.9.2 APK - Updated: November 01, 2018
Duduk dan berehat dengan Unicorn di hutan ajaib. Makan wortel unicorn, dan nikmati bunyi alam semula jadi. Dengarkan kata -kata yang menggalakkan dari unicorn. Pengalaman ini bagus untuk memperkenalkan orang kepada realiti maya, atau sebagai tempat untuk kerap melawat setiap kali anda...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 01, 2018
Kami perkenalkan kepada anda penerusan permainan yang indah Apocalypse Runner. Kali ini wira kita mempunyai untuk mengelakkan gelombang besar lava. Permainan baru telah mendapat banyak halangan berbahaya, grafik yang lebih baik dan prestasi, tetapi masih menyimpan suasana yang tak terkatakan wahyu...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: October 31, 2018
** Inference Ace is Featured on & ** Inference Ace helps kids who have trouble with reading comprehension. The app builds inference skills step-by-step until mastery. Inference Ace is targeted to children in Grades 2-5 who can read the words (decode), but...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: October 31, 2018
Check out our new favorite app! Fidget Beats Pro! This is the drum machine you can carry in your pocket. Start slow and work your way up to the finger drumming God you were meant to be. With 45 different sounds you can take with you anywhere! Practice any time. Impress your friends, or plug into...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 31, 2018
The Sum Smart Cookie Math Fact game puts fun and high level thinking skills into flash card drill. The player solves the equation by finding the answer for "x." For example: 3 + X = 5, 4 x X=12, 7-X = 6, and15÷X=3. Players are rewarded by earning points to visit the FriendChip Farm where...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: October 31, 2018
...where you are the wrecking ball! You are the pilot of a WRECK Industries ship, assigned with clearing the place of asteroids, making way for the construction crews to create an intergalactic super highway. Be aware, though, that these asteroid fields are home to space bees that spit lasers, so...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: October 31, 2018
Caverns of Toros 2 is a sequel of the First VersionTeddy boy are misses some marbles,and send his father to collect all marblesOver 20 Levels
Version: 1.1.10 APK - Updated: October 30, 2018
Outlaw! 95 tesis mengubah dunia.Selepas Martin Luther tepat orang-orang dipaku ke pintu gereja Wittenberg yang mengeja ancaman telah dibuat oleh Paus, yang akhirnya mengisytiharkan beliau penjahat.Membantu pembaharu Martin Luther di jalankan dari Worms dan membawa dia dan sahabat-sahabatnya untuk...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 30, 2018
The "Oste Picture-Pairs classic" is a classic version of the well-known game of memory and is suitable for young and old alike. The aim of this game is to find all the same pairs of images from the originally concealed pairs. Only two images may be uncovered at the same time. The player...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: October 30, 2018
Through an exciting quiz game Become a master of Hangul spelling!- Systematic step-by-step through the learning Hangul spelling education- To solve the quiz by unscrewing confusing spelling and spacing- After thoroughly study confirms skills through OX quiz- Results of various test scores!# Highly...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 30, 2018
The Oste Geography Quiz-DE App is a game in which per round ten questions about the location of places in Germany are aked. This can be a direct question, e.g. "Where is Berlin?" or an indirect question, e.g. "In which City is the Alexanderplatz?". The question is answered by...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2018
kemas kini utama! 4 baru kereta / liveries, 2 trek baru dengan kedua-dua ke hadapan / belakang variasi, siri cabaran baru daripada 35 peringkat, serta banyak lagi ciri-ciri baru!Pocket Rally adalah satu percubaan untuk menggabungkan yang terbaik dari kedua-dua permainan perlumbaan rali sekolah lama...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: October 30, 2018
It has been a rough ride. Lost in space, and trying to get home, Seve Vs. Evan has run out of fuel for their Steam Powered Rocketship. Help them collect enough fuel to power the Steam Powered Rocketship home. The way is treacherous as you do your best to avoid the space zombies, space fish,...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
Explore the 9 Interactive Worlds of Sleep Bug Kids! This must-have sanity saver keeps little ones happy, even while on the go! Each scene includes vibrant colours, unique characters and familiar themes that children absolutely love. Sleep Bug Kids offers a safe, kid-friendly virtual environment...
Version: 1.0.11 APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
Perintah dan pasukan elit melalui 21 misi kempen dalam masa permainan strategi sebenar ini, membina lebih 130 jenis unit dan teknologi, menikmati tanpa had peta pertempuran rawak, dan menguasai dalam berbilang rangkaian dengan rakan-rakan!Ciri-ciri:• Membina lebih 130 jenis unit dan teknologi•...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! FreeCell is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your FreeCell scores with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the best...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! Klondike is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your Solitaire scores with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the best...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! Spider is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your Spider scores with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the best...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
Venn - The jigsaw puzzle that breaks all the rules! No more looking for notches that match... you get to focus on an interesting image and see how the circle puzzle pieces overlap. It's an entirely new puzzle system that you have to try!We've reinvented the jigsaw in a way that makes the...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 28, 2018
Pixelo is a simple logic puzzle game commonly known as Picross or Pic-a-Pix.The main goal of Pixelo is to fill out pixels with given clues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※Google...
Version: 1.06 APK - Updated: October 28, 2018
Caverns of Toros is a retro arcade platform game.if you played the games of the time on Amstrad cpc, Spectrum or Commodore 64 Story:Teddy boy is going to the caverns to find her marbles.And he lost in the cave.Find him.Features:Over 50 LevelsContinue supportHigscore online
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: October 28, 2018
MathFeud is a game to challenge your friends in mathematical expressions. The objective of the game is to get the most points by forming mathematical equations made by placing numbers on the board and connecting them together with operators.Math+Feud = FUN!
Version: 2.8 APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Kucing Treble direka untuk membantu pelajar dari semua peringkat umur belajar bagaimana untuk mengenal pasti nota dengan cepat di clef tiga kali ganda.Terdapat 80 tahap menghiburkan yang semakin semakin mencabar.Aplikasi ini telah dibuat dengan kerjasama pemuzik profesional dan pendidik.Cara yang...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
"Forget the Brakes, remember the fun" -"Forget the Brakes is [..] a brilliant, frustrating, addictive mess." - the Brakes! is a game about driving a train without brakes by multi-track drifting!Through procedurally generated...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! Yukon is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your Yukon scores with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the best...