Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2015
*** FULL version. NO ADS ***Once upon a time Tonny Ocean was known as a high powered and ruthless criminal boss, but after chapter of accidents most of his friends betrayed him. Tonny left his hometown and moved to a provincial hick town with the only friend. This town name, Crime Miami, speaks for...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 30, 2015
Hidden Alphabets is an educational game created to help kids for learning alphabets, numbers,colors and shapes. The app will entertain and teach your kids as they learn the alphabets and numbers with voice-over, quiz and games. The education game stimulates kid’s curiosity in a productive way to...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: October 30, 2015
There is tale to ever story and not every story is what is seems. The Very Scary Game is an interactive horror adventure that will make you jump and cringe with every twist and turn. You decide the outcome of each episode.This first volume includes the following episodes:RosaWhere Am IIntruders
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 29, 2015
Drag around yourself to spinSpinning too much will burn out parts of your whipIf you are at full length, you can swipe and release to crack your whipMaster the whip crack to surviveYou will encounter lots of cowardly enemiesYou will discover special enemiesGo for itMake GIFs of your wins and...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: October 29, 2015
Umbuso wemishini usongela yonke indawo yonke. Iligi yabafokazi ne-I.n.e. (I-United Nations of Parm) zihlanganise ndawonye ukuvikela umthala kusuka kumhlaseli. Izimpi zihlasela yonke indawo, kepha kungaphakathi kwemigwaqo esontekile yemishini yokukhiqiza engaphansi komhlaba, lapho kuthathwa isandla...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 29, 2015
Amaphesenti athengiswayo! (Kwakungu- $ 2.99) Khuluma nami - Izizwe zase-USA kanye nama-Puzzle puzzle kanye nemibuzo kuyindlela emnandi yokuthi bobabili abafundi kanye nabafundi bokuqala bafunde konke ngemephu yase-US, izifundazwe kanye nezihloko. Ngokusebenzisana ngokuphelele futhi kulula...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: October 29, 2015
The classic coin-op word search - for your Android device!► Rated: 4½ / 5 - The Sun (Britain's Most Popular Newspaper)Word Soup is the tactical word search game. Swipe to create words within the grid of scrambled letters and watch them explode & the grid collapse! Play strategically to...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: October 28, 2015
12 fun preschool educational games for kids and toddlers in one app! Teach your children colors, numbers, the alphabet, comparisons, matching and train their environmental perception, hand-eye coordination, concentration, memory retention and logic.★ Very entertaining, funny, and motivating for...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 28, 2015
Uthando ukudlala PathPix? Bakitaza amangqamuzana obuchopho bakho ngisho nangokwengeziwe! Ukusonta futhi baphendukele ukuthola indlela yakho ngokusebenzisa uxhaxha LOOPical.In puzzle ngamunye uyobe ngifuna indlela lowo evakashela wonke tikwele the grid ncamashi kanye ukwenza LOOP. Xazulula zonke...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 27, 2015
boo! Theres okungenani ubusuku obubodwa onyakeni lapho kumnandi khona! Ukuze uthole izintandokazi zethu, thats ubusuku ubusuku! Kepha lapho i-Refect Princess Luna ithatha isinqumo sokujoyina umkhosi, ingabe ingabe izothola indlela yokungena noma izokwengeza umshado wakhe omnyama ithinte imizamo...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: October 26, 2015
I-Tactical Gameplay - Kulula ukuyifunda, kanzima ukukwazi kahle - umdlalo ngamunye uthatha imizuzu embalwa Ukufunda ukusebenzisa amathayili ayisithupha: Okwedolobha lakho - Yakha amasethi wezingadi ezintathu ukukhulisa amaphuzu - ukuzungeza imibuthano yemihlangano namanye amathayili azungeze...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2015
Omunye we-Best Arkanoid Type Game yedivayisi yakho nge-Halloween Theme mahhala! [# #} Pro I-Halloween Theme Izinhlobo ezingama-30 zamabhulokhi Amabhonasi amahle angempela Ihluzo ezinhle Ukubonga okungu-inthanethi Sithinte ku-imeyili [email protected]
Version: APK - Updated: October 23, 2015
Forget those numbers. Shapes are way more fun!Shape Shifter is a geometric approach to the popular number matching puzzle game.How to play the game?It is extremely simple to play Shape shifter - the shape matching puzzle game. On the main screen, you can select the game mode - 3 x 3, 4 x 4, and 5 x...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 23, 2015
Agabadvula ibe brand adventure entsha njengoba Horse lasendle elihle! Live sasendle free ezweni elisha langa ukuthi akulindele okufanele kutjhejwe! Qala umhlambi wakho siqu lizalele, baphakamise, futhi ngezifiso amahhashi akho! Scavenge ihlathi namasimu for ukudla, ukuvikela umndeni wakho...
Version: APK - Updated: October 23, 2015
How many shades of gray can you match?Some may see 50, some may see even more. The truth is, there are only 11 shades of gray in this one. Match all of them, if you can.Color Match - Shades of Gray is the color blind edition of our highly rated Color Match game. You need to swipe the screen to move...
Version: APK - Updated: October 23, 2015
Tired of matching numbers? Try matching some colors!Color Match Ad Free is the most addicting color matching game.Like in the original game, just swipe the screen to move the colored tiles. When two of them touch, they mix into the next color. You can see the color range above the board, along with...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 20, 2015
Yini okusha ku-Version 2.0! I-Blob Chase manje inamazinga amasha ayi-15 ayinselele (kanye namazinga okuqala angama-60 endlunkulu yeqembu elingajwayelekile). Bamba ama-blobs njengoba wenza indlela yakho ngokusebenzisa izwe eligcwele i-blobsylvania! Dlala amazinga ama-15 amasha! Xxala ngisho...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: October 20, 2015
Bonke Aboard! Zithokozise izingane zakho ezihamba ngesitimela ezizungeze inqaba nemicebo yazo noma ukuthola amaqanda e-Easter avakashela edolobhaneni lasePhasika. * Yakhelwe izingane * Lo mdlalo wenzelwe izingane (3) ngakho-ke kulula kakhulu ukuyisebenzisa futhi kumnandi kakhulu. ngohlelo...
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: October 18, 2015
Have fun with this new 3D tapping game! See as how you keep tapping and you create your own little earth . It will grow and grow as long as you keep tapping. Wonder how big it can grow? Well that's for you to tap and find out.
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 15, 2015
Negentropy (=negative entropy) : degree of order.Just you have to know to play NEGENTROPY is drag&drop.Drag elements and drop it the place where you want.And you make elements do not crash!This totally new puzzle game is you'd never seen before.Beautiful and cool movement will satisfy your...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: October 14, 2015
I-Cubix Challenge iyi-puzzle entsha futhi umlutha ye-puzzle kusuka kumageyimu we-amainerton. Inhloso ukukhipha i-cube ukuze ubuso obunemibala bube busethayela lokufanisa. Kuqala okulula, kepha njenge-block entsha, izinhlobo ze-cube nethayela ziyethulwa ekutholeni ikhambi elifanele liba inselelo...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2015
Farm your land and develop the most beautiful farm around, full of dinosaursBuild your farm and take care of around 50 different animals under the guidance of your friendly farmer neighbors.Get yourself organized so you can feed, clean and treat your new extended family. You'll be an expert in...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 14, 2015
It's A brand new arcade puzzler from Gamesare Studios, Invoking the memory of classic arcade cabinet games but adding a new twist. Jump on the blocks as the titular character Quadle, changing the block colors till they are red. Once red they fall away. Eliminate all blocks on the screen to go...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 13, 2015
Version: 1.28.1 APK - Updated: October 12, 2015
I-Qubixle elahlekile iyindlela yokubuka iphazili yomlutha. Umsebenzi wakho ukwakha kabusha isibalo esiyinkimbinkimbi kusuka ekuhlolweni emithathu. Lo mdlalo udinga ukuthi usebenzise amakhono akho wokuqonda nokuthi wenza ukusetshenziswa okuhle kakhulu kokucabanga kwakho okunengqondo. Nqoba izithiyo...
Version: 1.2i APK - Updated: October 12, 2015
★ Ngokusemthethweni the best dice game njalo: umdlalo Yachty Deluxe siqukethe 13 kwamarounds. In round ngamunye, wena Roll idayisi bese amaphuzu nomphumela kwesinye 13 categories.You kumele amaphuzu ncamashi once esigabeni ngasinye, kanjalo nekhono...
Version: 1.18 APK - Updated: October 09, 2015
66% off Halloween Sale!!!Dive into the world of Paper Monsters Recut and watch a living world made out of paper, cardboard, and even a few cotton balls unfold right before your eyes!--FEATURES-- - No IAP or Ads of any kind- Hit Wii U Console games on Android!- Stunning cartoon-like console graphics...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: October 07, 2015
vector.rotate; Umculo we-minimalistic, isitayela-isitayela somculo obonakalayo obonakalayo, i-gameplay esheshayo futhi wagcizelela umculo. Thola inguqulo yamahhala lapha: {https) ekhasini lethu le-Facebook: ~ Ku-Twitter:...
Version: 3.0.02 APK - Updated: October 06, 2015
Paris in the Fall ... a lokubulala ngesihluku ngesikhathi Palais Royale. Uma Nico Collard uyamenywa ukuba abafundi baxoxe nabathile lomholi Pierre Carchon, yena uthola ekhuthalele isici ukudonselwa uzungu elesabekayo. Omunye-sonke isikhathi ezamehlela classic, multi BAFTA-abaphakanyiselwe...