Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 19, 2015
Space Party is a 1 - 4 player arcade shooting game. The objective is to hit the ball with your shots and make the ball go into the opponents goal. The 1 player game is a little different and this consists of shooting the ball to make it go towards the back wall. When the ball reaches the back wall...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 19, 2015
Less time spinning, more time playing. Fast First is the quickest way to select the first player for your table top game. Start the app and you have first player chosen for 2 - 7 players. If you need complete player order, that's also available.
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: August 16, 2015
Esimene ja ainus ametlik Rube Goldbergi puslemäng. Lahendage Rubesi igapäevased probleemid kaubamärgis keerukaid veidrat stiili, luues lõbusaid masinaid. Kas klaasi mahla valamine on lihtsalt liiga sirgjooneline ja igav? Proovige oma eesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutada tungraua-kasti, luubi,...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 13, 2015
See on mitme mängijaga jooksjamäng, millel on puudutus parkuurist. Otsige üles ja jookske lipu juurde nii kiiresti kui võimalik!Avastage Skyturnsi maailma tasemeid koos teiste mängijatega või koostage keerukaid mõistatustasemeid, mida teised mängijad saavad lahendada. Liituge lõbusate...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: August 13, 2015
Tere tulemast Blockverse'i: alternatiivsesse ja plokikujulisse dimensiooni, mis on koduks mitmekesisele tulnukate tsivilisatsioonide kollektsioonile. Need olendid on sõda pidanud eoone ja nüüd saate armee kontrolli alla võtta ja kaklusega liituda!FUNKTSIOONID• Plokkide ehitamine kohtub...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 12, 2015
Kasutage sõrme korjavana, kaevake tunnelid ja juhendage mikrokaevurid kulla-, hõbe- ja söeladestusteni. Wheres My Lemmings? mikroülekanded on arkaad-puruja, mis keerleb pisikeste kaevurite tohutu hordi juhtimise ümber. Ekraan kerib pidevalt allapoole ja see on teie ülesanne koguda kõiki...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 12, 2015
Picross Beach Season is the best puzzle game for the beach season! The summer, the sea, the golden shore of a tropical island and 120 new puzzles with a relaxing theme… What else could a griddler fan wish for?!For Picross Beach Season players, the vacation starts right now! 120 unique griddlers....
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 11, 2015
Kõigist Rockstarsist helistades! Tundke rütmi seiklusaja kivistaastel OOO! Puudutage lööki! Ole valmis uueks muusikaliseks seikluseks OOO maal! Puudutage rütmi, et laulda ja mängida soomla, Jake, Princess Bubblegumi, BMO ja Fionnaga! rokib Ooo ümber! uurige mõnda oma lemmik...
Version: 2.3.1 APK - Updated: August 11, 2015
Firestorm on Android -telefoni ja tahvelarvuti jaoks mõeldud tippvaadete mängumäng. Sellel on kaks juhtimisstiili; Puudutage ja kiirendusmõõtur. Minge läbi lõputu arkaadi, et näha, kui palju punkte saate koguda. Kes teie sõprade seas saab kõige rohkem punkte? Teekond läbi...
Version: 1.0g APK - Updated: August 11, 2015
8bit style one stroke puzzle game.The castle once lived in by satan is now a den of slimes.Defeat all the slimes and find the magic key to go to the next floor, and get the legendary slime-killer sword.
Version: 1.1.0939.0739 APK - Updated: August 11, 2015
Discover the imaginative, magical world of Magic Carpet Land, that will fascinate and captivate you.Zoom, swipe and touch to discover a world filled with surprises. In Magic Carpet Land there are more than 60 interactive Arabian characters that would like to get to know you.Choose between two...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: August 11, 2015
Esta aplicación fue diseñada por un patólogo del habla y del lenguaje para enseñar a niños y adultos corregir Pronunciación en sonido español. Contiene 18 fonemas consonantes españolas, cubriendo posiciones de la palabra i-m-f con 6 palabras de destino para cada posición - que es más de...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 10, 2015
= lugu = Teie seiklus algab Thalmuri sadamast, kus olete treeninud oma isandaga, nõid Roku. Pärast lõpliku testi läbimist palub teie peremees teie esitada iidne reliikvia Leena, valge maagia armukese. Teadmata seiklusest, millega kavatsete kaasa lüüa, on hakanud vari tõmbama kurja plaani...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: August 10, 2015
Jeu éducatif en français sur la lecture de mots,.Le jeu est édité par l'édition Cat's Family, spécialisée dans l'édition de jeux ludo-pédagogiques et reconnue dans le monde scolaire et orthophonique. Le jeu est à partir de 6 ans. Le but est d'apprendre à lire rapidement...
Version: APK - Updated: August 09, 2015
Muslim Kid Games is an educational game pack that helps your children to know salat times, wudhu sequences, salat movements, iqra (lessons that help to learn to read Al-Qur'an), Arabic alphabets, and numbers using some fun gaming approaches:1. Sorting games (Learning by sorting Arabic numbers,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 08, 2015
Are you interested in learning Vietnamese, but don’t have enough time? We’ve got you covered! Learn Vietnamese with Vietnamese Flash Quiz. Download this app now! Communicate with 20 million people in a language that evokes images of Buddhist pagodas and bustling cities.We understand that not...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 07, 2015
Follow your demonic heart and its dark wishes! Play as a contemporary succubus (or incubus) and have fun while saving the world from its doom. Participate in an invasion of a parallel world. Discover the dangers of an abandoned lab. Win the affection of your chosen, or have a one-night affair. It...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 07, 2015
Pange kokku laiguline mosaiikid, kui reisite koos Alicei ja Imedemaa ja vaatava klaasimaa kuulsate tegelastega! hullu teepeo, uskumatu kuninglik krokett, Merry Sea Quadrille ... milliseid muid pilte ootavad teid 6 asukohas ? Pange kõik mosaiikid kokku ja aidake Aliceil saada selle uskumatu...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 07, 2015
This game is prepared for your baby. There is no losing in this game only giggles. Your baby touchs smiling balloons, apples and other cute objects and your phone giggles.It has been developed by a baby's father so I know what you feel when u have to give your phone to your kid. All those weird...
Version: 7 APK - Updated: August 06, 2015
Earn Achievements and Post Your Score On The Leader Boards!!! Rowdy The Head Hunter is a 3rd Person Shooter with a Wild West theme. The player is Rowdy a bounty hunter who is looking to fill his bounties. Each unique boss controls their own type of enemies trying to keep Rowdy from reaching them...
Version: 1.25.02 APK - Updated: August 05, 2015
NEW FEATURES:- Gravity Tag: Move the Gravity tag into view and tap a planet to see the effects of gravity for each planet. Watch a bowling ball drop from the top observation deck of the Empire State Building and its descent time to the ground.- Eclipses: Understand how shadows create both a...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 05, 2015
******* THIS IS ONLINE BASED APPLICATION | BEST VIEW IN TABLETS 7" AND ABOVE *******“Test A Day” is dedicated to providing innovative and exciting ways for children, to learn their Math Skills easily and effectively. Test A Day combines sound learning principles along with proprietary...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 04, 2015
Your cute virtual cat with an advanced AI and lots of tricks and secrets to explore. Take care of your kitty, buy her food, clothes, play games and lots more. Your kitty levels up and you can set up a custom home for her with thousands of furniture pieces, dress her up, or even use her as a digital...
Version: 6.4 APK - Updated: August 04, 2015
Aproveite a promoção :) !Ou, se preferir, experimente primeiro a versão GRATUITA: cada criptograma você deve descobrir a palavra em destaque e as outras palavras cifradas. Use o fato que letra corresponde a um número e letras...
Version: 1.06 APK - Updated: August 04, 2015
Legendaarne Major Leaguei pesapalli frantsiis naaseb teemandi juurde. tehke ajalugu. RBI pesapall 15 mobiilne ülevaade: vanakooli lõbu 4 -st 4 -st tärnist - mis on uus 2015. aastal: *autentne Iga Major Leaguei pesapalliklubi ainulaadsete omadustega palliplatsid *Muutke oma...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 03, 2015
Võistlus kella vastu, et täita keerulisi õhukursusi selles 3D -s, täpselt modelleeritud, õhuvõistluse lendu. Populaarse nõudluse järgi, nüüd koos rooliga! *Nüüd on 17 püstlonitasemega - on palju lihtsam kui puhas kõnnitase ja konkurentsivõimelisem, kui võtate riskid madalale...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: August 03, 2015
Näidake oma arendaja tuge, ostes Kung-FU Clash Overdrive ja pääsege juurde uutele vormiriietusele, millel kõigil on boonusivõime, mis aitavad teil maailma võtta! ============================== ======== Kui saate teabe hankimise veast serverist. [RPC: AEC: 0] võib -olla võib -olla...
Version: 1.6.1 APK - Updated: August 01, 2015
Milline südamerohe! Kui olete alustanud, võiksite mängida jätkata! MEOW! Lihtne mäng iga kassisõbra jaoks. Kas soovite proovida uut puslemängu? Miks te ei prooviks Loafycat! täitsime selle mängu täis teravusega. , kui mängite rohkem, saate rohkem kõrgeima punktiga teadmisi! , mille...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 31, 2015
The Navy Advancement Game (NAG) is a study aide for the Navy's Advancement-in-Rate Examination. This version of the game is for the Hospital Corpsman Chief Petty Officer rate.The questions are from the following locations:Hospital Corpsman Questions from the NAVEDTRA 14295B manual.BMR Questions...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: July 31, 2015
The Navy Advancement Game (NAG) is a study aide for the Navy's Advancement-in-Rate Examination. This version of the game is for the Hospital Corpsman rate.The questions are from the following locations:Hospital Corpsman Questions from the NAVEDTRA 14295B manual.BMR Questions from the NAVEDTRA...