Juegos Pagados Android Gratis

Juegos Pagados Android Gratis
Version: 1.26 APK - Updated: June 29, 2015
Jetzt mit 10 Minispielen in der Basis-App!Die App zur Original Show * 10 tolle Minispiele inklusive * Mit den Stimmen von Stefan Raab, Elton und Steven Gätjen. Hole dir das Spiel zur Original TV-Show und teste dein Wissen.Bist du stark und schlau genug, um gegen den Raabinator zu bestehen? Der...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 29, 2015
The immersive free-to-play version, The Island Castaway: Lost World®, is already live! Don't miss out!The much-anticipated sequel to the vibrant simulation game The Island: Castaway® is here! Embark on an unbelievable adventure that will change the life of the island’s tribe. Stranded on...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 29, 2015
WINNER OF THE BRONZE AWARD FROM POCKETGAMER! The long-awaited sequel to Supermarket Management has just hit the shelves! Do you have what it takes to run a busy supermarket? Now you have a chance to show everyone! Become the manager of a small roadside shop and end up as the owner of a competitive...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: June 29, 2015
Polymer is a strategic shape-creating game that combines the logic of Rubik’s Cube, the sliding mechanism of Chuzzle, and the creativity of Lego.Slide columns and rows to create never-before-seen shapes!FOUR GAME MODES:• Two Minutes: Casual and fast-paced• One Polymer: Stress free and...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 28, 2015
Jeu éducatif en français, "Les lettres muettes" est un jeu de lecture.Le jeu est édité par l'édition Cat's Family, spécialisée dans l'édition de jeux ludo-pédagogiques, avec création à la demande des professeurs des écoles ou des orthophonistes. Le jeu est à...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: June 28, 2015
Jeu éducatif en français, la lecture des sons complexes en "ail", "eil", "euil", "ille" et "ouil".Le jeu est édité par l'édition Cat's Family, spécialisée dans l'édition de jeux ludo-pédagogiques. Le jeu est à partir de 7 ans....
Version: 2.0.9 APK - Updated: June 28, 2015
Welcome to the Official State Domino game of Texas! Texas 42 is a trick taking game similar to bridge or spades. Invented in the late 1880s, it has become a tradition across generations of players.The sole motivator for the development of this app has been to create an AI that doesn't make the...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: June 26, 2015
Roll up, roll up, the circus is in town! Those crazy clowns have enlisted you to help them put on the greatest show on Earth!Put up a platform, place a trampoline, spray a clown with bubbles and put on a show in this clown-filled physics- based puzzle game!This crazy game is circus fun for all the...
Version: 4.1.2 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
¡Prepárese para competir con sus personajes favoritos de la red de dibujos animados en espectaculares pistas 3D llenas de acción y adrenalina en fórmulas Cartoon All-Stars! Todos sus personajes favoritos Disfrute de una gran lista de personajes, incluidos Finn, Gumball , Mordecai, Ben 10,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
Crazylines is a simple but addictive board game. The goal of the game is to arrange your cards (animals, monuments, events) based on criteria chosen at the beginning of the game.In Crazylines Monuments, you can play using two criteria: the date of construction and the height of the monuments. Do...
Version: 4.1 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
Erasing of your Problems got Easier than ever.Now with Erase your Problems with Ho'oponopono App, letting go of your problems is more Practical, Effective and FUN!You can benefit with Mabel Katz' s Ho'oponopono cleaning NOW.Ho'oponopono Works for Everybody. Choose to be Happy and at...
Version: APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
The sinister Milkman holds the city of San Cruces in his nasty criminal grip, and it’s up to legendary black belt neurosurgeon Dr. Karate and the rest of the Fist Puncher team to deliver old-school justice to the lawless streets. Play it on NVIDIA SHIELD!FEATURES- As featured in SHIELD Hub.- 19...
Version: 1.0.37 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
PRECIOS DE LA PRUEBA ALFA TEMPRANALea el sitio web para obtener más detalles y luego envíe un correo electrónico con sugerencias/comentarios.Si compras (y te quedas) a este precio, NO tendrás que volver a pagar al liberarlo.Esta es una prueba de motor, no hay monstruos/misiones de los que...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: June 24, 2015
Requerido el controlador de juegos. *** Los cielos se establecerán en llamas y los mares se desbordarán con restos en los elegantes disparadores de arcade de Vlambeers. Seleccione entre más de 125 combinaciones de armas, cuerpos y sistemas de propulsión y lleve a los cielos para luchar contra...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 24, 2015
Pour vous divertir et vous détendre Dream On Studio vous propose cette série de grilles de mot fléchés.Un concentré ludique avec plein de bonnes surprises, (pour garder votre esprit en ébullition )Bon jeux et à bientôt.
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: June 23, 2015
- It is a puzzle game where you pick up the seal to roll the cube, to stamp the goal.-Cube can be rolled back and forth from side to side swipe and flick.-All switches operate by sliding laterally.-When you press the seal in the cube, is transferred to the surface (bottom surface) I stepped. In...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 22, 2015
Welcome to the char-grilled world of Burn Zombie Burn, where the best type of undead is barbequed undead. The goals are simple: keep Bruce alive, as he tries to keep Daisy alive, and get the highest score possible. Standing (well, ambling) in your way is a never ending horde of the rotting,...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: June 22, 2015
The immersive free-to-play version, The Island Castaway: Lost World®, is already live! Don't miss out!Intense challenges await you in The Island - Castaway, an extremely addictive simulation game. You are one of the lucky few to escape a sinking ocean liner. Stranded on an island, you will...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 22, 2015
- England scene,- Scotland scene, - Ireland scene,- Wales scene,- different gameplay modes
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 21, 2015
- enjoy fantastic scenes !
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: June 19, 2015
Periodic Table Game es un juego educativo, diseñado para enseñar y poner a prueba el conocimiento del jugador sobre la tabla periódica. El público objetivo principal del juego son estudiantes universitarios que desean mejorar su conocimiento de la tabla periódica, ¡pero está diseñado para...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 18, 2015
clava todo lo que podría desear en un títulos de defensa, simplemente una explosión para jugar. 5/5 estrellas Toucharcade Uno de los mejores juegos que he jugado en la plataforma móvil: parada completa. 9.5/10 -destructoid dr. Lord Evilstein ha secuestrado a una princesa, y ahora su guarida...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: June 18, 2015
¡Crea tu propio zorro y explore los bosques, cuevas y montañas cubiertas de nieve! ¡Caza de animales, recluta zorros amigables para tu mochila y enfrenta a los jefes feroces! ¡Recolecte materiales para construir personalizaciones para su zorro, incluidos nuevos colores de piel, cascos,...
Version: 1.5.17 APK - Updated: June 18, 2015
Give your kids an app to celebrate their creativity while they learn letters, shapes and numbers! This I Like to Paint app from School Zone, delivers big learning fun in rainbow colors. Preschoolers and kindergarteners can choose a picture to “paint” from one of five image galleries: Mammals,...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 18, 2015
WARGUNCARD is a more aggressive variation of the popular card game War. Some of our old card games can sometimes take forever. In this version, the player who wins a hand of War receives ammo. With the use of this ammo, the player can conquer his opponent to win faster. And as any War would have...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: June 17, 2015
¡Acción que rompe el ladrillo en 3D desde una perspectiva completamente nueva! Todos los procedimientos de este juego van hacia el desarrollo del próximo título de VR Vanguard v. Puede ver la demostración de Vanguard V en Google Play Store....
Version: 2.0.9 APK - Updated: June 17, 2015
*** Ahora a la venta-¡40% de descuento! *** Tome el mando del equipo de Dungeon Crawlers mientras exploran pasillos infestados de duende, cavernas bañadas en lava y otros alrededores hostiles en busca de botín y monstruos para aplastar. Con el juego extraído de los mejores juegos de rol...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 16, 2015
Misión VR de VR 2 Cien incendios El episodio 3 ¡está listo Avalible! en Espionaje, táctico y acción se convierte en Android con un nuevo título de cien FIRES SAGA, VR Sneding Mission 2. Inspirado en los juegos de...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 16, 2015
Play the card game Agnes Solitaire, (also known as Agnes Patience). It is a single player card game that is a variant of the very popular card game Klondike (Solitaire/Patience). It is played using a single pack of 52 playing cards without jokers.RulesThe first twenty eight cards are dealt into the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 16, 2015
Spider Solitaire is a very popular patience card game. It is played using two packs of playing cards without jokers, for a total of 104 cards.The objective of the game is to move the cards into columns of the same suit in descending order, for example King down to Ace of Spades. The column of cards...