Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: April 02, 2015
This is No Ads version of most popular 2048 game in the world! Fun and addictive mobile version of 2048 game and most perfect 2048 number puzzle game for Android! Explore deep challenge for your mind! -HOW TO PLAY-Swipe to move the tiles, when two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into...
Version: 1.07 APK - Updated: April 02, 2015
PASTABA: Pertvarkyta versija iš kompiuterio versijos. Kad šis žaidimas tinkamai veiktų, reikalingas įrenginys su bent 2 GB RAM.Praėjus trisdešimčiai metų po to, kai Freddy Fazbear's Pica uždarė duris, ten vykę įvykiai tapo tik gandu ir vaikystės prisiminimu, tačiau...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: April 02, 2015
Celebrate the 75th anniversary of this classic children’s book with an award-winning app that is perfect for little fingers and big imaginations!Designed especially for toddlers and preschoolers, the app features a Play mode where kids can feed and interact with Bunny. Read mode features 14...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: April 02, 2015
Pasaulio visuomenės žaisti, ŠachmataiStrateginis smegenų vystymasis žaisti, ŠachmataiSveiki atvykę į "Hello Šachmatai"Šis žaidimas palaiko 1 žaidėjas žaidimai, 2 grotuvas ir interneto žaisti, todėl jūs galite žaisti su draugais arba išbandyti savo įgūdžius prieš...
Version: 1.4.12 APK - Updated: April 02, 2015
5/5 žvaigždės! Mane sužavėjo kiekvienas šių programų aspektas. „iPhone Mom“ Atrakinkite mokymosi galią! „Kid Awesome“ už vieną mažą kainą atvyko iš visų metų 1 klasės matematikos turinio. Leiskite savo vaikui atrasti ir sustiprinti esminius mokymosi įgūdžius kuo...
Version: 1.1.0g APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
* Android 8.0 nepalaikomas dėl atsilikimo.Paveikslai, įvedę pasaulį į chaosą, jaunuolis be prisiminimų ir mergina, turinti kauliukus, galinčius nulemti likimą. Ar neviltis gali virsti viltimi, kai jų istorijos susipina?Istorija prasideda, kai uostamiestyje ant kranto netikėtai...
Version: 1.28 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
This is the PAID version of Alice Looking Glass Loot Slots, please download the FREE version first to ensure the game is compatible with your device.Welcome to this delightful Alice In Wonderland Slot Machine - Alice and the Looking Glass Loot. Chase the White Rabbit down the Rabbit Hole and see...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
Take revenge on your father’s killer, and become the richest merchant in the kingdom! Immerse yourself in this old-school nostalgia-inducing trading experience.Step into the shoes of a medieval traveling merchant, whose life boils down to one simple sentence: you got to buy cheap, and you got to...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
Ar kada susimąstėte, kokias merginas būtumėte pasimatę ir kokias beprotiškas istorijas galėtumėte papasakoti, jei ką tik gyventumėte savo gyvenimą kitaip? Nuo gimimo iki mirties per 30 sekundžių kiekvienas gyvenimo etapas suteiks jums galimybę bendrauti ar vengti kitų. Kiekvienas...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
Вековой лес полон тайн и спокойствия. Его неторопливое дыхание так освежает в летний зной... Но при свете полной луны всё меняется: чувствуете, как лесная прохлада...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
"Veggiestry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 6 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: March 31, 2015
Play the epic RPG runner game– "shield or die"! Developed by 2 men studio.Break through the enemy lines and retrieve the orb of power![Story]You are a novice knight of the kingdom. One day, your kingdom raided by evil troops and national treasure, the orb of power was stolen! You must...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
LEGO ® "Marvel ™ Super herojai: Visata rizikuojant funkcijos originalią istoriją kirtimo visą Marvel visatoje. Imkis Iron Man, Spider-Man, The Hulk, Kapitonas Amerika, Ernis ir daug daugiau Marvel simbolių, nes jie sujungti sustabdyti Loki ir kitų Marvel piktadariai šeimininką nuo...
Version: 1.6.3 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Funny solitaire game with a lot of special effects. You have to clear out all the cards from the board as quick as you can. Watch out! There are ghosts in your vicinity!To accomplish the game you must finish with success up to twenty levels (new). Hurry up, the clock is ticking!For every 50...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
A fascinating game that 10 million people in worldwide downloaded and loves to play! The premium version of global TOP Action RPG ‘Arcane Soul’!Exclusive release of ‘Arcane Soul Plus’!* Extraordinary perks from Arcane Soul Plus!!1. Giving away 5,000 gold worth of $2 right ahead if you buy...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: March 29, 2015
Šis žaidimas yra panašus į klasikinį ROOK® kortų žaidimą *.Šiame klasikiniame gudrybių žaidime konkuruokite su kompiuteriu. Pasiūlykite konkurenciją dėl galimybės paskelbti kozirį. Imkitės gudrybių su rodyklėmis, kad pasiektumėte savo pasiūlymą, arba jūs...
Version: 0.9.9 APK - Updated: March 29, 2015
„Skelzies“ (Skelly, Skully, Skelsies) yra žaidimas, žaidžiamas Niujorko gatvėse. Ant gatvės asfalto nupiešta lenta arba kreida, arba purškiami dažai (nuolatinei lentai). Paskutinis dangtelis laimi. odas z, dideli ir kiti žmonės, kurie buvo užauginti Niujorke. *kreditai* Gamyba,...
Version: 1.0.12 APK - Updated: March 28, 2015
Build the ultimate shopper's paradise, become a retail magnate and outsmart your competition before the last customer leaves town."It's fun, compulsive, and easy to fit around your no doubt hectic life." - PocketGamerBuild you stores, hire employees, order inventory and get rich!...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: March 28, 2015
Pai Gow Fishing, also known as 'Fifteen Lakes', is an exciting fishing game played by Pai Gow fans.Pai Gow Fishing is played by 2 players. Each player is dealt 15 tiles, from a deck of 84 tiles. The fish pond has 24 'fish' tiles faced up for the players to catch from. Tiles with the...
Version: 1.3.2 APK - Updated: March 27, 2015
Pai Gow is played by 2 to 8 players. Each player is dealt 4 tiles, from a deck of 32 tiles. They have to decide on the strategy of dividing the 4 tiles into 2 hands. The 2 hands are then compared with those of the banker's. The player wins only if both hands have a higher value than those of...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 27, 2015
Waking up in an unknown location is reason enough to panic, but how about when there's a butcher on the loose as well? Using your wits and cover to your advantage, this virtual reality experience will constantly leave you terrified. Escape the exterminator by grabbing keys to unlock gates and...
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: March 27, 2015
Kinijos „Domino“, A.K.A Tien Gow, žaidžia 4 žaidėjai su 32 „Pai Gow“ plytelių deniu. Kiekvienas žaidėjas ruošiasi žaisti 8 plyteles. Žaidimo tikslas yra laimėti kuo daugiau raundų, pabrėžiant paskutinio turo laimėjimą. Strategizuokite savo judesius, nustatykite, kad...
Version: 1.1.4g APK - Updated: March 26, 2015
Atraskite dangaus pasaulį šiame fantastiniame RPG!!!Ar kris plaukiojantis žemynas, ar tu jį išgelbėsi...Claude'as gyvena Shelterra, plūduriuojančiame žemyne, kuris nėra suteptas Odium.Jo svajonė būti profesionaliu nuotykių ieškotoju prasideda nuo prašymo palydėti į urvą.Jis...
Version: 1.4.11 APK - Updated: March 26, 2015
„Kid Awesome“ pristato visus metus anglų kalbos turinio už vieną mažą kainą. Tegul jūsų vaikas žaismingai atras ir sustiprina esminius skaitymo ir raštingumo įgūdžius. Tikras žaidimas, puikus atlygis, gausus mokymasis. redaktorių pasirinkimas ... (vaikai) vargu ar žinos jos...
Version: 1.4.11 APK - Updated: March 26, 2015
5/5 STARS! “It was obvious to me after playing them that the developers really put a lot of thought and effort into them and the result is a collection of educational, fun, engaging, challenging, stimulating, high-quality apps that your family will love.” The iPhone Mom 5/5 STARS! "Kid...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
If you like the jewel matching games popular on mobile devices, you're going to love Catholic Match. Match historical symbols of the Catholic faith in order to win. Unlock power ups and special features as you go. It's great for keeping your kids entertained while you're travelling or...
Version: 9.21 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
Simulate and calculate wind drift and trajectory of a bullet's path in a 3-D environment!Features:Target Range in full 3-DManually Enter Conditions ModeNew 3-D Random Conditions ModeShooting Gallery ModeNew:Target Range Mode3-D Random Conditions Mode 3-D Manual Conditions ModeNew 3-D modes...
Version: 3.0316.1 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
Dabar jau su daugiau Monkeys!Chimpact 2 Šeimos medis yra kaip pinball bet su beždžionėmis! Turistinis vadovas Chuck Chimp, kartu su kitais šeimos nariais, kurie sustoja šioje przewijanie platformingo ir jos nuolat besikeičiančios džiunglių peizažai, o rinkti elementus ir spręsti...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
Dr. Dimensionpants joyrides across dimensions in this 2D side-scrolling game! Using single touch controls the player will be able to manage their ability to fly through inter-dimensional space! Dr. Dimensionpants has to be careful to avoid smashing into traps and enemies as it will disturb the...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
This app collects money for charity. All proceeds will go to charity at an institution of distance adoption to support African children with their studies. Donate a smile that you can.