Jocurile Plătesc Android Gratuit
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: November 11, 2014
Thai version of famous game Hangman. เกมใบ้คำ hangman เป็นเกมที่ให้ผู้เล่นได้เดาคำปริศนา...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: November 10, 2014
** Unul dintre cele mai mari hituri ale noastre din toate timpurile, Zombieville USA 2, este acum disponibil pe Android! verifică! ** Spiritul BattleHeart se întoarce, reimaginat! În Battleheart Legacy, veți explora o lume fantezistă bogată și detaliată, veți personaliza eroul dvs. unic...
Version: 28 APK - Updated: November 10, 2014
Take a ride through lands filled with perilous dangerous, where cute innocent looking animals may not be as harmless as they seem, turn your back and they’ll show you their true colours. Clear waves of furry and cute creatures, level up, complete quests , find powerful magical gems, shop for new...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2014
Name:▪ Zombie labyrinthDescription:▪ Your purpose is to get out of the labyrinth (find key and door)▪ Beware of zombie that wants to eat youFeatures:▪ 15 levels▪ 3 levels of difficulty▪ multiplayer for two people▪ different control modes▪ random location of key and door▪ One...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2014
A Gravity Flip Platformer/Runner from indie developer irrational idiom.A free DEMO is also available (see our other apps).• Challenging Gameplay• 8 bit Retro style• Simple Controls! (No clunky virtual gamepad)• Anonymous Leaderboards (3 character names)• No Sign-in, No IAP, No...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 09, 2014
Introduceți o pădure tropicală și trăi viața unui șarpe veninos! Exploreaza-o junglă luxuriantă plină de animale feroce și insecte de toate formele și mărimile. Ridicați-o familie, vâna alimente, și luptă pentru viața ta împotriva animalelor de pradă feroce ca tigrii, crocodili,...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2014
În Mockbuster Desert Bus 3D conduceți, conduceți și conduceți. Nu există nimic altceva decât drum și nisip. Poți să rămâi treaz suficient de mult pentru a termina acest remake 3D al jocului video clasic din 1995 nerelevat? Dacă nu sunteți fan al autobuzului original (și fără...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: November 08, 2014
Episodul 1 - Parisul primăvaraFotografii răsun dintr-o galerie... un jaf... o crimă... și începutul unei alte aventuri epice, originale, Broken Sword.De la Revolution, câștigătoare de mai multe premii, vine cel mai recent mister din această serie de puzzle-uri de aventură mult iubită....
Version: Pilot APK - Updated: November 08, 2014
This is an American pilots reaction test. You have to hold out for more than 2 minutes in order to pass the test successfully. Usually ordinary people without any training are able to stand for 10 seconds, professional players – for 30 seconds, surgeons – for 70 seconds, pilots – for 150...
Version: APK - Updated: November 08, 2014
Caterpillars and Alphabet is an educational game for an early childhood development that helps children to learn the spelling and pronunciation of all the letters of an english alphabet easily and with fun.Little caterpillars are willing to grow into beautiful butterflies, but to do that they need...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 08, 2014
Memory Match is a simple and delightful game with cards for children aged 3-6. Initially, all cards are turned face down. Tap on a card to turn it over, and memorize it. Then tap on another card to find its match (i.e. the same picture). If you find the matching card, both cards disappear....
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Soundbard este însoțitorul perfect pentru placa sonoră pentru jocurile dvs. săptămânale. Proiectat pentru a fi utilizat cu jocuri populare RPG Fantasy, Soundbard vă oferă acces la vârful degetelor la peste 170 de cântece scurte unice, strigăte și efecte sonore, scrise și înregistrate...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Found under the protection of the gods, a proud Roman city! A dispute between the gods Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, and the god of war Mars finds in the conclusion of a bet a temporary end. The centre of this bet are ... You! How will the bet end? Find it out! Use all your match-3-skills and prove...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Gründe, in diesem spannenden Match 3 Game, unter dem Schutz der Götter eine stolze, römische Stadt!Ein Streit zwischen den Göttern Jupiter, Juno, Neptun und dem Kriegsgott Mars findet im Abschluss einer Wette ein eher vorläufiges Ende. Der Mittelpunkt dieser Wette bist ... Du!Wie die Wette...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Entolit, un joc popular de puzzle, la fel de cunoscut sub numele de Fifteen. Jocul dezvoltă o gândire logică. Regulile sunt foarte simple: comandați numerele de pe tablă, plasându -le în ascensiune de la stânga la dreapta și de sus în jos, începând cu numărul 1 din colțul din...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
The sequel to Animal Chess is HERE! Dino Chess - The only Chess where the Dinosaurs really come alive!Control an army of dinosaurs and battle your friend in the Epic Chess Battle! Plan, strategize and choose from an arsenal of lightning, asteroids or even TNT. Watch how your Dinos literally destroy...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Koalas, billabongs, kangaroos, little penguins, shipwrecks, and tropical beaches. There is something for everyone in HexSaw – Australia but did you know that you’ll also find herds of wild camels? HexSaw – Australia has 23 colorful puzzles in four challenging sizes.HexSaw's hexagon...
Version: 1.5.6 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Vizitatorii din Italia ratează rareori carnavalul venețian și măștile ornamentate și detaliate pe care le poartă participanții. Sticla colorată, vopsea, paiete și pene fac ca aceste puzzle -uri să fie o sărbătoare pentru ochi și minte. Vă veți bucura de a deduce soluțiile...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 07, 2014
Jewel Match is an addictive match 3 puzzle game, to play move the gems to connect 3 or more of the same type.Features:- Fun Challenging Match 3 gameplay- Beautiful HD Graphics- Great Music and Sound Effects- Lots of Levels to complete- Special items to make huge combos- 3 Difficulty settings- Close...
Version: 1.77 APK - Updated: November 05, 2014
“Z”, the classic Real Time Strategy Game by the Bitmap Brothers remade for Android. Fans of this classic strategy title are in for a real treat. Everything is in here from the terrific comedy cut scenes to the frantic game play making this the definitive version of Z. MOBILE AND TABLET...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: November 05, 2014
Vă întindeți aripile și să cucerească cerul ca un Griffin mitic! Exploreze lumi imense de creaturi legendare, monștri periculoase, si sefii de moarte! Începe propria familie Griffin, război salariale pe baze ORC, și luptă pentru viața ta împotriva dușmanilor de moarte, cum ar fi orci,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 04, 2014
Nanny's pet rabbits have become rabid. She is hiding in her house and you have to find her before a rabbit finds you! Be careful that your torch doesn't run out or a rabbit will surely find you.
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: November 04, 2014
Make 7 letter "bingo" words from scrambled letters! Free hints are provided.Players can study up word lists and 6 letter stems, view statistics and browse through the whole 7 letter dictionary. There are 5 different difficulties and different dictionaries to choose from. Words can be...
Version: 1.0.93 APK - Updated: November 03, 2014
The zombies are coming! But wait, this time they don't want brains, looks like they just want to steal your... stuff.The zombies invaded your house, you are surrounded but it's not a problem. Use your finger to guide our hero to the zombies and destroy as many as you can. Kick and punch the...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: November 03, 2014
Finally, a slick and usable Durak game for Android! The last player with cards in the hand is the fool. Don't be the fool!True Fool's user interface supports your interaction with visual hints and texts so that you are never lost and feel in control. You can tap the cards and use the...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: November 02, 2014
Enjoy this great "endless runner" game as you race your soapbox racer, avoid opponents, and collect candy! Choose your driver, your car, and even your racing game! Drive a soapbox racer, a boat or even fly a spaceship from aliens! Fun and addictive! Play it today and you'll be hooked!...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 01, 2014
Tort Match este o frumoasă și de distracție meci de 3 joc, este foarte usor pentru a juca: doar glisați prăjituri pentru a conecta 3 sau mai multe de același tip, înainte de expirarea timpului.Caracteristici:- Distracție provocatoare meci de 3 joc- Grafica HD frumoase- Marea muzică și...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: November 01, 2014
Mint is a game where players will get better knowledge of money management and learn how to implement techniques and advice about investments, the goal of the game is that players learn to achieve financial freedom.By playing Mint you will acquire the skills to play and gain experience in the...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: November 01, 2014
Search 4 It - the pop culture word search game!FEATURES:•New twist on word search games•Super easy to learn•Free hints if you need a little extra help•Hundreds of fun categoriesThere currently 150 puzzles in this full version. More puzzle packs are planned.So "Search 4 It" and...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 31, 2014
Ah, vacanta litoral familie. Soare, nisip și ... annoyances belșug. Explora, rezolva puzzle-uri și să se joace arcade mini-jocuri în acest sequel la "Liniște, vă rog!".• clasic distractiv joc de aventură de pe dispozitivul portabil.• Exploreaza un mediu inima usoara si plin de...