Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1 APK - Updated: November 05, 2014
Levita oma tiivad ja vallutada taevas nagu müütiline Griffin! Avasta suur maailmad legendaarse olendid, ohtlikud koletised ja surmava ülemused! Alusta oma Griffin pere, sõda orc alused ja lahingus oma elu eest surmava vaenlased nagu orke, Treants ja draakonid!Lae Griffin Simulator täna kuigi...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 04, 2014
Nanny's pet rabbits have become rabid. She is hiding in her house and you have to find her before a rabbit finds you! Be careful that your torch doesn't run out or a rabbit will surely find you.
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: November 04, 2014
Make 7 letter "bingo" words from scrambled letters! Free hints are provided.Players can study up word lists and 6 letter stems, view statistics and browse through the whole 7 letter dictionary. There are 5 different difficulties and different dictionaries to choose from. Words can be...
Version: 1.0.93 APK - Updated: November 03, 2014
The zombies are coming! But wait, this time they don't want brains, looks like they just want to steal your... stuff.The zombies invaded your house, you are surrounded but it's not a problem. Use your finger to guide our hero to the zombies and destroy as many as you can. Kick and punch the...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: November 03, 2014
Finally, a slick and usable Durak game for Android! The last player with cards in the hand is the fool. Don't be the fool!True Fool's user interface supports your interaction with visual hints and texts so that you are never lost and feel in control. You can tap the cards and use the...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: November 02, 2014
Nautige seda suurepärast lõputut jooksjamängu, kui võistlete oma seebikarbi võidusõitjaga, vältige vastaseid ja koguge kommi! Valige oma juht, auto ja isegi võidusõidumäng! Sõitke seebikarbi võidusõitjat, paati või lennake isegi välismaalaste kosmoselaeva! Lõbus ja sõltuvust...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 01, 2014
Cake Match on ilus ja lõbus mängu 3 mängu, see on väga lihtne mängida: lihtsalt kaevukook koogid ühendada 3 või enama sama tüüpi enne aeg otsa.Omadused:- Fun Väljakutseid Match 3 gameplay- Beautiful HD Graphics- Great Music and Sound Effects- 2 erinevat mängu transpordiliikide: Arcade...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: November 01, 2014
Mint is a game where players will get better knowledge of money management and learn how to implement techniques and advice about investments, the goal of the game is that players learn to achieve financial freedom.By playing Mint you will acquire the skills to play and gain experience in the...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: November 01, 2014
Search 4 It - the pop culture word search game!FEATURES:•New twist on word search games•Super easy to learn•Free hints if you need a little extra help•Hundreds of fun categoriesThere currently 150 puzzles in this full version. More puzzle packs are planned.So "Search 4 It" and...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 31, 2014
Ah, perekonna mereäärse puhkuse. Sun, liiva ja ... annoyances ohtrasti. Avasta, lahendada mõistatusi ja mängida arcade mini-games selles järge "Vaikust, palun!".• Klassikaline seiklus mäng lõbus oma käsiseadmed.• Uurida lighthearted ja humoorikas keskkond.• Kasutage oma...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: October 31, 2014
Hankige see suurepärase hinna eest vara! Seda mängu värskendatakse Mormoni raamatu aja möödudes rohkemate lugudega. mängige nagu Jared ja tema vend ühes teie lemmikraamatus Mormoni lugusid! Kontrollige Jaredit, kui ta uurib Paabeli ja selle ümbruse torni, lahendades mõistatusi kogu tee...
Version: 0.0.4 APK - Updated: October 28, 2014
Autism Learning Colors is a game designed for children from toddler age to preschool years that have Delayed Language and Learning Developmental Issues such as Autism and PDD-NOS. The Autism Learning Colors Game has been developed to allow children to enjoy learning colors by trial and error.By...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 28, 2014
This is a fee version. NO ADS in the game! What's your children learn?- Helping the children develop observations and reflections skills- Your child will know name of familiar pets- 10 animals: ant, bee, cat, dog, elephant, fox, monkey, penguin and rabbit Key features - Educational games for...
Version: 0.0.9 APK - Updated: October 28, 2014
Autism Learning ABC and Sounds is a game designed for children from toddler age to preschool years that have Delayed Language and Learning Developmental Issues such as Autism and PDD-NOS. The Autism Learning ABC and Words Game has been developed to allow children to enjoy learning the Alphabet by...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 28, 2014
Ammu, kui loodi Minecrafti maailm, sisenes maailma nimega ebameeldiv olend, luues seadused, mis lisavad maailmale riske. Õnneks pandi risk Minecraftist välja, vangistati tema koduplaneedile Hazridski. Kahjuks suutis ta enne väljasaatmist herobriini Notchi vastu pöörata ja seda tehes andis...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 28, 2014
Take your kids to the Jungle anytime! Let them play with the funny elephant, listen to the exotic birds and touch the cute lion!Your toddler will love the colorful animations and sounds!Hidden in the game are little surprises which will help your toddler develop cognitive skills and maintain their...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 27, 2014
Drive your truck in this amazing simulation game for Android!Choose real trucks, to drive more than 13 beautiful, realistic and real world tracks.FEATURES: Trucks available: - Transport truck - Tank truck / fuel truck - Fire truck - Peterbilt truck - Scania truckThe simulator is...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: October 27, 2014
... Kiire tempoga reaktsioonimängude austajate jaoks peab proovima mängu. - IdroidStation Parim Twitchy Vabastusmäng ive mängis alates Super Hexagonist. - indiegamentsusiast ... üks neist häirivatest mängudest nagu Super Hexagon ja Pivvot. - Pocket Gamer ... see on selline, nagu...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 26, 2014
The most interactive Sudoku game here for you.Key features.* Simple design* Coins* Utilities* Objectives* High Scores* Levels* In app purchases* Leader boards* No adsDon't hesitate. Go and get your app.
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: October 26, 2014
Täisversioon Hankige tasuta versioon ületage takistused, hüpake batuudidel, kasutage Nitro suurte hüpete jaoks, käivitage kiirendusmõõturi abil auto kalle. Peate jõudma viimistluseni ilma autot purustamata või uppumata. Tehke mitmesuguseid nippe, mille jaoks punkte saate.
Version: 2.5.0 APK - Updated: October 25, 2014
Poker Odds Calculator Pro on Texas Hold'emi, Omaha ja Omaha High/Low Pokkeri koefitsientide kalkulaator.Koefitsiendid genereeritakse kas simulatsiooni (ligikaudne) või täieliku arvutuse (täpne koefitsient) abil kuni 9 mängija jaoks, olenevalt "tundmatute" arvust ja praegusest...
Version: 1.38 APK - Updated: October 25, 2014
Run, jump and build your way to new worlds and high scores in Hazumino, the game that combines relentless endless-runner with tricky block puzzle gameplay! Play with a range of characters in cool worlds, compete against your friends and become a Hazumino master!"Hazumino is a marvellous...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 25, 2014
Gem Twyx is a fun and addictive puzzle game, it is very easy to play: rotate the gems to make matches of 3 or more gems to clear the levels before time runs out.Features:- Fun and addictive Gameplay- Beautiful Graphics- Great Music and Sound Effects- 4 Different game modes: Arcade, Relaxed, Action...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2014
*** 주의 ***이번 발매되는 SS1의 내용은 노약자. 임산부. 심신 미약한 분의 플레이를 금지합니다.기존과 같은 '콘텐츠 수위 - 하' 가 아닌 '콘텐츠 주의 - 중' 입니다.[게임 내용]10월 26일에 발매 되는 수호령의 올바른...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 24, 2014
Erihind 44% soodsam (8,99 USD -> 4,99 USD) !!! Inimesed, päkapikud, päkapikud, maa -põhjade pahed ja Golems! { erinevad inimesed, erinevad hõimud, erinevad hõimud, erinevad hõimud , Erinevad motiivid- kõik tulevad kokku selles klassikalises fantaasia RPG-s! , mis on kajastatud Nvidia...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 23, 2014
Sisesta loodusesse savann ja elada elu Cheetah! Avasta suur rohtukasvanud plain täis metsik loomade kõik kuju ja suurusega. Tõsta pere jälile toidu ja lahingus oma elu ägedale kiskjad nagu hüäänid, krokodillid ja lõvid!Lae alla Cheetah Simulator täna kui see on 50% OFF väga piiratud aja...
Version: 1.10.203 APK - Updated: October 23, 2014
Õppige loogikaprobleeme 100 igas suuruses mõistatusega. Töötage oma teed 1–6, alates algajast kuni kaptenini! Kõige kõrgema hinnatud loogikamõistatuse kirjastajalt on see versioon loodud haridusturule, millel pole rakendusesiseseid ostusiseseid. Nagu alati, pole reklaame. dekodeerige...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: October 22, 2014
Lõpuks on saabunud kauaoodatud järge ka armastatud 8-bitise RPG-le pikka aega oodatud järge! Sarja kolmas osamakse on suurem seiklus kui kunagi varem, kus on palju uusi koletisi ja esemeid, paljudes on ainulaadseid efekte ja võimeid. Tegelasklassid on paremini diferentseerunud ja...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: October 22, 2014
Halfway through your relaxing international flight, you've just realized that the big deal is about to fall through! It's time to make a business call, but using a cell phone in a plane can have deadly consequences...-Exciting arcade business negotiation stealth flight simulator action!-The...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 22, 2014
Google Play Android -seadmete esimene ametlik litsentseeritud bampuserakendus. bagpuss hääletas kunagi lemmik BBC laste telesaadete programmis Kass ja tema mänguasja sõbrad. Loodud Oliver Postgate ja Peter Firmin of Smallfilms, sari seati 20. sajandi mänguasjapöörele, kus Emily tooks...