Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.4.1 APK - Updated: September 23, 2014
Qeqesha ubuchopho bakho ngezinselelo ze-Daily 9x9 Sudoku Grid ezingapheli kanye nobumnandi obungenamkhawulo! Okungaphezulu kakhulu kombulali wesikhathi, amaphazili weSudoku asendulo angakhulisa amandla akho obuchopho obuchopho. Ukungakhohlwa umbala wetimu we-ottimite futhi ujabule ophuzi ukuze...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: September 22, 2014
Ngena ehlane nokuphila bukhoma njengendlela Wolf! Hlola a enkulu, ihlathi aluhlaza ogcwele nezilwane eziyingozi of ezihlukahlukene futhi ayilingani. Aphakamise umndeni, yokuzingela ukudla, futhi empini ukuphila kwakho ngokumelene ezidla abanolaka efana amabhere, izingulube zasendle, futhi...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: September 22, 2014
Ngabe amakhono akho okugcina isikhathi ayenele ukusindisa ama-Pebbles?Kwaphela amakhulu eminyaka amaPebubhi ehlala ngokuthula. Babelima izimbali zabo abazithandayo, ababezidla ngenhliziyo enkulu.Kepha ngaleso sikhathi, ngaphambi kokuba kufike izilo. Manje zingama-neurotic futhi zixoshwa njalo...
Version: 1.01.01 APK - Updated: September 20, 2014
i-medieval england. Izikhathi zama-knights, abathakathi kanye nabazingeli. Yiziphi ezinye izimfihlo ezimbozwe yilesi sikhathi sezinkinga ezifihlwe ebuntwini? UMbhishobhi wamnika umsebenzi omusha. Ngabe kuzoba lula njengoba kubonakala ngaye? Yini ekhona edolobhaneni elincane elingaphandle? Lokhu...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 19, 2014
Are you ready for an exciting adventure with Mathlingz – friendly creatures living in a land of mathematics? Forget about boredom and discover how fascinating math can be! Mathlingz Addition&Subtraction 2 offers 10 math activities for children aged 8–11, facilitating numeracy skills...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: September 19, 2014
Phila ukuphila Grizzly Bear! Ukusinda njengoba ibhere osemncane ehlathini ogcwele carnivores eyingozi futhi imisinga ephuthuma zichichima izinhlanzi esihlwabusayo! Izilwane Hunt, baqale umndeni, futhi empini ukuphila kwakho ngokumelene ezidla ebulalayo efana izimpisi, oKlebe, nezinyoka!Download the...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 19, 2014
Multiply multiplication success! Flash cards are a time-tested, well-proven method for learning and reinforcing skills. These Multiplication Flash Cards allow for fast fun and hours of self-paced learning. Traditional “drills” are just a finger tap away! Four different play and learning modes...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 19, 2014
Conquer division challenges! Flash cards are a time-tested, well-proven method for learning and reinforcing skills. These Division Flash Cards allow for fast fun and hours of self-paced learning. Traditional “drills” are just a finger tap away! Four different play and learning modes in this...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 19, 2014
Prakthiza kunezela kuze kube yimpumelelo enkulu! Amakhadi we-Flash ayindlela ehlolwe isikhathi, efakazelwe kahle yokufunda nokuqinisa amakhono. Lawa makhadi we-Flash angeziwe avumela ubumnandi obusheshayo namahora wokufunda okuzimele. Ukushayela kwendabuko kumane nje kuthepha ngomunwe! Izinhlobo...
Version: APK - Updated: September 16, 2014
Survival Time-game about survival in the wild!# # # Discount -50% for a limited time! # # #Are you ready to challenge the wild?Gather resources and subsistence and get ready for the night, the most dangerous time of day!Do not forget to stock up a torch or fire to scare away wild...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 15, 2014
Play a fun, unique and beautiful bowling game you may have never seen it before. This game is for family or professionals who enjoy exotic and amazing nature environments. Bowl in Paradise!PRESS QUOTES TUAW - Whichever version of Bowling Paradise 2 you choose I believe it will provide you lots of...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: September 12, 2014
Abuse esibhakabhakeni kanye nokuphila bukhoma njengendlela Dragon edume! Hlola izwe elikhulu eziqhingini ezintantayo, izilo eziyingozi, futhi izidalwa wasenganekwaneni! Qala dragon nomndeni wakho siqu, abhubhise izinqaba zangenkathi ephakathi, futhi empini ukuphila kwakho ngokumelene nezitha...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 11, 2014
Join Franklin the Turtle and his friends in the first Franklin game for Android! Franklin has new pogo shoes, and wants YOU to help him reach his friends way up in the treehouse! Bounce, bubble and burst your way up the tallest tree to visit all of Franklin’s favorite friends - Bear, Fox, Snail...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 10, 2014
“Dinostry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 6 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 10, 2014
Ngubani ofuna ukuba ngumhloli wamazwe futhi uthole umcebo emephini? Endleleni uzobona izimangaliso zaseLondon ezidumile ezindala nentsha, kusuka kuBig Ben kuya eLondon Eye. {# #} - Lalelani: Izindawo ezisebenzayo ebalazweni ukubona izithombe Izingane zakho ezincane zizokujabulela ukufunda...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 09, 2014
I-Mary Red Cap iyincwadi ebabazekayo, exhumana yezingane, ngokuya ngenye yezindaba ezidume kakhulu ezinganeni emhlabeni. . Kunezindlela ezimbili zokusetshenziswa okutholakalayo: Funda kimi noma uzifunde. Imodi yokuqala isebenze ukuqoshwa kobungcweti nomlandeli weqiniso; Ivumela ingane ukuthi ihlale...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: September 09, 2014
Ukuvaleleka emhlabeni VR powered by an umshini ophathwa ngesandla wasendulo, wena bephoqeleka ukuba ukubalalela ngokungaphezi dream kuleli zwe kwe-pixel imibala 4 nje! Doves sebelithathile akhela ejele yakho futhi nakuba wena awazi bayizithunywa umgogodla wokusinda yakho. I Doves unganakile...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: September 07, 2014
Welcome to Cannon Crew! Take control of your crew, aim for the target in the sky, and blast your way through over 100 levels that will test your accuracy, precision, and speed. Successfully complete levels to earn stars and unlock new obstacles. Advance far and you’ll unlock 10 special bonus...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 05, 2014
Bem-vindo ao mundo divertido dos desafios perigosos!Tuim e o Fantasma é muito mais que um jogo. É um projeto educacional cheio de charme, de cor, emoção e insinuações perigosas para dizer que você pode alcançar os seus objetivos: brincar com os números e divertir-se muito! Tuim é o cara...
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: September 03, 2014
Данное приложение представляет собой пособие по обучению вождению автомобиля и подготовке к теоретической и практической сдаче экзамена ГИБДД на категорию АВ в...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 03, 2014
A Loffle is a fluffy little critter who loves to pair up with 2 or more pals of the same colour.Swap these guys around in the field to buddy them up into groups of 3 or more. Race against the clock to reach the target goal for happy Loffles!* Bright, colourful graphics.* Easy to learn touch...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 02, 2014
Now you can solve any Sudoku puzzle with this app, even the hardest puzzle, and even if the board is completely emptyIt can detect if you have entered repeated numbers in rows, columns or sub-tablesIt can detect the wrong puzzles (the ones which have no answer)
Version: 1.34 APK - Updated: September 02, 2014
Micron iyi-fusion eyingqayizivele ye-puzzle ne-gameplay yomdlalo. Faka izingcezu ebhodini ukuze udele izinhlamvu zamandla ezishaya umlilo. Khombisa izinhlamvu ekuphumeni ngamazinga angu-51 anzima - namazinga ebhonasi angu-12 - aqukethe imisindo ehlukahlukene ehlukahlukene. Izixazululo zakho zakha...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: September 02, 2014
Uyemukelwa kulokhu kuhlangenwe nakho okusha komdlalo. Ngabe ukujabulele ukudlala ukucasha nokufuna nabangane bakho ngenkathi usemncane? Bese ulanda lolu hlelo lokusebenza bese ubheka ukuthi ingane nenobuchwepheshe bathola kanjani umdlalo omusha ngokuphelele ndawonye. Fihla enye yalezi zingane ezine...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 02, 2014
Oh noes! Snowball, the genetically engineered, jet-pack-piloting super-kitty is trying to escape from the military. Help him get as far as you can. Only the tops of the green platforms are safe. Watch out for the sides of pillars, the giant spikes, fire from enemy soldiers, incoming missiles and...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: September 02, 2014
Time to get out of the city and experience some Country Living in our latest Live Jigsaws game! Take in the pastoral landscapes as imagined by acclaimed book cover artist, Phatpuppy. Customize your jigsaw, then piece it together while enjoying the stunning animations and 3d graphics.Country Living...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 02, 2014
Träna och lek med ord och bild!Kul med Duffton är en svenskproducerad läs- och skrivapp.Den är i första hand avsedd för att uppmuntra till att ljuda, skriva och läsa hemma, i förskoleklass och skolår 1. Spelen bygger på ljudningsmetoden. För att knäcka läskoden behöver många barn...
Version: 1.3.21 APK - Updated: August 28, 2014
*** temporarily 50% discount! ***== INSIGHT + FUN = KIDSCALCULATE == == WELCOME TO THE BEST IN THE WORLD VISUALLY SUPPORTED CALCULATION SYSTEM! ==== PROVIDING A STRONG MATHS FOUNDATION ==• KidsCalculate combines the advantages of the Abacus, the Montessori Stacking System, the Bead...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 27, 2014
TWO minimal, so simple so challenging!Features:- CHALLENGING PUZZLES in 3 different play modes: * basic mode (simple to medium) * color mode (medium to hard) * number mode (hard to very hard)- LOT OF FUN with 34 levels- INTUITIVE GUI, it’s all iconic- SIMPLE GAMEPLAY, just shift tiles...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 26, 2014
Qaphela: Ama-mixels adinga i-OS 4.0 noma ngaphezulu kanye ne-1 ghz embaxa mathupha nge-512 MB ye-RAM nangaphezulu. Vikela i-turf yakho kule hbrid yesenzo kanye ne-tower Defense! Hlangana nezinto ezixubile ama-mixels yizidalwa ezihlukile eziphilela ukuhlanganisa! Bayakuthanda ukuxubana ukuthola...