Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno

Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 12, 2014
EGO Osobni Kviz je igra za igranje s prijateljimaSaznajte koliko ste zapravo znate o ljudima s kojima provode svoje vrijeme s - oni će vas iznenaditi!3-8 osoba može igrati ovu igru ​​na samo jedan telefon ili jednu tabletu!EGO Osobni Kviz je novi osobni igra, a cilj je da se otkrilo osobnim...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 12, 2014
Solving puzzles as a challenge, on your own or in pairs: more than 100 images revolving around the wacky, off-beat comic characters from Edna & Harvey, created by Daedalic Entertainment, wait to be put back together.Solving the puzzles quickly and accurately awards bonus points: play for the...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: June 12, 2014
A new implementation of the popular logic game Sudoku. The game has a very pleasant interface and ease of operation. Puzzle made ​​up so as to have only one solution.This version is ad-free. Free version of the game with advertising is also available.Game Features:- Nice interface- 5 levels of...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 10, 2014
zmija nova meta stare igre zmije na novi način. nevjerojatno svijetlo i zabavno igranje, 20 različitih razina složenosti i dizajna. Zmija u novom stilu. Potpuna kontrola nad zmijom. Besplatna verzija: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.my.my.mnake
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 10, 2014
R.B.I. Baseball 14 je ovdje u svom svom jednostavnom, savršenom slavi -Yahoo Sports R.B.I. Baseball bi mogao postati instant klasik. -Bleacher Report Divlje sam uzbuđen zbog ponovnog pokretanja R.B.I. Baseball -Seth Meyers Unutar jedne izložbene igre RBI 14, ušli smo u nju. -polygon Igra je...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: June 10, 2014
Join the Adventure Company on their dangerous quest to obtain riches and glory! You'll battle terrifying liches, horrific slimes and even the gods!* Unique blend of RPG, puzzle, and roguelike elements* Fight dangerous monsters and save brave heroes across five unique episodes* Over 25 unique...
Version: 1.7.1 APK - Updated: June 09, 2014
Posjetili smo seosku farmu kako bismo stvorili logičke zagonetke iz bujnih voćnjaka, lokalnih ribnjaka, poznatih barnara i seoskih kuhinja. Flippix Art - Country Life ima 240 zagonetki u raznim veličinama od 5x5 do 20x20. Stara japanska logička zagonetka poprima novi izgled s Flippix Art! ...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: June 09, 2014
"Kids" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.Ages 5-9. Recommended for children learning/exercising numbers and to count.Trivial puzzles, if you have ever solved GraphiLogic puzzles, this is NOT the pack for you.55 Graphilogic Puzzles, Puzzle size 10x10, 10x15.Please install the free GraphiLogic...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 09, 2014
After vanquishing her evil twin, Pandora, Empress Anna must find her lost tribe. In a fever dream she learns they are threatened by a cursed colossus on a distant and mysterious temple city, adrift on the waves below. Helped by the ghost of Jacob and an ancient phoenix she escapes the burning...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2014
Race ferocious dinosaurs in a prehistoric showdown that's over a million years in the making! Use powerful legs and gigantic wings to speed your way to victory! Pick your favorite dinosaur, choose from three treacherous racetracks, and prove that you are the one true Jurassic Racing...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 06, 2014
From A to Z and apple to zipper, learn ABCs letter by letter! Flash cards are a super, time-tested way to learn fundamentals, and this self-paced flash card app puts the emphasis on fun. What is the letter that begins the word “penguin”? Say it, then tap the card to turn it over and hear the...
Version: 1.80 APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
"Freebord Game" je prva 3D igra sadrži novu sportsku Freebording. Freebord je jedinstvena spust odbora sa 6 kotača, koji se osjeća puno više poput snowboardinga od bilo koje druge skateboard. Snowboard The Streets! Vi ne morate lift karticu ni snijeg, samo strma ulici ispred svoje...
Version: 1.1.0g APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
*Važna obavijest*Zbog razloga održavanja aplikacija će privremeno biti nedostupna za 64-bitne uređaje nakon 31. srpnja 2021. Ovisno o optimizaciji za nove uređaje, možda će kasnije biti moguće zaustaviti distribuciju. Cijenimo vaše razumijevanje.* Ova igra nije kompatibilna s Androidom 10...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
"Movie Star" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic. Challenging puzzles, recommended to experienced solvers only. (You've been warned... :) ) 55 color Graphilogic Puzzles of hard difficulty. Puzzle size is varying from 15x25 to 30x35.Please install the free GraphiLogic application to play with...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
"Sweet" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic. 55 puzzles, the sweetes puzzle pack ever :) Color GraphiLogic Puzzles, average puzzle size is 15x10, easy-medium difficulty. The puzzle is also known as "Hanjie", "Pic-a-Pix", "Picross", "Nonogram",...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
"Viktor&Nori" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.128 color Graphilogic puzzles of easy / medium difficulty, created by Viktor & Nóri. They are cool. The puzzles also :)Please install the free GraphiLogic application to play with the puzzles.
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
One of the best puzzle games is now finally available as an App, including 96 brand new challenges. Launch the lifeboats, patrol the water and rescue all the passengers who've gone overboard! Titanic by SmartGames is a fascinating sliding puzzle with simple rules but with challenges that are...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
The English Minnits is an adventure game that is intended for children learning English as an additional language between the ages of 10-13. It was originally developed for children with special needs and was funded by The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (SPSM in Swedish)....
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Dive into some classic mahjong fun with Super Mahjong! With 3 game-play modes to choose from, everyone will find enjoyment. You'll get hours of fun with unlimited amount of levels. If you like mahjong puzzle game, this one is for you.
Version: 1.17pro-an APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Players comments:"Time killer.""Fun and creative.""The blitz chicken is my favorite!"Become one of the 4 best diving chickens of history with this totally crazy action game!Deeper, Blitz, Scuba and Challenge will let you break diving world records and go beyond your...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Bake your very own delicious Cake Pop covered with yummy sprinkles and put a sweet cherry on top! Design a delightful treat and even give it funny facial features before you take a huge tasty bite! The sky is the limit with the Cake Pop Bake Shop!BAKE SHOP FEATURES:+ MAKE YOUR OWN CAKE POP - Choose...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Do you like color-matching games? If so, Smiley's Pop is the game for you. Based around a simple concept, you have to line up matching colors. Powered by a fun and addictive game-play, you will enjoy hours of entertainment.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Design and dress up your very own stuffed bear with Build a Teddy Bear! Everyone remembers their very first childhood teddy bear. Soft and cuddly, always there to keep you safe when you fall asleep at night. Now your kids can customize a bear of their own! Get Build a Teddy Bear today while...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Build a living breathing dinosaur tower with the addicting reflex game Dinosaur Stacker! These dinosaur have been hibernating inside of a volcano for millions of year, now that it's active again they need to find a way out! Help them stand on each others shoulders to build a ladder to the sky...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 01, 2014
Upoznajte svog obožavanog krznenog novog najboljeg prijatelja, Virtualno štene za kućne ljubimce! Trčite po gradu i iskopali zakopane kosti! Nahranite svog vjernog kućnog ljubimca ukusna zalogaja! Igrajte igre i desetke drugih aktivnosti kako biste održali svoje malo štene sretno i zdravo! ...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 31, 2014
U ovoj ćete igri biti vatrogasac! U različitim misijama možete voziti vatrogasno vozilo, džip, automobil i transporter. moći ćete obavljati vatrogasne zadatke u 8 različitih misija i 45 razina: grad { #} City u centru grada viaduct autocesta selo Big City ogromni grad prednosti: ...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 31, 2014
Battle with fearsome muscle-bound heroes in a mixed martial arts showdown to decide who is truly the most dangerous fighter alive! Use powerful punches, kicks, and clinches to fight your way to victory! Pick your favorite hero, step into the arena, and prove that you are the one true Heroic...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 31, 2014
Meet your new furry best friend, the Virtual Pet Panda! This beautiful animal has become endangered and is counting on you to help protect and care for it. You'll have to feed, exercise, and of course pet your new panda to keep him happy!Download the Virtual Pet Panda today while it's 50%...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 30, 2014
The Oracle of Bacon presents the official Six Degrees app for Android devices. Link any actor to any other actor, watch which actors other users are linking, and practice putting actors and movies in valid linking order.
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 29, 2014
Trebat će vam sve svoje sve vaše vještine za rješavanje platforme i zagonetka kako biste pomogli da lisica prikupi sva jaja i nahrani svoje gladne mladunče na preko 30 raskošnih i fiedingly teških razina. Postoje borbe za šefove! Postoje brzine!