Spill Betalt Android Gratis

Spill Betalt Android Gratis
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
Do you like a cat? If yes, enjoy the Cat Jigsaw Puzzle right now!When you wait for someone, you can feel bored. Playing Cat Jigsaw Puzzle makes you not bored anymore.Playing Cat Jigsaw Puzzle with working brain in the subway or bus makes you feel time flies like an arrow.Relax to play Cat Jigsaw...
Version: 1.0.25 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
Desert Stormfront er en sanntidsstrategi (RTS) -spill som ligger i Midt-Østen. Du spiller på varme ørkenlandskap for kraft og olje. Enheter som er til din disposisjon inkluderer Humvees, Tanks, Artillery, Mechanics, Helicopters, Fly, skip og ubåter blant andre. Desert Stormfront støtter...
Version: 3.0.7 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
Leps World er en legendarisk plattformspiller, med over 250 millioner nedlastinger! Så gå inn på moroa! Vær kvikk ... vær rask ... og hjelp lep å finne gullet hans. Det er skjult i en rekke fantastiske godt utformede nivåer, og han er fast bestemt på å finne alt! LEPS World Features: ...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
NEXT LEVEL Premium is a puzzle based on logic, research skills, Google-fu, patterns and systems.The rules of NEXT LEVEL are simple! All you have to do is to figure out the password for the NEXT LEVEL. Each level has a number and a clue. The level number and clue is connected in some logical way....
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
When you wait for someone, you can feel bored. Playing Painting Jigsaw Puzzle makes you not bored anymore.Playing Painting Jigsaw Puzzle with working brain in the subway or bus makes you feel time flies like an arrow.Relax to play Painting Jigsaw Puzzle with listening to your favourite music or...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
When you wait for someone, you can feel bored. Playing Jigsaw Puzzle makes you not bored anymore.Playing Jigsaw Puzzle with working brain in the subway or bus makes you feel time flies like an arrow.Relax to play Jigsaw Puzzle with listening to your favourite music or drinking a coffee.This is a...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
The aim of this gameThe highest score must be obtained without the protective shield being reduced to zero.In this new Pinbal concept, you shoot continuously as in an action game.You aim, shoot, recharge, etc... Each time you hit a target ball (a smiley), you score points. Reaching the targets is...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
Do you like an elephant? If yes, enjoy the Elephant Jigsaw Puzzle now!When you wait for someone, you can feel bored. Playing Elephant Jigsaw Puzzle makes you not bored anymore.Playing Elephant Jigsaw Puzzle with working brain in the subway or bus makes you feel time flies like an arrow.Relax to...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2018
Do you like a bird? If yes, enjoy the Bird Jigsaw Puzzle right now!When you wait for someone, you can feel bored. Playing Bird Jigsaw Puzzle makes you not bored anymore.Playing Bird Jigsaw Puzzle with working brain in the subway or bus makes you feel time flies like an arrow.Relax to play Bird...
Version: 1.0.80 APK - Updated: October 01, 2018
**Check out our new Mobile Game Battles Royale today! Create a deck of cards and conquer your opponents towers, in a real time multiplayer adventure!!!You are Captain Tito, you are mad and rebel. You have come to this god forsaken island to rescue all your teammates. Help them regain their freedom...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 01, 2018
Den 15 Puzzle, også kjent som Game of Fifteen eller Mystic Square, er en glidende puslespill som består av en ramme av nummererte kvadratiske fliser i tilfeldig rekkefølge med én flis mangler.Puslespillet finnes også i andre størrelser, spesielt de mindre 8 Puzzle. Hvis størrelsen er 3x3...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: September 29, 2018
Demon Party is a retro-inspired RPG style.And it's the begining story of Andromeda Galaxy epic tale.There is one sacred realm that goddess created , Tautarus...At the begining, Tartarus realm has none a single soul exist. Until the Goddess of life and Death came to the realm and created...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 29, 2018
Familie Memory Trainer er et minne spill som trener hukommelse, observasjon, oppmerksomhet, konsentrasjon, forbedrer hjernefunksjoner og kognitive ferdigheter. Det er en utfordrende, engasjerende, interaktive og underholdende spill for alle generasjoner. Det er så enkelt som virkelig lite barn kan...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2018
Mahjong Solitaire Pro, also named Mahjongg, is a collection of 19 solitaire games where you sould remove all pieces from the game board.Find matching pairs of images from the both ends of lines of the game layout of pieces.Mahjong Solitaire Pro lets you to edit layouts and create new game. With...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: September 29, 2018
Family Math game is a mathematical trainer for developing your brain. If you need to improve your mental math or learn math then this trainer for you! Family Math is age-appropriate for kids, children, teenagers, and adults. This game is designed for those who want to learn mathematical tricks to...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2018
Mahjong Solitaire Ultimate Pro is a solitaire matching game using set of mahjong tiles.Mahjong Solitaire Ultimate Pro is the perfect casual game to have fun and relaxing puzzle challenges. Mahjong Solitaire Ultimate is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing dynasty. The game is...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: September 28, 2018
==Languages: English , Chinese(繁體中文)==Description: In AD 225, a long war was happened in China. The commander-in-chief of SHU kingdom named Kong Ming order the first general Zhao Yun to Battle with Nanman Barbarians. Falling stones, rolling logs, poisonous springs, attacks of malaria are...
Version: 1.85 APK - Updated: September 28, 2018
Chess CastDo you want to see your chess games or the games of other on the big screen?Then this unique app is made for you! This is THE ONLY app that can show chess games on a TV by using the chromecastdongle. Simply load a chess game (pgn files) and cast it to the TV and play throughthe game on...
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: September 27, 2018
Do you miss the good old arcades days? Do you miss the thrill of trying arcade cabinet for the first time and tossing in coins after coins? Let’s go back in time with the new original virtual arcade cabinet GodSpeed! A non-stop adrenalin rush action, lots of enemies, upgrades, awesome graphics,...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: September 27, 2018
[777 Slot 水果盤Gold] 是一款模擬早年懷念的水果盤遊戲~趕快來試試手氣~您可以先玩[777 Slot 水果盤]免費版, 覺得好玩再購買這個版本~!付費版增加的功能: 1.沒有廣告 2.增加可以選比率的玩法, 有1:1, 1:10, 1:100...
Version: 2.5.2 APK - Updated: September 26, 2018
VIKTIG: Det er en mer avansert versjon av dette programmet tilgjengelig. Du kan laste det ned her:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gpaw.projects.space.advancedSpaceFlightRealistisk 3D romfart simulator og planetarium.I denne applikasjonen finner du:- Alle store planeter og måner i...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: September 26, 2018
Kingturn er en vanedannende turnbasert fantasestrategi RPG med en dybde som sjelden er funnet på mobile enheter. et strålende taktisk kampspill [TouchArcade Review] Spillet kombinerer outpost som erobrer med taktisk kamp og en Kompleks enhetens ferdighetssystem. innebygd i en overbevisende...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: September 26, 2018
Kingturn Underworld er en vanedannende turnbasert fantasestrategi RPG som tar både vett og tålmodighet å bli mestret. KingTurn - et strålende taktisk kampspill [TouchArcade Review] Kingturn Underworld Marks 1st -kapittelet av vår KingTurn -trilogi, og består av 74 scenarier der du kan...
Version: 2.3.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2018
This is a collection of the best and favorite card games. The game included: - Klondike (deal 1 or 3 cards, classic score and Vegas) - FreeCell (Solitaire) - Hearts (shoot the sun and Jack of Diamonds) - Spider (1, 2 and 4 suits) - Spades - Thousand (settings of redeal, share, penalty...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: September 25, 2018
2 player game of snakes and ladders. You can play the traditional way of up the ladders and down the snakes or down the ladders and up the snakes, hence the name ADDers and Ladders. It is also a reference to the condition of Attention Deficit Disorder (or ADHD) as I also look after the charity...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: September 25, 2018
Tusen takk for at du laster ned vår prikker og bokser-app og gjør den til en av de mest populære Dots and Boxes-implementasjonene i markedet. Vi bestemte oss for å legge til en versjon uten annonser for alle dere som ønsker å nyte spillet uten annonser.Hvorfor kjøpe No-Ads versjon?  1)...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: September 24, 2018
Hjelp Caterpillar til å bli en sommerfugl. Caterpillar må spise nok for å utvikle seg til en sommerfugl. Som larve kan du støpe silketråder for å klatre i trær, og verden kan utforskes i hvilken som helst rekkefølge.Funksjoner 🍂 Gratis Roam in a Bug World 🍁 Støp silkestrenger for å...
Version: 1.39 APK - Updated: September 24, 2018
Et 2D skytespill som fanger fiender og lager dem våpen.7 stadier i 1 trinn 3 område konfigurasjon.[Notat]Vi utvikler Nexus 7 (2012) som anbefalt terminal.Siden behandlingsbelastningen avhenger av oppløsningen, kan operasjonen være treg selv for terminaler som er raskere enn dette.(Hvis tallet...
Version: APK - Updated: September 24, 2018
Texas Hold’em Odds Calculator application calculates and displays hand probabilities by simulating thousands of games with given combinations of cards.Uses an easy to use, circular card picker.The program is flexible, intuitive and easy to use. Supports 1 to 12 players (8 players on smaller...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 23, 2018
Oppdag den beste samlingen av kabal kortspill noensinne laget for Android-enheter. Intuitiv, enkel, vennlig, vakker ... bare flott.Prøv den og du vil elske den!Solitaire Collection Premium er en samling av 90 kabaler (og mer kommer snart ...) inkludert de mest berømte og morsomme kabaler som...