Hry Placené Android Zdarma
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
Ponies! Horses! And even a reindeer. Tap 5 times to design one and see Kate and Harry ride it."So simple to use this app is perfect for even the youngest iPadder… Ride a Pony is a brilliant app to use with young children and can be used to develop listening skills... Totally child friendly...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: April 02, 2014
Freestreet je typ hádanky. Cílem hry je propojit části silnic dohromady, aby byly připojeny všechny cesty. Hra je uvedena v demo verzi 30 a v plné verzi 500 různých úrovní s neustále se zvyšuje obtíže. Na rozdíl od mnoha jiných her je poskytnuta správa hráčů, aby více lidí...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 02, 2014
Have you ever tried to teach a kid the game of baseball or softball? If you have, then you know it ain't easy! Let's face it, its a complicated game, especially for a child.KidPro Baseball is both an instructional aid, and a game, focused on teaching the basic concepts of baseball to a...
Version: 1.36 APK - Updated: March 31, 2014
Ganymede is a game of logistics and real-time strategy, set on the four major moons of Jupiter.Mine the moon surface to extract raw materials, build conveyor belts to bring the materials to processing plants to produce advanced goods, defence towers and more. Make money to improve your base by...
Version: 1.62 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Mad FreeBording je hra bruslení s novým sportovním freebordingem. Připadá mi to jako snowboarding ulice. Tato hra nabízí více než 30 misí na 18 úrovních, velké množství oblečení a předmětů, realistické úrovně a čistá zábava. Jízda, na úrovni, vylepšete své dovednosti,...
Version: 1.4.6 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Please keep wildfires where they belong - on your phone!In this real-time strategy game, you command a team of elite firefighting helicopters, ground units and water bombers as they battle raging wildfires around the world!MISSIONS (Countries):- Stranded Hikers- Camp Fire- Malibu (USA)- Hawaii...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Meet one of the most loved dinosaurs of all time and the newest addition to the Prehistoric Park, the Virtual Pet Triceratops! Let out a ferocious roar, walk around the park, and tell dino jokes to keep your Triceratops happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Triceratops today while it's 50%...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Meet your magical new best friend, the Virtual Pet Unicorn! Feed, customize, and play with your unicorn to keep it happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Unicorn today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+ MAGICAL 3D UNICORN - The horned horse of legend is yours to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Seznamte se s nejobávanějším predátorem moře, virtuálním mazlíčkem velkým bílým žralokem! Ukažte si zuby, řekněte vtipy žraloků a lovíte svačinu, aby váš žralok byl šťastný a zdravý! } Funkce her + Interaktivní 3D Shark - Nejobávanější predátor moře je na vašem...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Meet your majestic new best friend, the Virtual Pet Horse! Feed, customize, and play with your pony to keep it happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Horse today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+ BEAUTIFUL 3D HORSE - One of the most faithful companions a person can...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Klapka a helma svou cestu a zachránit princeznu!Náročné hryMezery nepředvídatelné sloupců, rychlost a vzdálenost.Postupně se vzrůstající obtížností pro začátečníky i zkušené hráče.Tři odemykatelných scény.Helma se! Zachránit princeznu!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2014
Are you ready to take the war to the machines?Decimate the robot horde and avoid the obstacles they have set before you. Collect Robobucks and marshal them wisely to drive further and inflict more damage than ever before!You are in command of the only battle tank available to the humans, charged...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 28, 2014
Simple. Intuitive. Fun!Control Buzz the Bee with your finger, popping as many balloons as possible to rack up the points!Perfect for boys, girls, toddlers, and all little kids!Balloon Buzz is the perfect combination of colorful graphics, happy music, and fun game play.You don't need to be a...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 28, 2014
Intenzivní ragbyový zážitek !!! Tru Blu Blu Entertainment and Wicked Witch Software Present Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge: Gold Edition s rychlým zápasem, vlastním zápasem a konkurenčními režimy Hraje Jonah Lomu! Výhradně představující Jonah Lomu! Zažijte všechny emoce a...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 28, 2014
GET YOUR QUICK FIX OF RUGBY!Tru Blu Entertainment and Wicked Witch Software present Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge: Quick Match edition. Designed for quick play and on the go fun, starring Rugby legend: Jonah Lomu!STARRING JONAH LOMU!The only app to exclusively feature Jonah Lomu!Step into the sublime...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 27, 2014
"Petites Choses" is a game for 2 year old kids. They explore a poetic world with original mini-games, searching for keys that will release a small bird from its cage.With "Petites Choses" your children enjoy the mini games, they discover surprises scattered throughout the scene,...
Version: 4.6 APK - Updated: March 27, 2014
Space War SE (Special Edition) je vesmírná arkádová hra pro Android! Proleďte prostorem a zničte vlny útočících mimozemšťanů! Buďte připraveni na závěrečnou bitvu! Space War SE je navržen pro hraní herní hry a podporuje herní ovladače Moga! Podporuje také HDTV! Tato hra...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: March 26, 2014
Simple operation, realistic battles and explosions in the game that you can taste !Machine-gun bike, Grenade launchers, tanks and move and fight with these ally units to destroy enemy buildings.The effects of the weapon and hit the unit is very realistic and high- quality sense , and you can really...
Version: 11.02 APK - Updated: March 25, 2014
Experience the exotic delights of ancient Arabia in Mystic Genie Slots! Make a wish on the Mega-Wish wheels and see if it comes true! There are 5 amazing bonus upgrade wheels to play. Unlock the wheels as the free games progress and be amazed by mysterious new bonuses coming direct to you from the...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: March 25, 2014
Dragon Wall Street je na světě!Spravujte své portfolio a osobní život v tomto akciovém trhu vizuální román!Zisk z divoké americké ekonomiky, s historickými skutečnými událostmi života Skladem: prezidentské volby, auto-průmyslu dotacemi, Wall Street protestů, kvantitativní...
Version: 1.5.3 APK - Updated: March 25, 2014
V celé Evropě a Asii byli fanoušci Warriors používány jako zbraně a pro tajnou komunikaci, herci a tanečníky pro představení a děti jako hračky, jakož i ženy, aby se jednoduše ochladily. Vyrobené z bambusu, papíru, skořápky želvy, slonoviny, peří nebo hedvábí a zdobené...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 24, 2014
"the game is incredibly addictive" 8/10 - "a solid Karting game that should keep fans of the genre busy" 8/10 - Join Garfield and his friends in the funniest fast and fur-ious game!What character do you want to play with? Garfield, Odie, Jon,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 24, 2014
Play as Rolo, the blue raccoon ball, as you venture out into a vibrant colorful world in a gravity defying quest to seal the deal with a sleeping beauty. Controls are simple and intuitive, roll by tilting the device and move the camera by swiping the screen. One copy of this game includes:· Many...
Version: 2.88 APK - Updated: March 23, 2014
Get ready for captivating adventures in the sea full of dangers and possibilities. Become a sailing-ship captain! Discover new islands, win nautical battles, trade exotic goods without forgetting about searching for the main treasure. Notes: A large fleet cannot be conquered just with powerful...
Version: 1.401 APK - Updated: March 21, 2014
Touring Racing brings to your Mobile Device all the excitement of one the most important Racing Category in the world, in this game you will feel on your skin how is to drive the Touring cars on various types of circuits.Don't waste your time, download the game now and have fun!
Version: 1.401 APK - Updated: March 21, 2014
Classic Prototype Racing brings to your Mobile Device all the excitement of one the most important Racing Category in the world, in this game you will feel on your skin how is to drive these fantastic cars on various types of circuits including the famous Ovals like Indianapolis and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 21, 2014
Meet one of the most dangerous hunters of all time and the newest addition to the Prehistoric Park, the Virtual Pet Velociraptor! Hide in the grass, run around the park, and eat delicious meat to keep your Raptor happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Raptor today while it's 50% OFF for a...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: March 21, 2014
Poznámka: přidání časovače sledovat záznamník rychlost pro letecké loga na 01.8.2013. Odinstalujte starší verze první, pokud je již na vašem zařízení. Úžasné! 250 + Airline Logos hádání vyzkoušet své dovednosti hádat najít správnou Název letecké společnosti při...
Version: 1.002 APK - Updated: March 20, 2014
Hrajte příští generaci nekonečného běžce s zvratem RPG s nekonečným válečníkem. Uvolněte peklo provedením rychlého, dobře načasovaného prstu na soupeře a být odměněni zlatem, kořistí a odvážným 3D animací zaznamenaným hollywoodskými bojovými koordinátory. vede...