Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 20, 2014
Hammurabi, The Game, is our tribute to a classical computer game. The original game (called Hamurabi, due to limitations of the original hardware in the length of names) was the ancestor of strategy and resource management games and was completely text based. The Android version is enhanced with HD...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 19, 2014
Susipažink su Dinozaurų karaliumi ir išgirskite, kaip jis riaumoja su žiauriai nuostabiais augintiniais iš visų, virtualų naminių gyvūnėlių Tyrannosaurus Rex! Klaidinkite priešistorinį parką, išlaisvinkite bauginantį riaumojimą ir pamaitinkite savo t. Rex, kad jis būtų laimingas...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 19, 2014
Tai yra ekstremali versija = nėra skelbimų, nėra IAPS, „Pure Arcade Challenge“! „Ultimate Arcade Challenge“ su novatoriškais valdikliais ir minimalistiniu dizainu - tai, kas yra 0 -snake. Svarbiausia taisyklė: Vieno prisilietimo pakanka 0-SNAKE. patobulinti save ir įveikti...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 18, 2014
Keep the Change Kids is an educational puzzle game that teaches coin recognition and math. The app includes interactive lessons and a challenging puzzle game using coins. The objective is to match the change amount by connecting the coins. Touch and drag to connect and add-up the coins. This is a...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 18, 2014
AN INTENSE RUGBY LEAGUE EXPERIENCE!!! Tru Blu Entertainment and Wicked Witch Software present Rugby League Live 2: Gold edition – Featuring Quick Match, Custom Match, Career & Competition modes OFFICIAL NRL and Super League Licensed product!Experience all the emotion and adrenaline of world...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 18, 2014
Gaukite greitą regbio lygos pataisymą! „Tru Blu Entertainment“ ir „Wicked Witch Software“ pristato „Rugby League Live 2“: „Quick Match“. Sukurtas greitam žaidimui ir linksmybėms! Oficialus NRL ir „Super League“ licencijuotas produktas! Australija ir Anglija! Patirkite...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: March 17, 2014
„Sea Empire“ yra realaus laiko strateginis žaidimas, pagrįstas kasybos ištekliais, laivų laivyno statybomis ir užkariaujančiomis salomis. Tapkite prekybininku laukiniais bebaimių jūreivių laikais ir dominuokite virš salyno. Kas gali geriau naudoti išteklius, greičiau pastatyti...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 17, 2014
Meet your new feathery best friend, the Virtual Pet Owl! Feed, pet, and tell jokes with your owl to keep him happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Owl today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+ ADORABLE 3D OWL - It's up to you to care for your very own owl!+ DOZENS...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 16, 2014
„Word Sudoku“ yra unikalus galvosūkis, kuriame reikia pateikti duotų žodžių sąrašą 9x9 tinklelyje. Taisyklės yra paprastos - nė vienoje iš 9 eilučių ar 9 stulpelių ar 9 blokų raidės negalima pakartoti. Tokiu būdu jis yra panašus į klasikinį sudoku, tačiau skirtumas yra tas,...
Version: 3.3 APK - Updated: March 16, 2014
Pagalba Uncle širdys į savo kelionę, kaip jums pasukti ir paversti jį per daug unikalių pasaulių, su obuoliais, kaip jo tik formos išlaikymą.Arba išbandyti "Visi jūs galite valgyti" ir pamatyti, kiek obuoliai Dėdė širdys gali praryti prieš jo apsirijimas tampa jam geriau.Ir...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: March 15, 2014
Masiškai populiarus internetinis žaidimas pagaliau atėjo į „Android“! „Ragdoll Laser Dodge“ yra greitas žaidimas, kurį lengva žaisti, tačiau sunku įvaldyti. Venkite lazerius, kol jie nenukryps nuo jūsų kūno dalių, prarasti ranką ar koją nėra problema, tačiau būtinai...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 14, 2014
Suprojektuokite ir pasipuoškite savo virtualios anime mergina! Su visiškai animacine 3D grafika, miela apranga ir daugybe šokių judesių, praleisite laiką su savo anime mergina. odas Graži aplinka - stulbinantys fonai iš viso pasaulio! + HD grafika - puošni aukštos raiškos grafika atrodo...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: March 14, 2014
Guide your clown through the levels of The Big Top making sure he lives to perform another day.The Water Tank Jump - The Human Cannon Ball - The Big Dipper - The Tightrope & more are all waiting for the clever clown.Take a day off at the local lake and wind down. Jump over the stepping stones...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 13, 2014
Made by a BMXer for everyone who loves a challenge, Pumped: BMX is a true-to-life, insanely addictive and challenging BMX game created by someone who actually rides! If you're not a BMXer the tutorials will guide you, but prepare yourself for a brutal lesson in trails style! From huge jumps to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2014
Version: 2.97 APK - Updated: March 11, 2014
Top chart - #1 Racing game in more than 30 countries!With over 60,000,000 downloads for the Trial Xtreme series, Trial Xtreme 2 is the sequel to multi-million selling hit Trial Xtreme, packed with more levels, amazing new graphics and more blistering motorcycle stunt action than ever.Crank up the...
Version: 1.101 APK - Updated: March 11, 2014
Jūs pabundate vienas požemyje: nežinote, kaip ten patekote, ir nežinote, kaip išeiti. Tyrinėdami mirties bokštą, jūs įgyjate naujų partijos narių, bet jie taip pat nieko nežino ... ar jie? Siurrealistinė ir paranojiška istorija nukreipia jus per vieną giliausių ir sunkiausių...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: March 09, 2014
Weapon Builder is a fun app that allows the user to use their creativity to build a custom weapon on their Android device and export it as a graphic to share.Some key highlights of the pro version of this application include;+ No advertisements+ Choose from over 400 different parts! That's 250+...
Version: 2.1.5 APK - Updated: March 06, 2014
Are you ready to challenge your memory daily with "Memory" ?A great game to exercise your memory !GAME FEATURES- Match pairs of cards- Different levels of difficulty- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- Colorful images of logos to be easily rememberedAll Logos & brands...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: March 06, 2014
A simplistic infinite wall climbing game. Jump from left wall to right wall and back again to reach the highest possible heights while avoiding the deadly wall spikes. The higher you get the harder it becomes so keep trying to aim for new heights.A free ad-supported version of this game is...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: March 06, 2014
With over 90 cards encompassing 3 themes, your child will train his memory while having fun and learning things like letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Thanks to the game’s simple, fun and intuitive interface, your child will quickly master the app and enjoy hours upon hours of autonomous play...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 05, 2014
Game for improving your memory.You need to memorize and repeat the sequence.Features:1. Four types of sequences: numbers, colors, signs, pictures2. Suits for all ages, children and adultsTrain your memory with Scale Memory and you will easily remember:» Phone numbers,» Addresses,» Colors,»...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 05, 2014
**Please rate the product if you like it, your rating would go a long way to help this new app take flight :)**You've always wanted to meet this stunning girl, but don't know what to do to impress her. Using Magic Notes, you can actually impress her.You say that you can actually predict the...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: March 04, 2014
Avarija Puppets dabar Moga Glaudesnis! Įeina į stambių mažmenininkų, pervežimams parduotuvėse ir internete http://www.MOGAanywhere.comPagalba Charlie gauti iš jo paties košmarų!Avarija Puppets yra visiškai 3D hack'n'slash platformingo, featuring klasikinis B-movie...
Version: 8.0.9 APK - Updated: March 04, 2014
Protect your city from incoming bombers. But, be careful, the more you kill, the better they get. To play, simply move your tank back and forth with your finger and double tap the screen to fire your rockets.Compete with players around the world by trying to make the top 10 high score list!Supprot...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: March 03, 2014
Puikiai įkrautas garsiojo 8 bitų RPG tęsinys „Gurk II“ yra didžiulis naujas nuotykis su visomis labiausiai prašomomis funkcijomis: ieškojimais, muzika, garsas, potions ir patobulinta išvaizda! Originalo gerbėjai lieja džiaugsmo ašaras, kai jie riedės dėl savo personažų...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 03, 2014
Alien vs PeopleStrategic action game!An alien invasion of Earth just started.Save the Earth against aliens![Scenario]The farmer came across a crystal that the alien brought in the crashed spacecraft. After that, the farmer has incredible power.It is time to go on a journey for blocking the alien...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: March 02, 2014
Rocket Rangers Preschool is a fun collection of simple educational games for children ages 2 to 5.This fun, space-themed game consists of several skill-building activities for young children. Shapes, colors, numbers, and letters are all featured, along with activities about distinguishing...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: March 01, 2014
RPG 'The Conqueror of Dungeons' is very Exciting.You explore mystery dungeons.There are various monsters and traps in dungeons,and they obstruct the challenger.You search for all dungeons, and can you become to a world conqueror?Tablets support.The Extra dungeon delivery start that only...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 01, 2014
Susipažinkite su savo naujuoju geriausiu draugu Simonu, „Virtual Pet Robot“! Simonas yra „Advancetech“ robotikos linijos režimo viršus ir jis pasikliauja jumis, kad padėtų jam mokytis ir augti! Išmokyk jį mankštintis, atlikti matematiką ir išplėsti savo žodyną, kad jis...