Игри Платени Андроид Безплатно

Игри Платени Андроид Безплатно
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: December 31, 2013
Sudoku Solver Supreme е най-доброто, най-доброто и най-пълното приложение за игра и Sudoku на пазара на Android днес-9x9 и 16x16. От начинаещи, които искат да се научат да играят Судоку с...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: December 30, 2013
Целта на тази игра е да излезе от болницата. Вашата мисия е да избягате, като отворите вратата, където само лекарят има достъпа. Съберете и комбинирайте елемент, за...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: December 30, 2013
Колко бързо можете да насочите към черния си дроб, жлъчния мехур или резето? Знаете ли разликата между аурикула и утрикула? Анатомията на скоростта е...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 29, 2013
Shake up your life with Phase 10 Dice™, officially licensed by Mattel.™ It’s an exciting twist on your favorite family card game. Shake your phone and roll the dice to try to complete your phase. Just be careful because you only have three rolls to do it! The first player to complete all 10...
Version: 1.4.4 APK - Updated: December 28, 2013
★★ Android exclusive game ★★★ Everland is the most epic 3D action RPG for Android! ★The Everland kingdom is under attack, the forces of darkness come stronger than ever... we need you, help us to save the realm!★ Immerse yourself in a 3D epic medieval / fantasy world! ★Enjoy now the...
Version: 20120619 APK - Updated: December 27, 2013
Play solitaire to gain yardage. Move the ball up the field and score. Watch out, your phone wont go down without a fight! Beat all to become AutoBall Champion of the world!Choose multiple modes including - vs.Mobile - Pass and Play - vs.Net* fixes continue scoreboard
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 27, 2013
Duncan Nightingale's Conquest is, what we refer to as, a "casual strategy" game. It doesn't take long to grasp the rules and instructions, but requires a good deal of thought to get the best score. It is the year... actually, it doesn't really matter what year the game is set,...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: December 27, 2013
Тази версия не съдържа реклами! - Напредъкът от вашата безплатна версия се прехвърля автоматично в платено приложение! Construction City е строителна игра, където можете...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 27, 2013
Crystal Defenders е игра на отбранителна стратегия, в която играчите разгръщат популярни работни места от Final Fantasy Tactics A2, като черни магове и войници, за да отблъскват...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
You can now play the next evolution of the classical match-3 games! This is an incredibly original puzzle game for Android! You will feel amazed after playing this revolutionary match-3 game!!The universe, in its primordial state, needs your help to spread elements in all worlds to bring life to...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
This is a super addictive neon-style retro space shooter game only for Android!Do you feel ready to enter the destructive frenzy of Neon Wave?Hundreds of super-colourful and animated enemies fill the screen in waves, impossible to contain! Increase the firepower of your space ship, find and keep a...
Version: 1.09 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
*** Огромна въвеждаща продажба - 60% отстъпка от редовна цена *** от екипа на съпруга и съпругата, който ви донесе Rhyestymie идва верига на мисълта - играта за безплатна...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Any troubles?First, please check the FAQ on our website.(Link is on the mid of this page)********************************************Logistrate is a matrix-based puzzle game.Use your brain to crack the number code, paint the matrix to get a beautiful picture as the reward.[Language] -Japanese,...
Version: 1.1.8g APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Семейство търсачи на съкровища научава новината, че са открити древни руини. Те се промъкват в руините, където са сигурни, че ще открият някои прекрасни...
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
* Android 8.0 не се поддържа поради появата на забавяне.Приключенска история за отмъщение през времето и пространството!Историята на отмъщението през три епохи –...
Version: 2.32 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
*** Recently featured as the Amazon Free App of the Day! ***Take turns giving clues to your teammates to guess certain words, but watch out! If any of your clues use one of five related words you will get buzzed! The team that successfully guesses the most words by the final round wins!Full Version...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Tcksoft Retro Series#6 Оригинална версия C 1980 Kevin Kenney, тази версия е C 2013 Andrew Pointon Влезте в пещерите на Wumpus с вашата единична стрелка. проследете го и го изстреляйте в сърцето...
Version: 0.86b APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Делвър е екшън от първо лице роглик тъмница пълзи с хрупкави пиксели. Поемете ролята на авантюрист, който опитва съдбата им в тъмните подземия (и вероятно умира...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Jumping Jack е бърз и смел. С умение историята му ще се разгърне. tcksoft ретро серия#2: Jumping Jack Ако сте имали ZX Spectrum 16K, тогава вероятно си спомняте тази игра Тъй като нямаше...
Version: 2.4.1 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Класическата руска игра Номерата, която е известна още като сумата от 10. Любима игра на ученици в СССР по време на уроците :) На игралното поле трябва да намерите...
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
This is an hardcore dig & run game filled with monsters exclusively for Android!How it works: You have to escape from monsters and dig with the shovel as much as you can all around you, to slow down enemies and to trap them. Collect all the stage keys to reach the next level avoiding all...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 25, 2013
Образователна и забавна игра за деца, с много красиви дървени пъзели.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 25, 2013
Pux is the classic game of pool, reimagined.Played instead on a penny arcade classic (the rotary merchandiser), repainted and slightly modified for its current environment, Pux offers four layouts, three rulesets, including the classic solids and stripes with 15 pucks.Pux encourages social play, as...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
Cars Coloring Pages for kids. 25 high-quality transport pictures with sound effects.Before purchasing, please install 'Burt's Coloring Book HD'. 'Transport' is an add-on for Burt's Coloring Book application.25 pictures of cars, trucks, construction vehicles and other...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
Боулинг щифтовете на Renegade са на свобода! Имате ли необходимите умения, за да ги спре? Топки в тази бърза аркадна игра. Бъдете предупредени, това не са обикновени...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
Въведете Monkey боксова лига с Monkey Бокс!Стъпка вътре в пръстен, направете мощни нокаута и комбота, персонализирате своя маймуна, и да се конкурират за ОГРОМНИ...
Version: 1.6.1 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
Coloring pages for kids. 50 high-quality pictures for Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc.Before purchasing, please install Burt's Coloring Book HD app. Holidays is an add-on for Burt's Coloring Book application.50 entertaining pictures devoted to holidays.Paint colorful...
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 7 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor.Difficulty:Beginner: Color: 3 BnW: 77Intermediate: Color: 11 BnW: 64Advanced: Color: 54 BnW: 50Expert: Color: 135 BnW: 121Impossible: Color: 311 BnW: 86Total: 973
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
Rescue Roby is an exciting new physics-based puzzle game designed by Runaway Studios - the casual play division of the preeminent app developer, Intellijoy.Runaway Studios' mission is to create a new category of handcrafted artisanal game apps, complete with one-of-a-kind immersive narratives,...
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 1 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor.Difficulty:Beginner: Color: 43 BnW: 1206Intermediate: Color: 43 BnW: 251Advanced: Color: 178 BnW: 279Total: 2000