Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 2 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor. Difficulty:Beginner: Color: 32 BnW: 1207Intermediate: Color: 55 BnW: 245Advanced: Color: 151 BnW: 310Total: 2000
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 3 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor. Difficulty:Expert: Color: 841 BnW: 959Total: 1800
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 4 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor.Difficulty:Beginner: Color: 13 BnW: 30Intermediate: Color: 81 BnW: 63Advanced: Color: 259 BnW: 117Expert: Color: 195 BnW: 136Impossible: Color: 27 BnW: 78Total: 999
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 5 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor. These puzzles are best used on a large screen like tablets to reduce the need for scrolling.Difficulty:Impossible: Color: 22 BnW: 1260Total: 1282
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
Dinosaur Coloring Pages for kids. 19 high-quality and voiced dinosaur pictures.Before purchasing, please install 'Burt's Coloring Book HD'. 'Dinosaurs' is an add-on for Burt's Coloring Book application.19 pictures of dinosaurs for your kids, voiced!Paint colorful pictures...
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
This is puzzle pack 8 for the game LogicPicColor. It should only be purchased by users that already own LogicPicColor.Difficulty:Beginner: Color: 3 BnW: 77Intermediate: Color: 11 BnW: 64Advanced: Color: 50 BnW: 111Expert: Color: 138 BnW: 125Impossible: Color: 311 BnW: 86Total: 976
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 23, 2013
Vaši su prijatelji odvedeni. Na dugo zaboravljenom otoku u Tihom oceanu nalazi se obrasli znanstveni spoj. Eksperimenti su ovdje stvorili čudovišta, a oni su svi koji sada naseljavaju ovo zlobno mjesto. Vaša je inteligencija jedina stvar koja vas može uštedjeti u ovoj privlačnoj...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Written and designed by Neven Mrgan, Blackbar is a text game: a sci-fi story of a dystopian future told through the medium of word puzzles. Reminiscent of text adventures and interactive fiction, it has a unique mechanic centered around the concept of censorship. Censorship is frustrating, but the...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Another great iPhone game comes to Android! Test your skills and capture the fireballs before time runs out. If you like traffic control games, try this game and enjoy these features:- 26 levels- regular mode - complete a level before time runs out- survival mode - play as long as you can keep up-...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Konačno u prodaji premium izdanje priznate avanture! Uključuje bonus od 1000 dragulja i cijeli vodič za igre koji će vam pomoći da otkrijete sve tajne piramide. 1930., prestižni prof. Baboo predaje arheologiju na sveučilištu. Iako je zapravo prilično bezobrazan, Baboo uvijek želi...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Avalanche de Mots est 3 différents jeux pour le prix de un! Le tout en français!- Trouver le plus de mots possible, le but est de vider le tableau!- La course contre la cascade. Formez le plus de mots avant que le tableau déborde de lettres!- Serez-vous capable de mettre de l’ordre dans ce...
Version: 2.08 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Total Ukupno 1. mjesto istovremeno plaćeno / besplatno Najbolje 1. mjesto!▣ Puno vam hvala na podršci i ljubavi▣ Okupiranje popularne eksplozijske igre 'Jinjuman' u inozemstvu Kupce koji teže tome nagrađujemo dobrim sadržajem Obećavamo da ćemo dati.★ Opis igre▣ Osvojite...
Version: 2.04 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Power edition of the popular Bubble Defense. Forget your old strategies - Bubble Defense has evolved. NEW in Bubble Defense 2:-Two new tower types, incl. balloon towers-13 maps-All towers require energy to shoot-Power towers keep your defense workingThis game is completely Ad-Free.v2.0.3 support...
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Tower defense game from the creators of Archipelago. Beware of the evil red bubbles! - 7 unique maps- 200 enemy waves to destroy- 4 upgradeable towers- 5 difficulty levels from "so easy anybody can do it" to "this is insane!"Also check out Bubble Defense 2.
Version: 1.0.15 APK - Updated: December 21, 2013
Ova slagalica za slagalice zbirka je igara za razvrstavanje oblika za djecu od 2, 3 i 4 godine. {br. Nema oglasa. * Aplikacija Toddler Bingo Games će zadržati vaše dijete zabave, obrazovano i tiho u automobilu ili restoranu. * Toddler Bingo Games je vrlo jednostavne za korištenje. * Toddler...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 21, 2013
The classic 7 Card Stud Poker game is now available to you Video Poker Style. This inexpensive , highly addictive version of video poker offers a multiple bet format that lets you bet often to win big. In 7 Card Video Poker, after placing your first bet, the first two of the seven cards are...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Age of Thrones je igra srednjovjekovne fantastične obrane kao što nijedan drugi Nexrage (indie tim). {br. AOT je TD/strateška igra slobodnog stila koja vam omogućuje da napravite vlastiti put i kontrolirate kako želite pobijediti neprijatelja! {br. kule koje se koriste u igri * 4...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
SnowJinks takes snowball fights to an epic new level! Join Jack and Jill as they defend their neighborhood against an icy onslaught - how many bullies can you clobber with snowballs before you have to head home? * Duck, roll and leap through a wintry wonderland filled with snowmen, backyard...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Srednjovjekovna Empires napokon je objavljena za vaš Android! Igra odbrane tornja koja se temelji na Orcs, Elf i Heroes, s tako dobrom grafikom da mislite da igrate ovu igru na svom računalu! nevjerojatna grafika i indie igra razvijena za Google Play Store! Ako volite strateške igre,...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Gospodin Snoozleberg prijateljski je, bezopasan, savršen diplomat. Osim jedne stvari. Pati od kroničnog spavanja! Izlazi iz veleposlanstva kroz prozor u pidžami i noćnom kapu. OMG! Ovo je još jedan od njegovih opasnih noćnih eskapada. Sigurno će se ozlijediti! Osim ako ... Pomozite...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Ova igra je poseban paket koji uključuje i super mega crv protiv Djeda Mraza 1. i dio 2. dvije epske igre, jedna niska cijena. Ovo je ujedno i prvi put da je Super Mega Worm vs Djed Mraz 1. dio pokrenuo u trgovini Google Play. kult-hit super mega crv vs Santa Saga je epska bitka između velikog...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
*** Special price for a limited time! ***Three little piggybanks are out to retrieve their stolen coins from a pack of thieving wolves...Flick the screen and the chase is on![ An Enchanting World ]Once upon a time, there were three little piggybanks who lived together in a big, brick house.One...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: December 19, 2013
Sretni smo što smo predstavili jedan od najboljih proizvoda u svijetu zagonetki! Puzzlix Game Series je šesterokutna struktura igračkog područja koja zamjenjuje klasičnu zagonetku. D3 Media Puzzlix je igra koja će vam pomoći da provedete kvalitetno vrijeme, odmarajte se iz dnevne rutine i...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: December 18, 2013
Quickly connect the fuses to blast the fireworks. Excite your crowd and earn bonus points! If you like connection games, you'll love Syrious Blasts!®This is the paid AD-FREE version. You can also get the FREE ad-supported version first - it's the full game, but with ads (see Related...
Version: 1.027 APK - Updated: December 18, 2013
Imagine waking up to discover you’ve led several different lives.Based on the comic book series by Jean Van Hamme and William Vance.A man suffering from amnesia is found washed up on a beach by an elderly couple. He has to unravel who he is and where he has come from, the only clue to his...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 18, 2013
Eat all the chocolate balls and cakes and kill the monsters who want to capture Paquito!Take the power-ups spread throughout the scenario in order to move faster, obtain more strength to defeat the monsters, summon a cloud to confuse your enemies, and much more for you to find out.But don't...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: December 17, 2013
Dropchord is a music-driven, score challenge game with mesmerizing visuals and an original electronic soundtrack! Influenced by music visualizers and score attack arcade games, Dropchord is an original experience that'll test your dexterity while providing endless fun! * Use your fingers to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 17, 2013
Dominoes ScoreBoard can keep track of players' round scores and total games won for double - twelve Mexican Train dominoes.The app allows each player to count their remaining tiles after each round by tapping domino images on the screen.Each player's round score is announced using the...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: December 16, 2013
Povratak naj fantastičnijeg jajeta svih vremena, s prekrasnom HD grafikom i slavnom igrom. Olovni vrtoglavi na njegovu vrhunsku potragu da probudi Daisy i donese mir u Yolkfolk. istoimeni heroj u obliku jaja vraća se u poznatom obliku, zajedno s crvenim bokserskim rukavicama i njegovim...
Version: 1.00.54 APK - Updated: December 16, 2013
You are a young priest, which aims to find the lost book. The legend hidden in a sacred place. Protected terrible demons. Armed with special weapons and ammunition faith. You go to meet fate.Time waits for no time to go on a quest ...