Hry Platené Android Zadarmo
Version: APK - Updated: September 24, 2018
Texas Hold’em Odds Calculator application calculates and displays hand probabilities by simulating thousands of games with given combinations of cards.Uses an easy to use, circular card picker.The program is flexible, intuitive and easy to use. Supports 1 to 12 players (8 players on smaller...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 23, 2018
Objavte najlepšiu kolekciu solitaire kartové hry, kedy bola vytvorená pre Android zariadenia. Intuitívne, jednoduchý, priateľský, krásne ... proste skvelé.Skúste to a budete milovať!Pasiáns Premium je kolekcia 90 kartových hier (a viac už čoskoro ...) vrátane najznámejších a...
Version: 1.8.0 APK - Updated: September 23, 2018
Air Hockey 3D Real Pro je vysoko realistický simulátor leteckého hokeja pre Android. Obsahuje vysoko kvalitnú grafiku, 3D prostredie a rôzne reálne hokejové tabuľky, z ktorých si môžete vybrať. Vychutnajte si najautentickejší a realistickí zážitok z Air Hockey teraz vo svojom...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: September 22, 2018
TRIVIAL OCA es una app para divertirse y aprender en familia. Combina el clásico juego de la Oca con preguntas tipo Trivial.¡Juega con los más pequeños con vuestros propios avatares capturados a través de la cámara, y cada jugador con su nivel de dificultad de preguntas: junior o...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: September 22, 2018
You're the driver in an open wheel race car. Tilt your smart phone or tablet forward to accelerate! Tilt your smart phone or tablet left or right to steer your 3D race car to victory!No additional purchases, no annoying ads, just lots of fun racing!Choose from five difficulty levels. Choose...
Version: 2.70 APK - Updated: September 22, 2018
Does automatic raffle up to 999 cards for Quina, Mega-Sena, Lotofácil, Dupla Sena, Timemania or Lotomania (does not allow the type of configurable card), using five methods and two different types of raffle.The methods can be Random (purely random), Weighted +/-/* (raffle weighted on the amount of...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: September 22, 2018
A fun, addictive game to help with improving memory skills. 3 games to choose from. Tap 2 squares, find matching pairs. Can be played landscape on a phone but best played on a tablet.Suitable for UK Key Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 - USA 1st to 12th Grade (Age 5 - adult)Grey Olltwit Educational...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: September 22, 2018
Peaceful, everyday life can come to a grinding halt any second, leaving you with nothing but fragmented memories to find your way home. Confused and afraid, our subject wakes up in this very situation after losing consciousness at the bottom of a deep mine. He doesn't remember his name, where...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: September 22, 2018
Headphones and tablet-size screen recommended for complete immersion.Game adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's short horror story of the same name.Follow Thurber as he discovers the secret workshop of the despiced painter Richard Upton Pickman to where he's guided through the broken down and...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: September 21, 2018
Command a star cruiser! Visit colonial worlds, rescue imperiled vessels, investigate stellar phenomena and prepare your ship to battle a ruthless foe. Only you and your crew can save Earth from utter destruction in this text-based adventure.
Version: 11.2.6 APK - Updated: September 21, 2018
SparkChess je jediná šachová hra, ktorá dáva zábavu na prvé miesto. Vďaka výberu dosiek, počítačových súperov a online hry poskytuje prvotriedny zážitok, ktorý je rovnako prístupný pre odborníkov ako pre začiatočníkov, deti a všetkých, ktorí chcú zistiť, aká zábavná...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 21, 2018
Dear King of beasts,We invite you to join a trip to little islands of jolly forms. We will be thankful to you, the great strategist, if you help us to get rid of gluttonous rabbits. Our resources of carrots and flowers are drying up. You will get access to our best towers, the ones that shoot with...
Version: 28.0 APK - Updated: September 21, 2018
Play Sudoku problems generated on your system with a nice and easy to use surface. You can also exchange Sudoku problems with other users or solve the problem of the day. The program can also solve your Sudokus.
Version: 2.7.2-pro APK - Updated: September 21, 2018
Chalk Tac toe is a simple old-school Tic Tac Toe game on the chalkboard. Chalk Tac Toe is a great way to spend time with your friend or alone. Just enter your name and play against Evil AI or your friend!See the "Options" screen if you want to choose AI difficulty or enter your name!BIG...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: September 21, 2018
This is two-handed Pinochle, the original Pinochle game. All other variants are derived from it. A 48-card Pinochle deck is used.The goal is to win tricks, scoring the value of cards taken in on tricks, and to "meld" combinations of cards having values in points.RANK OF CARDSA Pinochle...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
Vor langer Zeit im Lande der Maya …In den Tiefen des Dschungels an einem wohlbehüteten Ort traf sich gelegentlich ein junges Liebespaar. Als Kinder zweier verfeindeter Stammesführer fanden Prinzessin Kin und Prinz Chaac nur hier ihr ruhiges Glück.Doch ihr Geheimnis wurde verraten und die...
Version: 1.5.5 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
By this great app your child gets an extra portion of educational puzzles. There are 180 puzzles available in 5 different categories (Alphabet & Numbers, Animals, Vegetables & Fruits, Kids in Motion, Transportation) in 9 different languages: English, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese,...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
Hra citátov je najrozumnejšou aplikáciou na svete. Prideľuje falošných autorov. Správne priraďte úvodzovky, čo je pre Bangweiler nesprávne - nový je priradený správne! Ak ich považujete za vtipné alebo vľavo, môžete ich utierať napravo, ak ich nepovažujete za vtipné. ...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
For toddlers and preschoolers: What goes together? Find the combinations. Use the sounds to help you.14 small games, surprising every time.Do you know what goes together?Use the images and sounds.Want to play a difficult game?Then click Lassa in the center and train your memory!
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
Bubble Kráľ je najklasickejší a návykové natáčania bublina buster hra.Tipy:Aby kombinácia 3 alebo viac bublín tak, aby boli prasknúť. Vymazať všetky bubliny na úroveň vyššie.Stačí kliknúť na hernom pláne, kde sa konkrétne chcete bubliny ísť.Bublina kráľ, klasická...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
The immersive free-to-play version, Letters From Nowhere®: A Hidden Object Mystery, is already live! Don't miss out!Love Letters from Nowhere? Don’t miss Letters from Nowhere 2 - now out on Google Play! Mysterious letters and a sudden disappearance keep you on your toes in this Hidden Object...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
Play the next generation of the classic game, controlling the most destructive power of the seas with a finger touch.Ships N 'Battles has high-definition graphics, great special effects like explosions and smoke!- Digitally Downloaded: "There's been a few attempts at making battleship...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
Direct your tank in a deadly combat and crush your tank enemies, making them burn one by one, as you fight your way through several intense battle tank missions. Fight in epic skirmishes where you attack enemies tanks, bases, convoys and protect yours. [DESCRIPTION]Armored Forces : World of War is...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: September 20, 2018
Stress management RPG featuring ADHD Doris the downtrodden hen.In this game you are Doris the hen, a downtrodden employee, and you have to put up with litter lout Kevin from Accounts and the boss on the 2nd floor. No prizes for guessing what he's like.Doris has the added disadvantage of trying...
Version: 5.2.0 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
Playing as the hero (Fred) your task is to discover new alien species and collect artifacts on abandoned planets. To get more species and artifacts you need to use the artifacts you already found to solve puzzles. The game takes place in a post apocalyptic universe. Fred just started working for a...
Version: 1.24 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
A word search, word find, word seek, word sleuth or mystery word puzzle is a word game that is letters of a word in a grid, that usually has a rectangular or square shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and mark all the words hidden inside the box. The words may be horizontally, vertically...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
Matematické hádanky zvyšuje vaše logické myslenie. Cieľom hry je nájsť vzory skryté v hádanke, aby sa dospelo k riešeniu. Táto hra pomáha pri vylepšovaní - Pozorovacie schopnosti - Logická úvaha - Po vybalení z krabice myslenia - Matematické...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
Slitherlink tiež známy ako slučku je logické puzzle hrá na obdĺžnikové doske bodiek. Niektoré z týchto štvorcov tvorených body majú čísla vo vnútri nich.Vyriešiť hádanku, pripojte horizontálne aj vertikálne susediace bodky tak, že línie tvoria jednu slučku s žiadnymi...
Version: APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
Hollywoodske štúdiá - najrealistickejšie MOVIE TYCOON EVERZískať váš film obchodné kariéra začala a stal sa najúspešnejším magnát hollywoodskym filmovým priemyslom.No Nákup IN-APPHollywood Studios umožní spustiť svoj vlastný hlavný filmové štúdio. Budete snažiť presadiť...
Version: 1.4.4 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
Vážení väzni, toto hovorí Warden. Vitajte vo väznici, kde ste odsúdení hrať! Dokážete prežiť drsný väzenský život? Môžete uniknúť pred popravou?**** ŽIADNE REKLAMY A IAP POVOLENÉ ****Prison Life RPG je prémiová hra bez reklám a nákupov v aplikácii. Hurá!Väzenská...