Spel Betalas Android Gratis
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 12, 2013
★Seasonal Special Discount★ONLY $0.99 for full features (67% OFF) for limited time only !The original "Brix Buster" game came back. No other brick-busting game like this!Have you seen the price of the game with this much content to be so fruitful?Abundant play contents at an...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: November 12, 2013
★Seasonal Special Discount★ONLY $0.99 for full features (67% OFF) for limited time only !Jewel Buster makes you can't stop eyes off on the screen! Simple but addictive!Break, Burst and Burn The Jewels!!Jewel Buster, the puzzle game that combines the mechanics of a game, where 2 or more...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: November 12, 2013
Den officiella versionen av Forgotten Sages Classic Action RPG, nu för Android! Hyra soldater, bågskyttar, alver, präster, mages, orcs, skelett och mer, träna dem sedan in i ett ostoppbart lag när du möter motsatta arméer och monster. Dussintals nivåer ligger mellan dig och en monströs...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: November 11, 2013
Get Gravel! from POLYGAMe d i g i t a l is the ultimate arcade rally driving game for Android tablets and phones! Got the need? The need for speed? How about a quick burn around a tropical island in a high-powered, 4WD rally machine? Perhaps a bit of drifting through the sun-drenched countryside,...
Version: V1.4e.1 APK - Updated: November 11, 2013
Have fun sailing fantastic boats in 3D in-shore regattas, right from the comfort of your phone and without even getting wet. *** A highly realistic sailing simulator for Android. *** *** A MUST HAVE for sailing fans and beginners alike. *** *** The best sailing game. *** In this game, you will...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: November 11, 2013
***** This version has no ads. *****Deep within the world's biggest junkyard, you've built the Monster Truck of your dreams. Now you must conquer the junk obstacles as you try to get out of the junkyard! Use items like cinder blocks, barrels, crates and beams to build a path for your...
Version: 2.01 APK - Updated: November 11, 2013
Slam your way over rugged terrain strewn with boulders, old crushed cars, and logs. Race against the clock to get to the finish line before time runs out. Start out with a SUV style monster truck, and when you complete level 10 you will unlock a monster buggy designed for mayhem in the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2013
Welcome to Dragon Wood, where you get to create the look of your fun dragon friends, and interact with them! As you explore dragon wood, keep an eye out for treasure chests. They contain new dress up items and treats for your dragons While "Dragon Maker" was specifically designed with...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
최고의 디펜스 게임!여러분이 경험하신 어떤 디펜스 게임보다 창의적일 것입니다.적 머리위에 표시되는 간단한 사칙연산의 정답을 입력하면 그것은 멋진 마법이 되어 적을 공격합니다.마법의 종류는 대지를 울리는 스톤 매직,...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
Wurdle is a fun, flexible and fast-paced word game, perfect for coffee breaks or the subway. Find and trace as many words as possible before time runs out. Can't find any more words? Shake the board to mix up the tiles! Rotate the board for a different angle! Customize Wurdle the way YOU like...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 07, 2013
Here's Clobber.He is some kind of animal or bug or somebody, and he is trying to run away.And you should kill him while he is running!It's a very active and dramatic game. You have to kill Clobber using bricks which created by tap in right-top corner of the screen. You have to do it fast,...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: November 06, 2013
3D-bilfysik uteslutande för Android! - lyhörd, intuitiv hantering med lutningsstyrning. - Rulla, hoppa, vänd, studsa med realistisk fysik. - Håll dig till banan eller gå på väg. Prova halva röret och väggen i döden. - Svårighetsnivåer: Front, fyra eller bakhjul. #}- ad gratis! - Lite...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: November 06, 2013
döden av en kung. En episk utmaning att välja en ny härskare. Kommer den yngsta av fyra bröder att bli de starkaste? Kommer en pojke att bli kung? Svaret är upp till dig. Classic Adventure -Platformer Gameplay. Utforska och möta konstiga varelser - några ofarliga, vissa inte. Navigera...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
Crumble Zone is an action-packed arcade game about a little, green alien who works hard just to fight for his tiny planet. The thing is to shoot down asteroids while rotating around a planet to get the highest score possible.Crash comets! Blow up meteoroids! Shatter and smash menacing asteroids...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
Rocky Horror Trivia is a quiz game testing your knowledge on the iconic 1975 British-American musical comedy horror film and an adaptation of The Rocky Horror Show. By mid-1978, Rocky Horror was playing in over fifty locations on Fridays and Saturdays at midnight. Still in limited release nearly...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
ny! Flippix Jigsaw - Living Color är nu designad för både telefoner och surfplattor! Flippix Jigsaw - Living Color presenterar dig med varelser från varje nyans av regnbågen som njuter av deras naturliga omgivningar. Living Color innehåller 228 pussel i olika storlekar från 5x5 till 15x15...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
This smartwatch app "predicts the future", by answering your yes/no questions and showing answers in the form of yes,no,maybe or as an interesting quote. The graphics are visually appealing.Of course the prediction is random, as it's only for fun.Still usually people laugh when they...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: November 04, 2013
Unblocked Game is based on the sliding block puzzle "Rushhour" invented by Nob Yoshigahara.Play with the slide. The goal of the game is to get a WHITE block out of a the grid by dragging the other blocks out of its way with the finger.Unblocked Game has 30 levels , You can buy formal...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 04, 2013
This application is to edit, analyze and review Tsumego or life-and-death problem of Go(Weiqi,Baduk,Igo). Black should enclose white (Black first white dead or White first white alive). Target area to be analyzed should be divided by black clearly. Removable black should be gray.Attention: If...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 04, 2013
Take the Control of a little RC helicopter in your house !Helidroid 3D is a realistic 3D game, which let you control a little RC helicopter in a house. ---------- VERSION PRO ---------- ★★ Compatible with NVIDIA SHIELD and MOGA controllers ★★★★ No Ads ★★ This is the second part of...
Version: 1.6.3 APK - Updated: November 03, 2013
Concentration, also known as Memory, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso or simply Pairs, is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface and two cards are flipped face up over each turn. The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards. Source:...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2013
Tool to acclimate roleplaying games and board games.Wrap your roleplaying games and board games with an atmosphere of mystery and terror.Over 140 sounds and music that make you enjoy your family and friends.Supported languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese.
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 29, 2013
Video Poker - Jacks or BetterThis is a small, simple video poker, with a double up mini-game - you can double your winnings by trying to guess the correct card sequence from a randomly generated card deck. With each correct guess, the pot is doubled; do one mistake and you lose it ;). Of course,...
Version: 1.4.2 APK - Updated: October 29, 2013
Vi älskar det fantastiska konstnärskapet och den ljusa färgen som täcken av täcken ger till hexlogiskt, och vi tror att du också kommer att göra det! HexLogic - Quilts innehåller 69 pussel med olika svårighetsnivåer, baserat på 23 bilder. Gabysoft, skapare av den beroendeframkallande...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 28, 2013
En applikation för användning med Munchkin-kortspelet från Steve Jackson Games. Nu kan allt du Android-användande munchkins få en orättvis, men ändå helt laglig, fördel när du spelar Munchkin eller Munchkin Quest! {## } nivån räknar. . . visar din nivå (duh), med stora, läsbara...
Version: 3.3 APK - Updated: October 27, 2013
Tool for Notating/Reviewing games. Record (notate), replay, import & export (email/sd-card) chess game notations Store your games on device. Pause & resume game at leisure. Tournament mode notation is designed to comply with USCF rules for electronic scoresheetDemo Video:...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: October 26, 2013
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 26, 2013
ny! Flippix Art - Castle är nu designad för både telefoner och surfplattor! Ett gammalt japansk logikpussel har ett nytt utseende med Flippix Art! Rör vid kakel för att måla dem eller bryta dem för att bilda färgglada komponenter i målningar. Målet är att använda logik för att...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 25, 2013
Action with a short shark shock!Your shark is ravenous for his favorite meal: raw man is on the menu! Arouse your killer instinct and go hunting for scrummy surfers and bikini-clad dishes!FULL FEATURED and AD-FREE (no ads)!Features:- Shark simulator with comic strip visuals and lots of black humor-...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: October 25, 2013
Memory Match Jr. is a great, play-anywhere game app from School Zone that helps build memory, focus, and vocabulary.How good is a player’s memory? Touch any square to “turn it over” and see the picture, and touch another square to find a match. Kids can compete with a friend in two-player...