Pelit Maksettu Android Ilmaiseksi
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Why is the sky blue?What are the best seats in a movie theater?Can the Invisible Man see?How do NASA scientists levitate a frog using magnets?Can you travel back is time and undo your past?Our everyday life is riddled with so many such interesting questions. Physics Puzzles is a collection of ...
Version: 2.44 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Tutustu 7 suosittua palapeliä yhdessä sovelluksessa! mPuzzzle on Andriod -sovellus, jossa on yli miljoona palapelikombinaatiota - mukaan lukien erikokoiset ja vaikeustasot kussakin palapelissä. Kaikki palapelit sisältävät sääntöjä ja jotkut sisältävät vihjeitä, jotka auttavat sinua...
Version: 1.020 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Treasure Island - The Golden Bug - Extended EditionThe ★ EXTENDED EDITION ★ has finally arrived! ✔ New puzzles ✔ New scenes ✔ New objects ✔ New mini-games ✔ New characters ✔ An improved interface, brought to life with the collection of key objects ✔ An improved gaming experience...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Play this fun and challenging app and test your mental mettle! Enjoy trivia tests and quizzes designed to challenge your brain, covering categories like movies, sports, music, TV, history, science, and much more! Every day is a new challenge. Enjoy hundreds of questions, with difficulties ranging...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: August 07, 2013
Join Douglas Chase as he digs up his backyard in search of treasures and fame!
Douglas Chase is a not so great archeologist working for a failing museum. He must dig up objects to save his job and the museum as well.
Nigel the mummy will be out to get Douglas, but don’t worry, Nigel’s...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 07, 2013
Box Cat is a retro arcade smasher created for Android. Smash into cars and create traffic mayhem!Drive Box Cat towards oncoming cars with tilt or touch controls. Progress through Adventure mode to complete achievements, unlock new Cats and discover the world of Box Cat. Battle waves of cars and...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: August 07, 2013
A simple clean easy to use Scrabble solver. Supports double blanksSupports finding words that contain series of letters. (See screen shots)Supports finding words that cross one of a set of letters. (See screen shots)178,378 words with definitions.All solving happens on your device. No connections...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: August 06, 2013
Little gorillas, elephants, kittens, bears, hedgehogs, and birds... Running, hiding, playing, and trying to keep up, baby animals keep us smiling. HexSaw - Animal Babies includes 23 colorful puzzles in four challenging sizes.HexSaw's hexagon pieces put a new shape in an old puzzle and jigsaw. ...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: August 05, 2013
They say 'Volenti non fit iniuria' but will there be really no harm if you try to restore blue.
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: July 31, 2013
Max Payne, palkittu otsikko on nyt saatavilla Android mobiililaitteissa.Haihtuva undercover poliisi kehystetty murhasta, metsästivät poliisit ja väkijoukko, Max on mies selkä seinää vasten, taistelee hän ei voi toivoa voittaa. Max Payne on armoton tarinavetoinen peli miehestä reunalla,...
Version: 2.03 APK - Updated: July 30, 2013
Destroy Gunts SP ICEBURN !! (Destroy Gunts -sarja Vol.3) [kuvaus] Destroy Gunners SP: stä toimituksen SP: stä korkeassa suosiossa, merkittävästi parantunut uusi otsikko on julkaistu Toinen jatko! taistelupaikka on muutettu täysin uusiksi karttoiksi ja kylmän alueen alkuperäisiksi...
Version: 1.3.6 APK - Updated: July 30, 2013
Askeleet tukeutuvat ylös ja alas katedraalien ja puutarhojen, rantojen ja majakojen, kaupunkimaisemien ja piilotettujen polkujen läpi. Kuka tiesi, että yksinkertaisella arkkitehtonisella ominaisuudella voi olla niin paljon muotoa ja väriä? HEXLOGIC - STEPS: llä on 69 eri tason palapeliä 23...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: July 30, 2013
Koulutuspelejä korealaisen Hangul -aakkosten oppimiseksi. Oletko suuri korealaisten draamien tai kpop -fani? Korean kauniilla kielellä? Yhdistä Hangul -merkki sen romanisoidun käännöksen kanssa. Kuulet oikean äidinkielenään ääntämisen jokaisen merkin kanssa. {##} Tämä auttaa sinua...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: July 29, 2013
A program to train the handling of a touchscreen TouchMe UnColor is a first app for children to uncover pictures The game itself is very easy and motivating. Swiping over the screen will uncover the revealed picture underneath. Once parts of the picture are visible, the player will get curious....
Version: 1.2.7 APK - Updated: July 29, 2013
Tapadoo is an amazing new game for all ages! Scribbles in an ordinary notebook are transform themselves into brain crushing puzzles! Get smart and show your intelligence and Tapadoo will become more than just fun... it will exercise to your brain too.Figure out:- How to launch a man to the moon...
Version: 1.57 APK - Updated: July 29, 2013
Please note: if the game does not work on your device, please contact us directly here: [email protected]:// magical fun in the addicting Card game, Faerie Solitaire! Chain together combos to fill up your energy meter and save the Faeries!With 8 worlds, 40 levels, over...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: July 29, 2013
Puzzles have been always popular. Now you can have app full of them.* Game - over 300 the best riddles - you can tag a riddle as solved or favorite - you can draw an unsolved one or choose from the list* More about gameYou can guess alone or with friends: One person hosting the puzzle and the...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: July 29, 2013
An entertaining puzzle game for switch users TouchMe PuzzleKlick is an easy and funny puzzle game for children and adults. The game itself is very easy and motivating. Pressing an external switch (not included) or the touchscreen will uncover one part of a hidden picture. As soon as the first parts...
Version: 104 APK - Updated: July 29, 2013
Arkandroid on peli, joka on inspiroinut hyvin tunnettua 90 Arkanoid -peliä, joka on parannettu peliklooni, kuten Brick Breaker tai 70 RomPeladrillos -breakout -klassikko - Peli tarjoaa: aseet Että IRS löytää pelin VLID: n ennakkojen mukaan useisiin resoluutioihin: 320*480 480*800 600*1024...
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: July 28, 2013
Ilmaiset 80- ja 90 -luvun eurooppalaiset videopokerikoneiden simulaatiot (tunkit tai paremmat)! Sisältää Jokerin ja vanhan koulun eurooppalaisen kaksinkertaisen up - arvaa korkea tai matala kortti! Kuinka pelata (lyhyt, yksityiskohtaiset katso Pohja): - Aloita lisäämällä joitain...
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: July 27, 2013
Metakritic-pisteet 90 /100 voittaja Puzzle Game -luokassa-IGN 2009 -palkinnot Paras mobiilipeli 2010-Milthon Award --------------- ----------------------- Tässä uudessa seikkailussa Mokis käyttää uusien pelielementtien, kuten maalipommit ja enemmän hulluja kontraptioita, apua...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 27, 2013
The Bluecoats - Pohjoinen vs. South Universal, värikäs strategia! Uusi: Moninpeli! _____________ paina arvostelut _____________ Mikä parempaa aihetta ranskalaiselle studiolle tehdä strategiapeli kuin Yhdysvaltain sisällissota? Tämä uusinta asettaa modernin spinin klassiseen vuoden...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: July 26, 2013
* It can solve Sudoku by the automatic operation.* It will deprive of the enjoyment of solving.* It can be solved even in very difficult Sudoku.* It corresponds to 9x9/16x16/25x25 now.* It can save the input.
Version: 2.12 APK - Updated: July 25, 2013
Fantashooting is the most exciting and fantastical dual-stick shooting game!! Easy to play and tons of fun!!As a prerequisite for graduation, apprentices at Fantasy Hero Institute must survive the final test of Mori. Around the Mori Institute are scary monsters, magic bombs, goblins, insects,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 24, 2013
Irlannin muinaisten gaelien kohtalo on käsissäsi. Viikinkit ovat varastaneet pyhän gaelic -kupin. Taistelu muinaisen Irlannin saaren yli tässä hauskassa, koukuttavassa palapelin purkupelissä. Käytä gaelilaisten soturien vahvuutta ja erityisiä kykyjä rikkoa viikinkien linnoituksia ja...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 23, 2013
Upea perinteinen matkapelit lapsille, teini -ikäisille ja koko perheelle! Tielatkat vaikuttavat lyhyemmiltä kuin koskaan - älä jätä kotia ilman tätä sovellusta! Yli 65 pelin kokoelmamme sisältää täydelliset ohjeet siitä, kuinka pelata jokaista, ja toisilla on myös ylimääräisiä...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: July 23, 2013
A 3D platform game through 21 levels. Play as Captain d'Artagnan and fight the corrupted Musketeers in this game filled with action and riddles. Story: On 5th September 1661, the King Of France Louis XIV ordered Captain d'Artagnan of the company of Musketeers to arrest Nicolas Fouquet in...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: July 23, 2013
HexSaw - Trains will excite fans of the railroads, those who love looking at the quaint vintage cars and those who dream of the future when they see today's high speed trains. Gather your jigsaw skills and apply them to 23 puzzles in four challenging sizes.HexSaw's hexagon pieces put a new...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: July 15, 2013
Pinball Sundae is block-breaker game in which you use pinball flippers to hit your ball and break blocks. The game uses the accelerometer to move the flippers back and forth for aiming, and different flipper flavors can be switched in and out for unique gameplay effects. See which flavors suit your...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 13, 2013
This game is "The Number Place" that is a simple number puzzle game putting numbers from 1 to 9 in.Because equipped with a question making engine, make a question infinity and can play!Of course can play little by little because there is the preservation function when you like it!OK,...