Hry Placené Android Zdarma
Version: 4 APK - Updated: June 03, 2012
Ad free Super Slider Farm, also known as the sliding tile puzzle game, or the slide puzzle game or slider puzzle game.The cute animals friends of Super Slider Farm need your help! They have been captured and you must free them by solving slider puzzle games!Unlock each animal friend and set the...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: May 29, 2012
** Nyní je zahrnut veškerý prémiový obsah za jednu nízkou cenu! ** ** Nyní s více než 20 000 bezplatnými komunitními úrovněmi a editorem úrovně! ** Premiérová pašerácká hra, nyní k dispozici na Android. Představují PC World, Toucharcade, Kotaku, Joystiq, Penny Arcade,...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: May 29, 2012
Spelling Bee is an easy-to-learn game where the user is presented with either three wrong spellings and one correct spelling, or three correct spellings and one wrong one. Drawing from the most commonly misspelled words in the American English language, this challenging game is a great mental...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 27, 2012
In octi you don't just move the pieces: you create them!Players start in a 9x9 board with 7 pieces called 'pods' and 25 'prongs' which can be inserted into the pods during the game. Board have 6 squares of a different color (3 for each player). These are the Octi squares (also...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: May 19, 2012
Vydejte se na cestu na smrt, která se vzdává tichomoří a připojte se k souboji proti gangu nemilosrdných stíhacích pilotů. Tygři Pacifiku mají rychlou akční hratelnost kombinované s úctou inspirující 3D grafiku a úžasným zvukem a efekty a pokud máte rádi tygři...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: May 12, 2012
Sceekeeper pro karetní hru clagg clagg je triková hra hraná v mnoha zemích. Podobně jako Hearts, Spades a Bridge, Clagg se hraje s oblekem Trump. Clagg údajně pochází z královského britského letectva a začal jako zkratka pro nízké letadla Clouds. Trumpský oblek se změní pro...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: April 24, 2012
Stunt. Adrenaline. Challenge. Roll the dice in this smooth 3D Jump'n'Race game!Control the cube to pass platforms, ramps, loops and tracks. This game is a mix of classical jump'n'run and racing game. Be warned, the game is difficult & addicting. The tutorial is strongly...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 20, 2012
Save Your Favorite Hands!Turn your most interesting hands into Contract Bridge Problems!With the contract Bridge Diary app you can quickly log your played hands or copy/make an interesting hand up. Go back and analyze any deal to learn from your (partner's) mistakes. Perfect for both beginners...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 09, 2012
REQUIRES THE FULL VERSION OF SPECTRUM PUZZLESEveryone's been asking for more photos, and here they are! This expansion pack brings 58 spring-themed photos for Spectrum Puzzles.
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: April 06, 2012
Bible Time!(edition: The Gospels) is a Bible quiz game testing your knowledge in various categories from The Gospels. This Bible trivia game is unique because it keeps track of every question you answer while showing you what area of the Gospels you are knowledgeable at.
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: March 30, 2012
exorcistická 3D střelecka můžete surfovat na hřbitově a vyhnat démony nakreslením kouzel. Hra se odehrává v noci na hřbitově. Hráč by měl provádět různé úkoly obtížnosti. Obtížnost těchto úkolů se zvyšuje při posunu vpřed ve hře a zajistila zvýšení počtu a...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: March 28, 2012
****Warning***** DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!! This game has been known to cause severe productivity loss, lack of attention to anything else in your life, and a severe addiction disorder to little girls stuck on a 6 sided 3D cube with nothing but a key, her wits, and a door (usually upside down...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: March 20, 2012
Vyzkoušejte ruku při klasické pokerové dice hře! Generala podporuje pravidla nového stylu i klasických generálů, včetně bonusového bodování! Podporuje vysoké skóre, multiplayer, vlastní názvy přehrávačů, náznaky, třesení se, zpět a další. Hratelné v režimu portrétu...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: March 18, 2012
Otestujte své psychické schopnosti s nejlepší psychické testu na trhu!Se třemi způsoby, jak otestovat své psychické schopnosti (karty, mince, čísla), bude Psychic test dokázat jednou provždy, jak psychické jste.Udržuje vašich minulých výsledků, a vypočítává přesně, jak moc...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: March 11, 2012
Word Dominator je klasická tahová single wordová hra.Hlavním cílem je vytvořit slova horizontálně nebo vertikálně a získat co nejvyšší skóre a porazit počítačový přehrávač.Pokud se vám líbí slovní hádanky, budete milovat Word Dominator.Vyberte si mezi různými úrovněmi...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: March 08, 2012
Perník Dash! je nová strana-rolování jumping hra vyvinutá Ateam Inc. Hratelnost spočívá v pomoci Muž perníku uprchlíka z obřího Fox bez pádu do vody, nebo se na ně vztahoval jinými zvířaty.Gingerbread Man! je řízen nakloněním zařízení Android v požadovaném směru, s...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: February 23, 2012
Tato starověká šachová hra džungle () je navržena pro začátečníky pro děti a šachy. Je to skvělé pro kvalitní čas rodičů a dětí. Zvuk zvířat při zachycení - více stylů zvířat - více témat šachové desky
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2012
Need to kill some time while waiting for the next FIFA WorldCup game? This is a very interesting strategic soccer game also known as Dot Football or Pen or Paper Soccer. The game has a history of being played for over 20 years in schools using regular pen and paper.Can you score 2, 3 or even 4...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2012
This game is recommended as a winning choice for parents and a educational/fun activity for children.Amazing app to improve your math skills. The game logic is incredible simple! Just combine two numbers and one math operation to match the proposed objective.This healthy addictive game boost your...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: February 17, 2012
Classic four track Cribbage Board. Where ever you have your Tablet or Phone, you now have your Cribbage Board. Just add cards and other players.Pinch to Zoom in/outDouble Tap to Zoom in/outSlide to Pan when Zoomed In
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: February 10, 2012
"Fantastic game-play, boatloads of content, and unique power-ups and obstacles will surely adhere you to your device for hours. This is the cream of the crop marble shooter." #1 best marble popper in Touch Arcade Forums It’s your job to take flight and knock out...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 07, 2012
Virtual Villagers 4 - The Tree of LifeContinue the story of the mysterious island of Isola and the tribe of lost refugees in Virtual Villagers 4 - The Tree of Life. The island's chief is worried that life is slowly diminishing on the island and has selected a tribe of explorers to find the...
Version: 1.56 APK - Updated: January 29, 2012
Velíte svým fotbalovým týmům urážku v tomto rychle se rozvíjejícím arkádovém fotbalovém stylu. Pomocí prstů nasměrujte cesty vašich hráčů. Projděte fotbal pomocí vícedotyku. Skóre co nejvíce přistání, kolik můžete, než budete ohromeni agresivní obranou. Obsahuje...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: January 05, 2012
Tennis Sim Manager - The Tennis Manager Game for AndroidIn this management game you can create your own player and decide how to make him grow, to rise to the top of the ranking!You can also follow his matches in real time through the live scoreboard, deciding his effort and suggesting...
Version: 1.80 APK - Updated: January 01, 2012
Remember the classic fortune telling game MASH (mansion, apartment, shack, house)?MASH Pro gives you the most control of your mash stories and lets you create super long stories that will make you laugh out loud.Pick from 15 questions such as:+ Who will you marry?+ Where will you honeymoon?+ Where...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 23, 2011
Holdem PushBot is a poker application tool that assists players in examining situations of whether to push All-in or fold pre-flop. This skill is vitally important when playing in single or multi-table tournaments and can mean a big difference in improving your tournament ROI. Inflection (push or...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 22, 2011
ABC Ranch is a fun and educational game intended for toddlers or young children learning their numbers and letters. The game contains 4 entertaining mini-games (Horse Round Up, Animal Counting, Sound Matching and Animal Memory) that we hope will help your child learn counting skills, number...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 05, 2011
In the orchard with little cute pigs, crabby birds are stealing the foods of the pigs! Send away crabby birds before they fully occupy the branches! Featuring various special effects and fabulous fun items are waiting for you in Fly Bird! Double the fun with your friends! [Play Mode Guide] Classic...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: November 22, 2011
Tropical Fish Shop is beautiful, exotic and incredibly addictive! Follow Annabel in her amazing sea adventures, enjoy breathtaking scenery, and help her save the Tropical Fish Shop!Once upon a time, a young girl called Annabel wished she could leave her boring city job behind and stay in a tropical...