Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: April 01, 2011
NOW WITH ONLINE SCOREBOARD AND OPPONENTS GHOST DOWNLOAD!!!!Forbidden Brakes is the funniest, most incredible arcade car racing game in the android world, as affirmed by a recent statistic study that we just made up! It sports more than 7 unique tracks (actually 8) and more than 6 (actually 7)...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 26, 2011
DroidJump je preprosta, a zasvojenost s skakalnimi akcijskimi igrami! Mr.Droid želi iti višje, skače večno. Nagnite napravo, da ga premakne levo in desno.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 25, 2011
Now enjoy JEWEL CRAFT: the best match-3 game on your Android phone!Top Paid #1 board game over 25 countries' iPad AppStore!Quality, Speed and Addictiveness already proven on iPhone/iPad! Swap colorful jewels and break them for new jewels!★ SPEED, SPEED, SPEED- Speed up swapping jewels. -...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 21, 2011
Fish Tycoon je virtualna ribe rejo divjadi. Pasma in navzkrižno pasme rib, dokler ne najdete 7 Magic Ribe in rešiti genetske puzzle. Buy dobave, kot Meds, jajca in posebnih rastlin in nato prodati nekaj svojega rib v virtualni hišnih trgovini. Uporabite dobiček, da prilagodite in okrasite svoj...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: March 17, 2011
Hitra razsvetljava je hitra igra, ki postavlja vaše hitre odseve in prste k izzivu. Cilj igre je, da ostanete živ in preganjate nasprotnika. Ogenj se segreva s povečanjem ravni, ko se tempo igre pospeši in računalniška inteligenca se poveča. Ta igra je bila primerjana s kačo na steroidih!...
Version: 1.0.06 APK - Updated: March 15, 2011
Slide rows and columns to create patterns for points!* touch a tile* drag it up/dn/lft/rt* release itYour goal is to form the tiles into rectangles of solid color, which are then removed, giving you points.Try to do it in as few moves as possible, as your moves are limited in this challenging game.
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: March 11, 2011
Test your knowledge and spot the countries of the world on the map. Choose from different regions. Start with the easier ones like Oceania and North America before you test yourself on Europe, Africa or even the whole world.The level of difficulty can be adjusted by the number of answers to choose...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: March 07, 2011
The full version of Break it! Lite. In the Pro vesion totally 100 stages will be available. 6 extra episodes will be available. Can you finish all of them? The app works for android 2.1 or above. Hope you like our game! If you have any feedbacks, leave a note to [email protected].
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: March 01, 2011
The most elaborate Mahjong game!Now with a zoom and showing moves! The full version of the traditional Mahjong (Majong, Mahjongg) game with classical tile sets and thousands of layouts! This is a complete mahjong solitaire game with tiles fully packed onto your Android screen, just zoom! Please...
Version: 1.1i APK - Updated: February 28, 2011
originalna obramba stolpa v vesolju. Izberite taktiko za vsak stolp, da poveča škodo. Obramba Galaxy potrebuje vas !! - 6 stolpov, z odklepajočimi stolpi 2. Več kot 550 nadgradenj! - Nakup škode, hitrosti in razpona poveča za vsak stolp! - 2 vrsti predvajanja (normalna ali žetev ruda) :...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: February 04, 2011
2-player version of the German national card game. A game of strategy and skill
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: January 29, 2011
An enhanced version of the classic coin-op reaction test game for Android with additional game modes.Classic:Press buttons in a steady pace. Interval between lights turning on stays slower if your pace stays steady enough.Speed:Buttons keep lighting up on constantly growing speed.Memory:Watch and...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: January 28, 2011
Now with large screen and SD card support!Leap Sheep! is a fast and fun action game for all ages where players compete on OpenFeint for high scores and woolly awards by leaping an ever growing flock of sheep over a fence!Tap the cute fuzzies to jump them over the fence (they're not smart enough...
Version: 1.1.10 APK - Updated: December 30, 2010
Classic arcade fun comes to your phone!- Easy touchscreen control- A computer opponent that gets tougher as you get better- Smooth graphics- Realistic sounds- Two-player mode on supported phones (including Nexus S / Galaxy S / Droid / Droid 2 / Droid Incredible / Evo 4G)See for a...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: December 24, 2010
Zahtevne različice Mancala Games Kalah in Oware. funkcije vključujejo: * predvajanje proti računalniku ali drugi osebi (na isti napravi). * Več težavnosti. * spremenljivo število semen .
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 19, 2010
A very easy to use and fast hold'em odds calculator.Just add players hole cards and board cards and “hold'em odds calculator”immediately calculates the odds for all players.Calculate odds for 1 to 9 players and board cards.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 17, 2010
Giant Sudoku is a 25 by 25 grid usingthe letters A to Y in each row, column,and 5x5 box. Hidden within the completed grid is a famous quote thatyou must find. Completing the grid may bethe easy part! The interface is easy andintuitive. Best played on a tablet.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 14, 2010
Solipskier je hitra smučarska igra, kjer narišete pobočja, da poberete hitrost in naredite skoke. Pobarvajte svoje pečine, naredite trike in slaloma skozi vrata, da dobite ogromne rezultate! Tekmujte s prijatelji ali po vsem svetu z odprtim fintim, da vidite, kdo lahko doseže najvišje.
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 19, 2010
YouLose is a simple and addictive logic game. The main goal of the game is to avoid removing the last piece from the board... if you can. Make bets with your friends and win some beers!Game modes :- Play versus CPU.- Two players: play with a friend to practice and improve.
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2010
The most elaborate Mahjong game!Now with a zoom and showing moves! The full version of the traditional Mahjong (Majong, Mahjongg) game with classical tile sets and thousands of layouts! This is a complete mahjong solitaire game with tiles fully packed onto your Android screen, just zoom! Please...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 26, 2010
Take on nasty hand-drawn enemies in this Asteroids/Geometry Wars inspired sketch orgy and head for the highest score to make yourself a name on the leader boards.Features: - Beautiful hand-drawn graphics - Many different enemy types - Power-ups - Multiplier based scoring - Online leader boards
Version: 1.57 APK - Updated: August 17, 2010
Shranite domačo mesto pred tremi mogočnimi čarovniki in njihov nenasitni pohlep, ki ga je sprožilo odkritje starodavne propada. Kamyrans Eye je fantazijska tematska igra Roguelike vlog (RPG). Z vsako igro raziščite svet, ki nikoli ni ravno enako napolnjen s prebivalci, tako prijaznimi kot...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 11, 2010
Lynettes Conniving mož jo je prevaral iz svojega družinskega podjetja! Kaj lahko počne podjetna mlada ženska, kot je ona? se maščevati! Uporabite svoje podjetje, da pomagate Lynette odkupiti svoje podjetje in pošljite moža k slammerju. Kupite, razvijajte in prodajajte komercialne...
Version: 2.2.1 APK - Updated: December 03, 2024
Викторина для тех, кто желает изучить биологию. Играя, Вы сможете изучить биологию или же подготовиться к экзамену, а также оценить свой уровень знаний в...
Version: 2.2.1 APK - Updated: December 02, 2024
Kviz za tiste, ki želijo, da se naučijo geografije.Igranje, boste lahko izvedeli geografijo, ali pripravo na izpit, pa tudi oceniti njihovo raven znanja pri geografiji.Predstavljeno na vprašanja igri pokrivajo vse teme in ključna področja geografije.Vprašanja so razporejeni po stopnjah...
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: December 01, 2024
Викторина для тех, кто желает познать историю Родины. Играя, вы сможете изучить историю России или же подготовиться к экзамену, а также оценить свой уровень знаний...
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: December 01, 2024
Викторина для тех, кто желает изучить обществознание. Играя, Вы сможете изучить обществознание или же подготовиться к экзамену, а также оценить свой уровень...
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: December 01, 2024
Kviz za tiste, ki se želijo naučiti rusko.Med igranjem se lahko naučite ruski jezik ali se pripravite na izpit, kot tudi ocenite svojo raven znanja v ruskem jeziku.Vprašanja, predstavljena v igri, zajemajo vse teme in ključna področja ruskega jezika.Vprašanja so razdeljena po težavnostnih...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: October 04, 2024
Biti morate del ekipe FBG za boj proti nemirom in terorizmu.POSEBNI NAČIN DELOVANJA18 edinstvenih misij za enega igralcataktične bitkeOdlična grafika in glasbaNAČIN PREŽIVETJATrenutno je na voljo 5 kart preživetjaNeskončni valovi sovražnikovElitno orožje, zračna podpora, dinamične...
Version: 3.7 APK - Updated: September 25, 2024
Kotickovo potovanje temelji na kratki zgodbi Rudyarda Kiplinga The White Seal, objavljeni leta 1894.Ta igra z dovršeno in lesketajočo se grafiko postavlja novo, zelo aktualno vprašanje: kakšna bi bila danes usoda malega belega tjulnja v svetu, v katerem imajo živali vse manj prostora in v...