Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: August 30, 2018
I-Addoku (eyaziwa nangokuthi ukubulala iSudoku) ingukuhlukahluka kwi-puzzle ye-sudoku eyaziwayo evivinya amakhono akho kuzo zombili izibalo ne-arithmetic. Igridi yayo ejwayelekile ye-sudoku, kepha ukugcwalisa kudingeka usebenzise ulwazi lwakho ukwengeza. Ukushintshwa kwejubane, kukhona futhi...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 29, 2018
Near future. Mankind has mastered the new technology, and now spaceships capable of reaching distant galaxies. New worlds open before earthlings. But there comes a day of reckoning. The spacecraft of extraterrestrial civilizations are attacking Earth. Are you in the role of captain of the elite...
Version: 6.0.1 APK - Updated: August 28, 2018
Space War HD is the space arcade game for Android! Fly through the space and destroy waves of attacking aliens! Be prepared for the final battle!* This game is simply fantastic. - BriefMobile* Space War HD is challenging, fun and addictive – in short, everything a good mobile game should be. -...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 28, 2018
Ezinganeni nezinsana, imisindo yezilwane ze-pop balloon ngumdlalo omnandi omuhle kumabhaluni we-pop. Ngezilwane ezifuywayo ezimangazayo, izingane zihleka futhi zifunde imisindo yezilwane. Inkomo, ingulube, i-moose nabangane bayo, izojabulisa wonke umuntu ngokunyakaza kwabo okuhlekisayo namazwi...
Version: 2.2.3 APK - Updated: August 28, 2018
Ab sofort mit Gewinnspiel!Wir verlosen jedes Monat Gutscheine im Wert von 150€!Nähere Infos findest du hier: Glücksrad geht es darum Wörter aus unterschiedlichen Kategorien zu erraten. (ähnlich wie ein Kreuzworträtsel) - ...
Version: 3.47 APK - Updated: August 28, 2018
"Kuyinto umdlalo smartly futhi zigqama eyenzelwe lokho uyesaba permakill wena" -. IndieGames com"Ingqikithi distilled sayo yonke action 8-bit indima-edlala game abake. Uthando it." - Kotaku"Bit isiboshwa iletha ndawonye The Legend of top-down lenkaba Zelda sika isiboshwa,...
Version: 3.44 APK - Updated: August 28, 2018
bit Dungeon II action fast roguelike game with a overworld giant ukuhlola.Wena umoya ezweni undead amademoni. Your "omthandayo womuntu" ithuna langcoliswa. Yilwa ngokusebenzisa la mazwe onakele, futhi ulethe ukuthula emphefumulweni wakhe.The emigodini basuke ngezikhathi ibekwa overworld,...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: August 25, 2018
Uma uthanda amaphazili kanye nenselele enhle. Lona ngumdlalo wakho. I-Crypt Ukufuna ngumdlalo olula futhi omnandi. Uzohleka futhi uzokhala kepha ukhala kakhulu. Ungumzingeli we-vampire unikezwe umsebenzi wokuthola amathuna aqukethe i-undead. Kungumsebenzi wakho ukuvala i-undead kusayithi ngalinye...
Version: 1.1.03 APK - Updated: August 23, 2018
TrueFish kuyinto Simulator yokudoba. Ungakwazi lokudoba nenduku yokudoba kanye imifula, amachibi nezilwandle komkhawulo Italian.Ungakwazi ukubamba izinhlanzi ezivamile abasensimini Italian: bleaks, trouts, chub, uhlobo lwenhlazi yasemfuleni, mullet, njll .. ngoba ingqikithi izinhlobo 129...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: August 23, 2018
*** Kukhona nenguqulo yamahhala yamaTiles By Post asekelwa isikhangiso. Le nguqulo ekhokhelwayo ayinazo izikhangiso ezingaphakathi komdlalo. ***Amathayili Ngeposi ngumdlalo wokuncintisana, izincwadi, umdlalo wokusesha amagama. Mangaki amagama ongawathola? Dlala lo mdlalo we-classic wokuzingela...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: August 22, 2018
Bei LogoSort, unserer neuesten Software für die Lautanalyse, geht es darum, den Ziellaut zu den gezeigten Begriffen der richtigen Wortposition zuzuordnen. Die drei Teile des Esels repräsentieren Anlaut (vorn), Inlaut (Mitte) und Auslaut (hinten).Der angezeigte Begriff wird einfach auf die...
Version: 2.2.1 APK - Updated: August 22, 2018
I-Words By Post ngumdlalo wegama eliwela amapulatifomu ogcina umkhondo wezinga lakho lekhono futhi okuhlala ukufanisa nabadlali abanekhono elifanayo nelakho. Futhi njengoba itholakala nge-iPhone, i-Android, neWindows, ungadlala abangani bakho noma ngabe banaluphi uhlobo lwefoni!Dlala lo mdlalo...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: August 22, 2018
*** Qaphela ukuthi kukhona a version mahhala yalesi lokusebenza ukuthi kuyinto efana nale nguqulo ngaphandle kokuthi le nguqulo alibonisi izikhangiso ***Checkers By Post uyena kuphela cross platform chess app ukuthi ubala amakhono level yakho bese njalo kuhambisana umelane abadlali of ikhono...
Version: 3.0.1 APK - Updated: August 22, 2018
Давайте поиграем и выучим буквы. Обучение должно быть веселым.Наше приложение познакомит ребенка с 33-мя буквами русского алфавита.Дополнительно в нашем...
Version: 1.32 APK - Updated: August 21, 2018
In AD 3001, the Earth receives signals from a set of combat alien civilization. Earth Federation decided to send a reconnaissance team, investigating the case of alien forces. To fight the alien threat, the World Alliance bring forth their ultimate weapon, the Star Fighter. Equipped with weapons...
Version: 1.46.0 APK - Updated: August 21, 2018
Imibhoshongo yeHanoi eyaziwa nangokuthi imibhoshongo ye-hanoi, umbhoshongo weBrahma noLucas tower, iphazili enesixazululo sezibalo esinezinduku ezintathu ezinama-disbes ancishisiwe ancishiswe kancane, incane kakhulu phezulu njengesimo esiphakeme . uhanjiswe ngesikhathi * Idiski ephezulu kuphela...
Version: 4.5 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
Ikhadi Counter kuyinto game ethokozisayo esekelwe Blackjack yangempela amasu ikhadi ukubala. Uthanda Blackjack futhi wazi ukuthi yini okufanele uyenze kuzo zonke uhlangothi, kodwa manje ufuna ngaphezulu! Ikhadi Counter izokufundisa konke odinga ukukwazi mayelana nokubala ikhadi ngaphandle kokuba...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
*** Winner of the Giga Maus 2016: Umdlalo omuhle kakhulu wezingane kusuka 4-6! *** {# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Emidlalweni yobudala, izingane zihlangabezana nezikhathi zokufika nge-kite encane kanye nabangane bakhe kuya empumalanga ye-knight oskar ne-porcupine manilda. Bane-Oskar Ber...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
You in the role of a pirate captain of a spaceship. For you and your ship goes hunting for a long time. World Space Corporation discovered your ship and sent a huge number of fighters that would destroy you. Reflect attack corporations, protect yourself and crew members. Do not let the destruction...
Version: 4.4 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
Glow Burst requires a sharp mind and a quick touch. Tap or swipe through the glowing numbers as fast as you can from least to greatest. Each glow burst earns you points and extra time. Complete a round to get even more bonus time. It sounds simple but be warned that it's very...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
Classic Othello / Reversi board game for one or two players..Features:- Single player 12 levels of play from easy to difficult.- Two player end-to-end board.- Felt board with tape lines and polished wood surround.- 64 unique black and white granite discs.- Animated 3D graphics.- Dynamic lighting...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 18, 2018
Features:Flashcards to learn PMP formulasDefinition for formula glossary through quick searchTake quiz to practice PMP formula
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: August 17, 2018
Easy games are no fun! If you are tired of meaningless automatic actions, Star Knight is the perfect game for you! A fantastic balance between gorgeous graphics, adventure, and action, challenge yourself to the high level action platform game, Star Knight! The peaceful planet Gaon is under attack...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: August 17, 2018
Snood ingenye ethandwa kakhulu puzzle imidlalo sonke isikhathi. Snood kuyinto fun game ukuthi ivivinya ingqondo yakho kunokuba ingqondo yakho. Umgomo wakho uwukuba asindise bonke Snoods bevalelekile kusungulwe amanye Snoods at kubo. Uma uxhuma Snoods ezintathu noma ngaphezulu, bayohlala usekhona....
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: August 16, 2018
***** Sicela ufake ama-Google Play Imidlalo kusuka kuhlelo lokusebenza lwe-Google Play Isitolo kufoni yakho ye-Android noma kuthebhulethi bese udala i-ID ye-Gamer ngaphambi kokudlala umdlalo Imidlalo yokujaha laphaya. Lapha ungaqeqesha futhi ugijime ama-reakbreds amahle namahhashi ase-Arabhu...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 15, 2018
> Get lost and find yourself among the difficulties of each environment inside the maze!> Defeat mighty mythological enemies!> Solve the different challenging puzzles!> Free the young compatriots lost between the dangers!> Play with touchscreen, keyboard or joystick> Translated in...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 14, 2018
Umhubhe we-VR ungumsebenzi wenqubo, we-Cross-Pleptform, umdlalo ojwayelekile wokujaha ngokusekelwa kwe-VR. Njengomjaho oshisekayo imigudu engapheli emkhathini? Bese ungabe usabheka okunye, lo ngumdlalo wakho. Ngoba konke kuphathelene nomjaho. emhubheni. Esikhaleni. kuzwakala kamnandi lokho? Yebo...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 13, 2018
Advantages of the premium version:- World map;- The lack of advertising;- The initial budget of 5000 a day.Download “Taiwan Simulator Premium 2” right now to: - Immerse into the world of ruling the whole country. - Learn what everyday tasks the President has to solve. - Create a prosperous...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: August 13, 2018
Izinzuzo zenguqulo ye-Premium: - Imephu Yomhlaba; - Ukuntuleka kokukhangisa; - Landa isabelomali sokuqala se-5000 ngosuku. #} - emgqeni ezweni lokubusa izwe lonke. - Funda ukuthi yimiphi imisebenzi yansuku zonke uMongameli okufanele ayixazulule. - Dala izwe elichumayo. Ukuthuthukisa umbono...