Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.41 APK - Updated: July 14, 2022
What's new!:🕹15 new categories 🕹Very fun and interesting wordsThis is the most expensive word game because the pictures are very rare and the words are very challengingThis is one of the games that Vadaaa offers you to spend your time pleasant!I hope you like it 😎 In the new update...
Version: 1.4.7 APK - Updated: July 11, 2022
Party Pop has been awarded the “App of The Day” by MyAppFree.Learn aiming and focus through this party balloon pop game. Hit colorful balloons and get experience magical pops. Download and fall in love with this magical balloon pooping game.It is a simple swiping game, a game of popping...
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: July 11, 2022
-You join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!Supports the official first edition game (4×4)!Be ready for a new challenge!AND absolutely no adsHOW TO PLAY:Swipe (Up, Down, Left or Right) to move the tiles.When two tiles with the same number touch, theymerge into one.When 2048 tile is created, the...
Version: 1.2.11 APK - Updated: July 07, 2022
Joyina i-Peppa Pig kanye nabangane kwi-adventure yabo entsha! Abalandeli be-TV Show bazojabula ngalolu hlelo lokusebenza olusha - oluphefumulelwe yimizuzu yakamuva eyi-15 isiqephu esikhethekile segolide. Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lukhuthaza abakwa-Pre-Okwenziwa kuqala ukuhlola izwe elimangalisayo...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: June 30, 2022
Nakekela futhi usize izilwane ezivela emhlabeni wonke kumdlalo wakho we-Animal Shelter! Idolobha Lami: Indawo Yezilwane iyindawo ekhethekile lapho uthola khona ukunakekela futhi udlale nezilwane ezifuywayo nezilwane ezingavamile. Nikeza indawo yokuhlala ezilwaneni ezingavamile ezivela emhlabeni...
Version: 1.9.2 APK - Updated: June 16, 2022
I-Stickman Master Premium ikunikeza:- Isilwane Samahhala: Ugebhezi Lomlilo- Vula umnsalo- Igolide lamahhala le-2000- Amagugu wamahhala angama-200- Izinto zebhonasi zokuthuthukisa izikhali- Azikho izikhangiso zangaphakathiYiba iqhawe le-ninja master shadow warrior futhi ujabulele i-adventure...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: June 03, 2022
Welcome to World Football - Finger Cup!A fun and addictive football game - easy to play, hard to master! How many goals can you score?Can you beat the AI player?Enjoy!
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: June 03, 2022
This is a tank clearance game. Players can choose their favorite tank types for the game, and different types of tanks have different attributes.The game provides players with various props to help them pass the level.
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: May 30, 2022
This game has also a FREE Version, supported by Ads, which could be found on the developers page bellow.Do you search for offline math games for kids or you are math problem solver? Give it a try! This is math game with levels for kindergarten, preschool, 1 grade, 2 grade, 3 grade, 4 grade and...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 26, 2022
Pass all obstacles and defeat the villain boss!Pass all the obstacles installed on each floor, dodge and fly. Conquer every stickman war trap: dismounted robots, spiked floors, and laser- and electric-attached spaces! Join a group of heroes of stickman war: dismount powerful and cool robots and...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: May 20, 2022
Uyemukelwa eDolobheni Lami: Indlu Yomngane Wami lapho uthola khona ukwenza izindaba zakho, zenze sengathi-dlala izinto ezimnandi nokunye okuningi!Idolobha Lami: Indlu Yomngane wami igcwele izinhlamvu eziningi ezintsha, amagumbi wokuzijabulisa nezindawo eziningi zezinto ezisebenzisekayo...
Version: 1.6.11 APK - Updated: May 17, 2022
Imidlalo yenguqulo enemininingwane ephezulu yezithombe ze-Ultra HD (4K)Uyemukelwa ekulandeleni okulindelwe isikhathi eside kumdlalo odumile wesenzo/wamasu! Izikhali ezintsha, ukubukeka kwezwe, nezinketho eziningi! Njalo iseshini yomdlalo manje isinamandla kakhulu futhi iyamangaza.Umnyombo womdlalo...
Version: 2.4.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2022
Umdlalo omuhle kakhulu, ukulwa okuqinile. Izwa umoya wempi wama-40s.Umdlalo unemikhankaso emi-2 yomdlali oyedwa ye-USSR neJalimane, kanye nemishini eyengeziwe.- Izinhlobo ezingaphezu kuka-30 zezikhali ezincane ezivela eMpini Yezwe Yesibili.- Ihluzo ezinhle, zasemkhathini- Umdlalo omluthayo-...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 12, 2022
Choose a special card and lead the game to victory.Change your card to make a higher ranking hand than your opponent.Destroy the opponent's base.
Version: 2.3.8 APK - Updated: May 09, 2022
Umhlaba uchithekile ... Kuhlaselwa yimpucuko emibi .. Noma ngubani ongenza okuthile ukuyekile ... Thumela amaqhawe akho amakhulu emadolobheni ahlukene omhlaba futhi awavumele anqobe izitha. Qoqa impango yempi ngokuthuthukisa amaqhawe akho namahhovisi emhlabeni jikelele. Qhubeka nokwakha amaqhawe...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 09, 2022
You can play the game offline. No network connection required. Download and play now.
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: May 08, 2022
Kufanele uqoqe idayimane futhi uphunyuke esigabeni ngasinye ngomnyango ngaphambi kokuphela kwesikhathi. Yize izinto zokuhamba zikhona, inselelo eyinhloko ukuthola indlela yokukhohlisa izinto esigabeni ngasinye ukuze zifinyelele edayimane elicindezelekile futhi zibasindise ngenkathi usashiya...
Version: 1.77 APK - Updated: May 08, 2022
FROM ZERO TO TOPDid you ever wonder how is being a freelancer developer? In this idle clicker game, you are a freelancer designer and developer but you are not stuck in a boring room. You are a social geek and you travel while you are working. You own a cute caravan and spending your days on the...
Version: 3.0.4 APK - Updated: May 05, 2022
The forest is in danger! An evil crow has conquered the mind of some very dangerous giants and now wants to take control of the sacred water! The whole plan is ready, and the animal community seems to be lost, but wait a minute! A cat, a bear and a monkey are part of the warriors destined to defend...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: May 05, 2022
Hippo hospital is looking not only for an eye doctor or doctor surgeon. Our modern laboratory is in need of secret scientists and assistant! Study faster analyzes with a microscope and find dangerous microbes and viruses. Prevent a huge epidemic! Hospital laboratory works day and night! Create a...
Version: 430 APK - Updated: May 03, 2022
- I-18 Slimes iwumdlalo omusha wokuvikela onomugqa wokuvikela wokuQala, owesibili nowokugcina.
Version: 4.0.0 APK - Updated: April 29, 2022
I-Popcorn, ama-Movie, ukunambitha noMculo ukulungele, Mema abangani bakho abakhulu, vula ukukhanya futhi uvumele iqembu lama-Pajamas liqale! Izingane eziningi ziye zacela le nto esadingeka ukuyidala. Ungakhohlwa ukuvakashela ama-pajamas ethu e-Party Party lapho ungathola ama-pajamas amahle,...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 29, 2022
Game Features:Super cute pets and fruits are waiting for youDifferent level layouts and challenging game difficultySuitable for all agesThe picture is super cute, and there are small tasks waiting for you to completeUltra-small installation package, playable offline, essential
Version: 2.0.5 APK - Updated: April 27, 2022
New Baby Ball Burst game! This fun application designed for kids. With this game kids will learn:- Distinguish shapes- Improve their memory, logic and concentration- Motor skills and spatial vision.- AttentionPerfect for preschoolers!We`ve made this game for my little daughter. She is 1.5 years...
Version: 0.3.4 APK - Updated: April 25, 2022
Khetha imoto uhambe! Lo mdlalo uhlanganisa: izimoto, amaloli, izimoto ezisemthethweni kanye nezakwamanye amazwe zasekuqaleni kwawo-2000.Okukhethekile: - Ukukhetha okukhulu kwezimoto - Ithrafikhi yedolobha - Abadlali abaningi (Beta) - Umhlaba onemininingwane - Imisebenzi ehlukahlukeneVakashela...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: April 25, 2022
A game with two main goals. One, help you learn your ABC's. Two, be fun.This game is designed specifically to help you learn your ABC's!! Catch the ABC basket balls in sequential order from A to Z and try to get the highest score possible!
Version: Tower APK - Updated: April 21, 2022
Tower is a platform game revolves around finding all the keys, which can be used to open all doors. During the ascent, Hero encounters many different enemies but the Tower is extremely forgiving, as Hero can't die in the game. Instead, any damage they take will result in losing any coins...
Version: 2.0.01 APK - Updated: April 20, 2022
《COXETA》, Umugqa wesikhathi omusha ukhonjiswa emhlabeni.Ubukhulu buhlangana kugeyimu yesenzo esinesigqi sokuhlola esisha!Njengomcwaningi omusha ku-Extraordinary Science & Technology Institute, bheka umhlaba obanzi ophambi kwakho.
Version: 0.0.6 APK - Updated: April 19, 2022
🧩 Umbuzo We-Emoji - Qagela Ama-Emoji 🧩Hlanganisa ama-Emojis ukuze Wembule Amagama! Lungela ukunqoba ama-emoji ayinselele angu-1400+ futhi ube umpetha wokuqagela we-emoji!🔍 Mayelana: 🔍Imibuzo Ye-Emoji - Qagela ukuthi i-Emojis iwumdlalo wokuqagela wamagama ohehayo osuselwe kuma-emoji....
Version: 0.0.7 APK - Updated: April 16, 2022
Mayelana:Uyemukelwa ku-Riddle Me, umdlalo wokugcina wezimfumbe ezigoqa ingqondo namazwibela obuchopho! Qalisa i-adventure yobuhlakani nobuhlakani enezimfumbe ezihlukile neziyinselele ezingaphezu kuka-5000 ezizosonta ubuchopho bakho ngezindlela ezijabulisayo. Lo mdlalo wokuqagela amagama ulungele...