Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: December 22, 2021
■ Mokamos versijos efektas1) +5 ginklų lizdas2) Pašalinkite reklamjuostės skelbimus (išskyrus kompensacinius vaizdo įrašo skelbimus)Sujunkite ginklus ir raskite naują!Koks yra galingiausias ginklas? Peilis? kirvį? ietis?Atrakink 90 šaunių ginklų!Pasiruošę išmokyti ginklus?Pagaminta...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: December 20, 2021
Resolve is a fantastic 3D mind game. You can achieve a fun and intelligent gameplay experience by performing the tasks given in the scenes consisting of symmetrical and asymmetric three dimensional fictions that need to be solved.Main features- Three different games- Different scene and fiction- 3D...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: December 20, 2021
The harmony of the Green world is disturbed by the assaults of the rapplians. They steal technology and barbarously exhaust resources, devastating everything around. Several planets have already been destroyed by a new secret weapon. However, the droids don't give up. Several droids are trained...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 19, 2021
Superherojaus karo premija jums siūlo: - Atrakinti aukščiausios kokybės superherojus: baltas tigras. - nemokamas 10.000 auksas. Geriausias RPG žaidimas - veiksmo žaidimas neprisijungus. mūšis ir iššūkis įdomus RPG žaidimas apie „Transform“ animacinių filmų superherojų su...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: December 18, 2021
It’s the best of all the word games! Throw a house party on your phone and play Taboo with video chat! Split into 2 teams and take it in turns to describe the word - just don’t use the word or any of the words on the card! Your team has to guess as many words as possible before the timer runs...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: December 17, 2021
The year is 2020. A new type of the cofieldvirus has been discovered in China. Not only is this virus extremely contagious, it is deadly. Some survivors even complain of long-term discomfort. Less than three months later, this virus is spreading worldwide due to globalization. Hospitals are...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: December 17, 2021
Can you solve puzzles in two worlds at once? In Mirror Worlds is a minimalist, grid-based puzzle game that will challenge you to think in parallel!Features:• 140 hand-designed levels• 7 different worlds with unique puzzle twists• Beautiful minimalist designs based on nature• Relaxing...
Version: 0.6 APK - Updated: December 12, 2021
Jack's Tales is an arcade retro adventure platformer game. Jack has to overcome all the hazards in order to collect his items to continue his journey. All 6 levels have unique pixel retro art with fasinating storyline. -FREE-Enjoy!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2021
Antroji mintis (OST) yra kompiuterizuota kognityvinė elgesio programa, skirta išmokyti pagrindinius CBT principus aukštesniųjų pradinių klasių mokyklų vaikams. Iš pradžių OST buvo sukurtas visuotiniu lygmeniu su prevencijos tikslais, tokiais kaip: pakelti minties supratimą . Sukurkite...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2021
On Second Thought (OST) yra kompiuterizuota kognityvinės elgsenos programa, skirta mokyti pagrindinius CBT principus vyresniųjų pradinių klasių vaikus. Iš pradžių OST buvo sukurtas taip, kad būtų teikiamas universaliu lygiu, siekiant tokių prevencijos tikslų:kelti minčių...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2021
What is On Second Thought (OST)?OST is a digital social emotional learning program designed to help children grades 3-5 understand, manage and name their emotions using game like activities and stories related to children’s daily lives. Who developed OST?The OST program was developed by Dr. T....
Version: 0.9.3 APK - Updated: December 08, 2021
Įstrigę keistoje saloje, Kevinas ir Cheese stengiasi grįžti namo.Susitikite su kitais pasiklydusiais žmonėmis ir siaubą keliančiais monstrais, tykančiais saloje.Padėkite mūsų nelaimingam duetui rasti KELIĄ NAMUS![Pixelart Roguelike]- Procedūriniu būdu sukurti žemėlapiai- Kiekvienas...
Version: APK - Updated: December 08, 2021
-Find the card pair, have fun while you train your brain!Three difficulty levels, with time it is timeless. A game suitable for all ages. Have fun while you train your mind. -No ads-
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: December 02, 2021
Control your spaceship, manage your resources!Challenging sci-fi resource management and spaceship simulation game.Quaser is a sci-fi resource management game in which you manage different sections of a spaceship with scarce resources. The complexity involved in keeping the ship functional and...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: December 02, 2021
For the sake of their favorite delicacy, the aliens are ready for a dangerous mission!• Go in search of a transformer to charge the UFO with energy.• Look for chickens to irradiate them and collect eggs.• Stay out of the roosters field of vision!• Avoid collisions with all physical objects...
Version: 1.1.5b APK - Updated: November 25, 2021
Išsaugokite prarasto vaiko gyvybę, sugrąžindami jį į savo tėvus. H2O: Išsaugokite vandenyną yra žaidimas, kuriame turite išspręsti tinklelio pagrindu pagamintus galvosūkius, sukurdami vandens srautus, kad perkeltumėte objektą, suaktyvintumėte mechanizmus ir daug ką Daugiau!...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2021
En grupos alternadamente, tendrán que responder a las preguntas y seguir sus instrucciones a veces un poco locas. Una aplicación divertida para ayudarle en sus fiestas. Aperitivos memorables y risas garantizadas!
Version: 1.0.21 APK - Updated: November 25, 2021
The weapon is divided into the main body and the accessories, which can be added on the basis of the main weapon to improve its performance. Collecting more powerful accessories to improve weapon performance is one of the core gameplay methods.*Items have their own weight. Lightweight but other...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: November 24, 2021
6 interesting gamemodes, and be more in the future! pvp and bot fight! play with friends and enjoy!
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 23, 2021
Skraidykite kosmose, apžiūrėkite didžiulius asteroidus, saugokitės kasyklų ir pavojingų zonų, suraskite visus rūdos gabalus lygyje, patobulinkite savo laivą ir nusipirkite naujų, kovokite už išgyvenimą! Bus sunku!
Version: APK - Updated: November 23, 2021
Ar jūs kada nors girdėjote populiarią Džeko Skerdiko istoriją - Londono nenustatytą serijinį žudiką, kuris nukirto aukoms gerkles ir niekada nenaudojo ginklų? Ar manote, kad pats Van Gogas pasislėpė už šio siaubingo pseudonimo? Ar kada pagalvojai, kad konkuruotum su Axlar-Björn,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 20, 2021
Turn on the lights and light up your life! This game is a variation of the "Lights Out" games of the 90s. Each light you turn on changes the state of the adjacent lights. Can you turn on all the lights? In the On Pixels game the goal is to leave all the lights on at the same time, using...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 19, 2021
Po didelio biologinio ginklo išpuolio prieš Londoną du mokslininkai atsiduria uždarytoje laboratorijoje, o laikas ir oras baigiasi. Naudojant interaktyvų žaidimą, jūsų veiksmai ir santykiai su kitais veikėjais paskatins jus į vieną iš aštuonių įtemptų pabaigų.Gydęs cheminės...
Version: 01.00.70 APK - Updated: November 18, 2021
Welcome to My Music Tower! Tap, Tap, Super Cute Piano TilesPlay relaxing music with guitar and piano. It's simple but fun!Decorate your tower with pretty & cute diorama brick items!This game will heal your stressed mind comfortably.You can play music easily just by tapping the tiles.Build...
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: November 17, 2021
Girabox is a minimalist puzzle game with an equally minimalist premise that allows for deep gameplay.Enjoy a frictionless experience, with a focus on minimalism.Play through the many level packs and compare your score to others in the leaderboards.Features:Dozens of levels.Simple, yet deep...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: November 17, 2021
Math games for the whole family - Multiplication and division table, addition and subtraction of numbers.Sections:- Addition- Subtraction- Multiplication- DivisionModes:✅ TrainingYou choose one of the available sections and, with tips, consolidate the knowledge gained.✅ PracticeYou can...
Version: 4.1 APK - Updated: November 16, 2021
This adventure game challenges the player to find new lands while practicing ASL, Fingerspelling and/or Cued Speech. The mini-quests focus on: vocabulary, numbers, colors, math, patterns, shapes, directions, the alphabet, conversation words and phrases, and emergency words and phrases. The handy...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: November 16, 2021
Revisit memories with puzzles of old photos
Version: APK - Updated: November 14, 2021
Jūs rasite:✔ 288 įvairaus sunkumo lygiai;✔ 6 įdomūs žaidimo režimai;✔ baisūs efektai ir šiurpūs žetonai;✔ Helovyno atmosfera.Pakeiskite žetonus horizontaliai arba vertikaliai, kad atitiktumėte juos tiesės, T formos arba L formos. Suderinkite 4 ar daugiau lustų, kad gautumėte...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: November 12, 2021
Classic minesweeper game.Have fun creating your game choosing the difficulty to challenge your friends.Who will have the most trophies?