Spel Betalas Android Gratis
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: June 07, 2021
When you enter the green area, you will pass the level.I made a simple game to make my AA future games (i need money to live:)), I hope you get it and have fun. Thank you for supporting me
Version: 1.3.4 APK - Updated: June 04, 2021
Mingame is an amazing puzzle game in which you solve levels by moving the blocks. Use 3D thinking and logic skills to go through many interesting puzzles and enjoy a relaxing atmosphere.FEATURES:- 90+ levels- calming atmosphere- minimalistic look and cool 3D gameplay- various types of blocks to...
Version: APK - Updated: June 02, 2021
Magnet Balls - ett avslappnat pusselspel är här för att hålla dig sällskap i köer och tråkiga, långa resor. Men bli inte avslappnad för självständighet eftersom fysiklagarna och magneterna också spelar in.Detta avslappnade pusselspel skjuter «tre i rad» - färgade bollar i ett kluster...
Version: 0.7.1 APK - Updated: June 02, 2021
Nasty Fox is an arcade tank simulator.Take part in battles while driving a tank. The campaign consists of 6 missions.Good luck! with the game!
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: May 31, 2021
Receive Warm Words! Dream on! Win! Play! Discover the unknown!Happy Style combines an everyday app, a relaxing and energetic game, as well as something completely special, forming a new genre called "Werewolf".★ On the one hand, Happy Style is an application for raising your mood, ready...
Version: 0.1.2 APK - Updated: May 31, 2021
Most Expensive Traps & Puzzles Game is a hardest parkour game.Our goal is get some support and make better games. Support us!
Version: 0.9.5 APK - Updated: May 29, 2021
Take part in a covert operation. Sneak past enemies. Use your equipment skillfully and remain vigilant.Complete the mission.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: May 29, 2021
Acompaña a Matapacos en la búsqueda de su amigo Rucio Capucha mientras simultáneamente ayudas al pueblo.Derrota a los enemigos, sumérgete en la aventura y completa los desafíos.
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: May 25, 2021
The objective is to find all the matching pairs. Playing is very simple, you turn over one card and then turn over another one to find its matching pair. All pairs memory game can help improve your memory and concentration skills while having a good time. 1 player or 2 players : You can play alone...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: May 25, 2021
The objective is to find all the matching pairs. Playing is very simple, you turn over one card and then turn over another one to find its matching pair. All pairs memory game can help improve your memory and concentration skills while having a good time. 1 player or 2 players : You can play alone...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: May 25, 2021
The objective is to find all the matching pairs. Playing is very simple, you turn over one card and then turn over another one to find its matching pair. All pairs memory game can help improve your memory and concentration skills while having a good time. 1 player or 2 players : You can play alone...
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: May 24, 2021
Receive Warm Words and Compliments! Dream! Get inspired! Best U is an application created especially for YOU.It will delight you with a warm word or compliment, remind you of your coolness, beauty and intelligence, cheer you up and inspire with a wise quote.Keep your dreams and victories - and Best...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 24, 2021
Can you imagine how to solve a 6D labyrinth? Now you can try it! Start with the easiest 3D labyrinth, go on in 4D and 5D, and if you are clever enough, even a 6D maze won't be invincible.The final one in the game, the biggest 6D labyrinth in the series, however, can only be solved by people...
Version: 5.12 APK - Updated: May 23, 2021
Cherokee Language Vocabulary – Animals teaches you to recognize the Cherokee names for more than 40 animals including Deer, Skunk, Leech, Beaver, Terrapin (Turtle), Snail, Mink, Camel, Dog, Crow, Bobcat, Raccoon, Turkey, Snake, Badger, Butterfly, and many more. Help preserve this valuable Native...
Version: 4.0.3 APK - Updated: May 20, 2021
Lev en oavbruten berättelse om hämnd i det vilda västern! Under din barndom hade Wesleys -män skjutit hela byn och dödat din mamma och dina syskon. Din sårade far kunde bara rädda dig och lämnade staden och tränade dig på berget i många år. Med din fars död, det är tid att hämta. ...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 18, 2021
Enjoy a lot of exercises of different categories to measure your ability.Train your brain easily and also for all ages!Improve every day by taking the exam and see how you are progressing in your statistics.Practice everything you want and try to get the highest possible score.Find the hidden...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2021
Sniper Battle är ett nytt första person Shooter Sniper Mission -spel. Du måste döda strejk tills du räddar ditt land. Spela som svart skytt och döda fiender som mördare sniper. Håll fokus på fiender och njut av den verkliga snikskyttens dödsupplevelse. Detta snikskyttspel har uppnått...
Version: 0.531 APK - Updated: May 13, 2021
"Mr. Joshua Carrot" является уникальным 2D платформером с головоломками и уникальными авторскими рисунками в стиле граффити. Погрузились в необычный мир человека на...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 13, 2021
Get to the top of the mountain! 150 levels, 5 worlds, 5 boss battlesSingle device coop modeUnique art styleNo in-app purchases or advertising, just pure gameplay!
Version: Alpha203 APK - Updated: May 11, 2021
Détendez-vous, prenez le temps de faire un puzzle pour vous détacher pendants quelques instants de votre environnement. Redécouvrez les œuvres des plus grands peintres qui ont signé de leurs pinceaux les plus belles toiles des plus grands musées du monde.Classic Puzzle propose de vous faire...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: May 11, 2021
Kurzweiliger Rate-Spass.Ideal für Leute die gerne raten und Apps ohne jegliche Berechtigungen, Internet, InGame-Käufe oder ständige Werbung bevorzugen.Ob mit Glück, Strategie oder durch Ansammeln von Hilfsmitteln - Wer schafft die längste Kette?Ziel des Spieles ist es in einer vorgebenen...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: May 10, 2021
With some friendly extra-terrestrial help, shoot, explode and smash your way to victory. Aliens have some pretty sweet technology and they've given it to you on this most heroic of tasks. Don't question their motives, who cares when there's stuff to destroy!An average player will take...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 10, 2021
3D Third person Sci Fi Co-op Multiplayer Shooter.Intuitive control system with auto-targeting duel movement modes.Five different weapons to pickupProcedurally generated corridor runner style levels, Increasing in size and difficulty. Featuring: - Branching corridors. - Side rooms. - Key Card Doors...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: May 09, 2021
Perilune är ett 3D-simningsspel för månlandning med procedurgenererad terräng och realistisk fysik. Spelet låter dig ta kontroll över ditt eget rymdskepp i Apollo-stil, och försöka göra en säker nedstigning till månytan.Simulatorns fysikmodell skildrar realistiskt rymdflygning samt...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 09, 2021
Launch your missiles to intercept the incoming attack and defend your planet from a relentless alien invasion.Intuitive one-tap gameplay in a remix of a classic retro arcade game with a challenging new twist.Endless waves of ever-increasing difficulty will test the most skilled of players.Conserve...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: May 06, 2021
Den stora och vackra kvinnors sista berättelse !! Karaktärerna som är starka och fulla av individualiteter !! Den magnifika historien som verkar som om du läser en historikroman !! { #} Den spännande och spännande essensen av handlingen !! Vi introducerar visuell roman Action Game...
Version: 1.1.8 APK - Updated: May 06, 2021
De stora och vackra kvinnorna är tillbaka !! karaktärerna som är starka och fulla av individualiteter !! Den magnifika historien som verkar som om du läser en historikroman !! { #} Den spännande och spännande essensen av handlingen !! Vi presenterar det visuella Novell Action...
Version: 1.32 APK - Updated: May 05, 2021
Designed for children between the ages of 4 and 8 (grades K to 3), Alphabet Memory Match is a Concentration (tm) style alphabet match game that utilizes uppercase and lowercase alphabet characters along with familiar pictures to help young children learn the alphabet, develop deductive reasoning...
Version: APK - Updated: May 05, 2021
Stäng alla meddelanden du kan på mobiltelefonen som simulerar dem. Varje app eller applikation kan ha upp till 10 aviseringar innan du kontrollerar dem. När du granskar dem är en kort tid proportionell mot antalet aviseringar som du har haft för ansökan tills du har ett lika eller annat antal...