Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 16, 2020
Το SK - Cryptolex είναι ένα παιχνίδι κρυπτόλεξου διαθέσιμο για κάθε ηλικία με πάνω από 20000 διαφορετικές λέξεις που εντοπίζονται σε 18 διαφορετικές κατηγορίες όπως...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: November 12, 2020
MICROWORLD 2D2D casual arcade about microlife. You are a little living thing. Your task is to eat small cells and grow, but know that you cannot miss. MicroWorld is a casual arcade game with relaxed gameplay and music.Try not to die and score as many points as possible. Simple one-click controls do...
Version: 1.4.014 APK - Updated: November 12, 2020
Algajatele paremusjärjestuse võimas näpunäide kasutage üksusi järjestamiseks. Ülesandeaine üksuse saamiseks on aardekirst Hell Bossi kaudu, hankige võti tavalise ülemuse kaudu, Kui Aardumisaste avab auastme menüü kaudu, Saate saada üksusi, mis suurendavad teie paremusjärjestust. ...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 11, 2020
Swim the stream as Pudgey the fish and gobble up the food being dropped in the water but watch out because that's not the only thing that Pudgey may gobble up. Navigate the waters as all sorts of obstacles begin to bare down on our unsuspecting scaly friend.
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: November 03, 2020
Enter a world of beauty and sidereal peace. Find the columns and activate the cosmic diamonds. For this you need to guide the sphere through narrow paths, mobile platforms and even ramps! You will need a lot of skill to keep the sphere from falling and thus complete all the courses. Controls:- Use...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 31, 2020
Rakendus Wonderful Patterns on kaleidoskoobi elektrooniline versioon, mis võimaldab teil mustreid vaadates veidi lõõgastuda.Järgmisele mustrile liikumiseks peate lihtsalt nutitelefoni asukohta veidi muutma, nagu tavalises kaleidoskoobis, või puudutage lihtsalt sõrme ekraanipinda.Nuppe, mis...
Version: APK - Updated: October 30, 2020
Margo: Viimane võimalus on platvormi, mis on ehitatud mobiilseadmete jaoks maapinnast, millel on täpsed puutekontrollid, vedeliku iseloomu liigutused ja animatsioon. Tehke oma tee nii kõrgele kui võimalik, selle platvormi eripära on see, et siin pole allalaadimisi. Üks maailm, kus on jagatud...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: October 29, 2020
Katlakivi Fast on matemaatika mäng, kus sa pead, et lahendada nii palju matemaatikat võrrandid võimalikult 60 sekundit.Mäng esitab teile liitmine, lahutamine, korrutamine ja jagamine. Proovige oma parima ja teha rekordite tabelis.Hea mängu kui te olete uus põhi matemaatika arvutused, soovivad...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: October 25, 2020
A surrealistic adventure inspired by works such as: Twin peaks , mulholland drive , silent hill.Experimental vr horror project. Several game levels that will scare you! face your fears.vr cardboard support
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: October 21, 2020
Kindral Nikademus on teie jaoks paigutanud positsiooni ja kogu ruumi. Ema Maa on ohus. Mõnedel välismaalastel on soov külastada meie planeedi ja saada väärtuslikke ressursse. Kuid selleks, et neid saada, peavad nad peaaegu kõik Maal hävitama.Olge kangelane ja proovige aidata teisi sõdureid...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 20, 2020
"햇빛에 묻히고 구름에 가려져서 밤이 되기 전까진 아무도 그곳에 별이 있는지 몰라.""하지만 별들은 우리 눈에 보이지 않더라도 항상 빛을 내고 있어.""지금 당장은 보이지 않더라도, 언젠가는 우리가 볼...
Version: 0.8 APK - Updated: October 20, 2020
Avastage uhiuus kummitamise ja otsimise maailm, uus mäng, mis võimaldab teil omada oma virtuaalset Halloweeni seiklust! Kasutage kaarti, et leida teile koletisi ja kommid kohalikud, ja saate siis reaalses elus preemia oma jahi lõpus, mida õnnestub leida! Leidke kõik 7 erinevat koletist ja...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 20, 2020
Try to survive against hoards of increasingly difficult enemies in this thrilling top down arcade shooter. What high score can you achieve?-19 different weapon types.-Interesting and unique enemies and bosses.-Simple controls.-Original soundtrack.-Made by a lone developer.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 19, 2020
Reality Quest: An Augmented Reality version of City Quest, Urban Explore, Escape Game or other treasure hunt.- Conduct an investigation in the old city of Geneva in Augmented Reality.- Meet historical characters and elucidate their enigmas- Discover the secrets hidden in the streets of the city-...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: October 16, 2020
Srdce Evropy, Praha krvácí. Pohltila ho temnota, která ovládá celý svět. Zákeřný vir bez milosti útočí na české obyvatelstvo. Nebezpečí se stupňuje. Na scéně se ale objevuje profesor Prymuláček - náš hrdina, který má odvahu i prostředky a je odhodlaný s virem bojovat....
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: October 13, 2020
NOTE: This app works in conjunction with printed activity sheets or books from immersive technology for kindergarten, Narrator AR encourages children to pick up a pen and write before using the app to animate handwritten words off the page in augmented reality.It...
Version: 5.0.2 APK - Updated: October 07, 2020
Stacker Puzzle is a minimalist Stack like game in which you need stack the blocks to reach the bonus line 1 and bonus line 2. You must complete 10 levels to finish the game. Each time you pass to the next level it's more difficult to reach the bonus line 1 and 2. In the level 9 and 10 you have...
Version: 1.0.21 APK - Updated: October 07, 2020
Dragu Puzzle Adventure on uus põnev puzzle mäng teie telefoni või tahvelarvuti jaoks! Avastage uus täielikult 3D-renderdatud puzzle mäng, milles on 25 originaalset 11x11 võrgumõistatust, kus võtate Dragu üle kontrolli! Hankige kõik aardekastide võtmed ja hoidke oma sõpra pardi...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 05, 2020
Play against the computer or your friend in this deceptively simple game. The hare must escape from the hounds, while the hounds try to trap the hare. Hone your skills by playing single player mode, then impress your friends by beating them again and again.Parents can use this game to teach their...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: October 04, 2020
A challenging but simple game where your only goals are not to let the cat get hit or leave the screen. This game is ad-free and cares about your privacy by not collecting any of your data.
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: September 30, 2020
Explore the fascinating worlds of the Quadrillian in this fun and challenging tile flipping puzzle game. > Travel through 7 different worlds, 35 unique puzzles in all, to find out what happened to their civilization. > Touch a tile or swipe multiple tiles to flip them. > Complete puzzles...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2020
Our protagonist wakes up in a strange place. Nobody seems to know whats going on. Follow the journey of our characters in finding out the truth of this world and how to move on.MIND-BOGGLING ADVENTURESExplore the deep and personal stories within the inner world our artist and creator. Where nothing...
Version: 0.7.3 (Beta) APK - Updated: September 26, 2020
See on mängu esmaklassiline väljaanne ilma reklaamideta ja täiendava sisuga. mäng Kirjeldus: looge oma startup nullist! Töötage vabakutselises, ehitage oma mängud või rakendused, reklaamige oma projekte ja ärge unustage oma tegelaskuju! Mängige sarja originaalset järge, mis kunagi...
Version: 4.6 APK - Updated: September 23, 2020
The game use your phone's memory to save scores and progress.This game has two gameplay, first is arcade game, second is puzzle game. You can play both anytime but puzzle game need arcade game.Puzzle gameplay was hidden. if you find, you can play.
Version: 1.17.2 APK - Updated: September 23, 2020
iLinear is a new kind of mind challenge game that combines luck and skills. It will transport you to a soothing, simplistic, colorful and intriguing new world.In this game, you have 3 seconds to draw a line with your finger that will link to infinity. The duplication of your line will have to reach...
Version: 7 APK - Updated: September 20, 2020
See mäng on Play Storei kõige kallim mäng alla laadida ja tunnete, et olete rikas. #}#}#} inimestele, et ma olen rikas
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 20, 2020
Use your fingers to deliver the money to the can!However, in doing so, you will encounter different obstacles.The only way to be successful is to use your strategy!Good Luck And Have FUN !!
Version: 1.1.8 APK - Updated: September 20, 2020
Hankige sellele spetsiaalsele versioonile uus A-klassi kangelase Sword Demon. Piiramatuid transistor, ult -tapjad ja uhked oskuste mõjud, mis annavad teile enneolematu mängukogemuse. Kombinatsioon mitme rolliga meeskond, veebipõhine koopasse ekstreemsed lahingud, õiglane areeni pk ja suundumine...