Hry Platené Android Zadarmo

Hry Platené Android Zadarmo
Version: Varies with device - Updated: May 10, 2020
Features;- Simple control.- Fun and immersive.- Access without internet connection.- 8 different theme options.- Simple and high quality graphics.- Easy to play.- You can earn money and open new themes.How to play?Select the number and click on the empty space you want to drag.To combine 4 of the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 09, 2020
2016 г., Америка.Томас просыпается в совсем незнакомом для него месте... что вы будете делать, если ваш раненный друг окажется в совсем противоположной части...
Version: 2.4.30 APK - Updated: May 05, 2020
Vaši nepriatelia čakajú niekde v okolí, ale vôbec netušíte, kam a kedy prídu. Váš tím Special Operations je dobre pripravený a vybavený najlepším prevodovým stupňom, aký si môžete dovoliť. Utrite si pot z obočia, zhlboka sa nadýchnite a opatrne zvoľte pohyby. Na každom...
Version: 2.3.7 APK - Updated: May 04, 2020
Explore the haunted mansion the way you want and steal everything you find. Original adventure game halfway between a platform game and a puzzle game.Growing difficulty. Each room is an original challenge.Can you tame the cat?In this premium paid version, the player starts with 10 lives and must...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: May 03, 2020
Hra je vyvinutá v žánri rytmických hierKlepnutím na rytmus hudby vyhráte a získate čo najviac bodov. Súťažte o prvé miesto s ostatnými hráčmi s najvyšším skóreHra má sprisahanie, musíte ju premyslieť, aby ste ju vyriešili.Zbierajte body a povedzte viac o zápletke.Odpovede na...
Version: 1.9.5 APK - Updated: April 28, 2020
Twitty is a pack of EIGHTEEN + different preschool games for toddlers which include fun and educational activities to learn alphabets, shapes, numbers, letters, colors, crafting, reasoning and many more for kids.Learning games for kids will help them to develop basic skills like hand-eye...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: April 26, 2020
Blok puzzle je logická hra na vyplnenie prázdneho priestoru pomocou rôznych tvarovaných blokov. Pomocou tlačidiel doľava, doprava, dolu a otáčania vyplňte bloky v riadku a vyprázdnite ich. Hra podporuje dva režimy. V klasickom režime sú bloky generované náhodne a ich vyplnením ich...
Version: 0.2 APK - Updated: April 25, 2020
You will need to control a ghost go back to his grave, but be aware of the light. You will need to stay inside the shadow unless you want your ghost to get burned.
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: April 23, 2020
Stay on the plank as long as possible and try to have the silver coins to fall off it to earn points.
Version: 1 APK - Updated: April 20, 2020
Step through a portal and into the ocean where you’re invited to uncover a story about plastic pollution using augmented reality (AR). Inspired by real events, this simple interactive experience aims to leave you with a sense of wonder about life beneath the waves and emphasizes why our actions...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 14, 2020
Kvíz s prístrojom, ktorý pomáha F1/F2/CT1/CT2/ST3 a Scrub Sestry, učiť sa najbežnejšie všeobecné chirurgické nástroje. Táto aplikácia bola navrhnutá pre vyššie uvedených ľudí, aby sa mohli naučiť nástroje zábavným a rýchlym spôsobom. Aplikácia pozostáva z 10 otázok...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 31, 2020
A narrative-focused interactive adventure, following mysterious events of a teleportation experiment gone wrong.Influenced by the stories and the atmosphere of Half-Life and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.Language: English only (other languages in development).No micro-transactions or in-app purchases.No internet...
Version: 1.0.11 APK - Updated: March 28, 2020
Welcome to Terradel. Terradel is a mystical island full of wonder and secrets. The cities of Terradel exist in harmony with the elements of nature. Aquadel, the city of water. Floradel, the city of the forest. Glaciadel, the city of ice. Petradel, the city of earth. And Desedel, the city of air....
Version: 1.0.73 APK - Updated: March 25, 2020
Prémiové výhody Automatická oprava trvanlivosti! (Opravená súprava Unlimited) Dodatočná denná odmena dochádzky! Verzia zadarmo: {} {} Funkcie Sword Knights! Rôzne súčasne posilnené Dungeons postupujte v rovnakom čase, nečinná hra RPG !! Zobraziť...
Version: 1.0.28 APK - Updated: March 23, 2020
▶▶▶ VIP Benefits ◀◀◀· Fire suit (ATT +20%, Gold acquisition +20% ) ㄴ Available at Store → Suit· Magic stone : 100· Free version:▶Game Introduction◀Leaving-alone farming RPGGrow your assassin stronger...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: March 21, 2020
- 25 patterns to be matched in pairs.- The puzzle is given as a 5x10 grid.- Great for memory training.- Very difficult to solve the puzzle, if not impossible.- A timer shows how long you've been solving the puzzle.- No advertisements in the app.- No hidden in-app purchases.
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: March 20, 2020
InfiniteCorp je strategická kartová hra založená na rozhodovaní, ktorá sa odohráva vo fiktívnom kyberpunkovom svete. Ste zamestnancom spoločnosti zaoberajúcej sa distribúciou tovaru a logistikou v „megaveži“ – mieste, kde žijú všetci miestni obyvatelia. Pripojte sa k svetu, kde...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: March 19, 2020
A crazy guy trapped you in his house and from the look of your surroundings has malicious intent. Escape before you become the next victim! There are a few tricks you can use to outwit Grandpa but make sure he doesn't see you!
Version: 8.7 APK - Updated: March 19, 2020
The kingdom of Avalon has been ransacked by an undead plague. Human an beast have combined forces to serve one purpose.. the extinction of man. The princess is the only one who knows the evil source location and is being held prisoner by the Dark Lord. Save the princess and you have a chance to...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: March 12, 2020
Tap and hold screen to move the ball and complete the level.Play for fun, play to win.Make a high score. Complete all the levels.
Version: 2.1.3 APK - Updated: March 10, 2020
Viac Hairies potrebuje vašu pomoc! Toto je perfektné nadviazanie na program Hairy Phonics 1, ktorý predstavuje ďalšiu sadu digrafov, ktoré sa každé dieťa musí naučiť.Hairy Phonics 2 rozvíja fonematické povedomie pomocou 9 najbežnejších samoobslužných digrafov. Tu sa spoja dve...
Version: 1.1.8 APK - Updated: March 10, 2020
Discover all the possible situations.Find the easter eggs like the man with hat and unlock all the achievements.And overall enjoy it :)
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: March 03, 2020
Game to train your memory, is a support for renovation of SY Dziwna.Sailing Yacht Dziwna - meaning literally Strange, Weird.Anybody can play.It is specially dedicated for:- Sailors, who may suffer memory loss from being pirates from early morning.- Children, especially LPS lovers, to be smarter...
Version: 10.1 APK - Updated: March 02, 2020
Welcome to the racer that will make you cringe... Or laugh. Unlock cars quickly and attempt to pass the leve! Unlock quickly new vehicles and levels. No permissions adds or micro transactions. Just fun! Enjoy the new water effects but don't stall. Remember it's best to speed through deeper...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: February 28, 2020
Gaillardia 2 je príbeh, ktorý sa koná 100 rokov po svojej predpredajnej Gaillardii. Je zrejmé, že traja hrdinovia v Gailardii po bitke zmizli. Aby sme pochopili príbeh). tentokrát s True RPG Taste, 4 ľudia sú na ceste, ktorí môžu každý prevziať pracovné miesta. } Schopnosť...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: February 28, 2020
Náš príbeh sa odohráva o storočie po Gailardii 2. Táto posledná splátka zabalí trilógiu. Špeciálne položky vám umožnia dať všetkým vašim postavám pokročilé úlohy a zmeniť sa medzi úlohami. gailardiu 3 tiež umožňuje hráčovi usporiadať poradie členov strany....
Version: 35.0 APK - Updated: February 27, 2020
★ 詳細情報レトロな雰囲気の2D アクション パズル ゲーム と3D シューティング ゲーム がひとつの アプリに なりました!現在のバージョンでは2D 編 は ステージ 27 まで 遊べます!3D 編 は ステージ 6 まで...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: February 21, 2020
G.A.M.M.A. Force is an action adventure game based on an original science fiction story.This release is for the test group only and not available for the public.
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 15, 2020
Soul for two is a heroic JRPG about the life of two different people in different worlds, but with different destinies.The story begins with a party of the legendary Lancelot who volunteered to defeat the cave dragon, but fails.After his death, his soul divides and some of it remains in this world,...
Version: 3.4.10 APK - Updated: February 14, 2020
Jump up - Mine Of Games is an app that allows you to play 1 Single Player Games. this is what the app included until now:•🎑4 Games🎑 :1.Jump Up.➡Arcade & Runner⬅2.Flappy Sword.➡Casual & Hardcore⬅3.Fire Square.➡Endless & Action⬅4.Block Maker.➡Art &...