Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 13, 2020
Learn to recognize each of the Cherokee Syllabary letters.Learn the Cherokee Language Syllabary.Each exercise teaches you to recognize the Cherokee Language Syllabary using multiple different versions of the available typefaces so you learn each letter better.PLEASE USE THE INDICATED WEBSITE FOR...
Version: 1.23 APK - Updated: February 04, 2020
VIP izdanje daju vam 200 dragulja ($ 10). . Unajmite i stavite plaćenike za borbu protiv moćnijih čudovišta. [Igra značajke] igra obrane s ciljem zaustavljanja čudovišta da uđu u grad. - Očistite svaku fazu ubijajući sva čudovišta. - Vaša obrana ne uspijeva kada se zid prekrši...
Version: 0.1.3 APK - Updated: February 04, 2020
Zaštitite Keep od tisuća osvajača. Upravljanje izgradnjom zgrade putem mehaničara za crtanje kartica. Odaberite između različitih paketa kartica za postavljanje uspješne strategije obrane. nadogradnju zgrada putem strateškog položaja. Tri odgovarajuće susjedne zgrade mogu se uskladiti...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 29, 2020
Trap For Winners (Text Adventure) is a gripping sci-fi interactive thriller that lets you shape your own character and his morality. YOU make the choices – and suffer the consequences!YOU are Steve Harrison, an undercover agent for the Department of Foreign Civilizations, dispatched to an enemy...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 27, 2020
Have you ever wondered how it feels to be a UFO? Well now you can find out!If you never wondered, here is the dream you never even dreamed about!Since aliens found out that cows are absolutely adorable, they want them to live happily and freely on their planet. So fly a UFO and abduct cows! Avoid...
Version: 0.2 APK - Updated: January 22, 2020
Drugi Kristov dolazak je obrazovna kršćanska igra koja ima dvanaest zabavnih razina. To je interaktivan način da ukratko saznate o nekim pričama u Bibliji i otkrijete pobjedu Isusa, a svi koji ga slijede na kraju će imati. Obrazovna kršćanska igra koja će putovati kroz učenje Biblije ....
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 19, 2020
Play Shape Puzzle Premium. Improve your ability to identify shapes.Identify the shape of the blocks and move them to the right place.Play for fun, play to win.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: January 18, 2020
"Hook" je jedinstvena, opuštajuća logička zagonetka.Ima minimalnu grafiku i prekrasne zvukove koji stvaraju umirujuću atmosferu.Vaš cilj je ukloniti sve kuke s ploče koristeći različite mehanike igre koje ćete otkriti putem.Moja igra je osmišljena da se igra bez pritiska ili...
Version: 008 APK - Updated: January 14, 2020
Welcome, Champion...Paladin is a brutal rogue-like strategy game where you build the ultimate warrior. Countless ability combinations and procedurally generated levels make each game a fresh experience.Just prepare to die... A lot.Features:✔️ Each level grants you a new ability. Choose wisely...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 12, 2020
Roguulit je RPG piksel tamnice s nasumično generiranim tamnicama i retro zaokret JRPG Battle System: -preko 200 različitih blaga za pronalazak, čarolije za lijevanje i preko 70 čudovišta za lov -a RogueLike tamnica na 100 katova s različitim okruženjima i šef svakih deset katova...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 04, 2020
It is an infinite bouncer where you try to bounce your beach ball onto the next platform.All platforms are squares of sand, but as all sand is, they are unsteady and may fall at any time, so be quick!Fun and intense music to play to while you do your best and get better each try.
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: January 02, 2020
This is the Realm of Manetara. During a skirmish with a roaming band of Lasciarites, more commonly known as ogres, one of your comrades with important intel has been taken hostage. The warband's leader Gnakdem wanting to lose the trace of any scouts has led his forces into the Desolate Ruins, a...
Version: 2.9 APK - Updated: January 01, 2020
Just focus on breaking.Find best position to deal damage to bricks and break bricks.★ Features☞ Free to play☞ Endless gameplay☞ score competition with players from all over the world★ How to play☞ Swipe to shoot balls to break the bricks.☞ When ball hits the brick, durability is...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: December 31, 2019
Battle Arena Heroes - Battle of the heroes on the battlefield, with a variety of different forces they are tasked with destroying the enemy base.Use the right strategy to win the battle.Each card has its own duties and roles, destroy the main palace.The palace is protected by towers as a...
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: December 22, 2019
Dobrodošli u "Freeze! 2", dugo očekivani nastavak višestruko nagrađivanog slagalice "Freeze!" (Više od 14 milijuna preuzimanja diljem svijeta!).MOLIM ZABILJEŽITE:"Freeze! 2" je premium puna verzija sa 100 razina, bez kupnje u aplikaciji i bez dosadnih oglasa! I...
Version: APK - Updated: December 20, 2019
Putujte sa Shurikenom što je više moguće! Ova igra skakanja prema gore testirat će vašu reakcijsku brzinu i vještine skakanja. Bit će vam izazov da preskočite s grede u gredu dok rezanje voća.
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: December 16, 2019
Crazzy Pizza Boy je otvoreni svijet beskrajne igre za dostavu pizze, koja koristi spektakularne grafike i nevjerojatne audio efekte kako bi omogućila igranje igranja igranja. Da biste se utrkivali protiv vremena za isporuku pizza, prođite kroz prometne trkače na gradskim autocestima dok vam gume...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 13, 2019
PERFECT FOR PRESCHOOL KIDS!Find and collate hidden words by merging letters. Train your brain and find the hidden words. Drag the letters on the screen up, down, left, right, straight or diagonal and watch the words appear under your fingers. Compose all words correctly and the level is resolved.A...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: December 10, 2019
Originalni dizajn. Jedinstvene kože. Prikladan igranje. Izvanredna glazba. Prilika da postanete doista bogata i dosegnu zlatne vrhove. Morate se igrati kao patka, sakupljati razne dragulje i povećati svoje bogatstvo. Ali budite oprezni, u ovoj neobičnoj igri možete ukratko zaboraviti na...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: December 08, 2019
Set in space, this retro style game features multiple levels to work through, various power up items, deadly traps, and flashy graphics. Can you make it all the way to the final level?Guaranteed 100% add free!You get all 28 action packed levels with zero interruption. Break all those bricks to your...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: December 08, 2019
[VIP VERSION BEFET 1] Uklonite automatske oglase [VIP verzija Benefit 2] 200 Gems jednostavna obrana RPG igra! {br. Tko će biti najjači u ligi? *Završavanje igre nenormalno može završiti korumpiranje podataka *Budite oprezni! Brisanje igre izbrisat će spremljene podatke. *Opcije ->...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 08, 2019
Sneaking route is up to you-Open doors locked with a lock-pick.-Find windows unlocked.-Use the ladder to climb various places.-Keep yourself low, quiet.Stretched out traps-Dark rooms are risky. Visualize traps by lighting up. You need Thermal Goggles to detect some traps.To select presents-To...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 07, 2019
Kill zombies and rack up points but beware of the zombie attacks! Three bites and you have to start over!A new take on the classic 3 dice game featuring 3D physics driven dice.Roll a zombie dice, miss with a shotgun shell or get bitten by a zombie.Easy enough for anyone to learn, deep enough to...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2019
50% OF ALL SALES AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH WILL GO TO BRENNER'S CHILDREN HOSPITAL IN NORTH CAROLINA!!!!!!Five Letters is one our first word games for android. The team behind this have worked for almost four months So this is one of many of our games that we have designed but have never been...
Version: 0.57 APK - Updated: November 21, 2019
The princess is gone! Where is the princess?New Map Changes Every DayThe story of the princess, who gets to know when she's on stage cleanerHow much control do you have?How strong am I? Let me guess my position through the Battle of Avatar.Let's go one-on-one with the boss! Who's...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: November 20, 2019
With the best graphic and smooth 3D effects, Archery Tournament can guide you into a modern archery world and start your practice today!Game in two Diffreny location#country side#city CenterArchery Physics Challenges your archery skill in various bow games. If you want to compete with archery...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 16, 2019
Pridružite se zabavnom izazovnom utakmici za puzzle igračke bloks Blocks Blost 2019 i nevjerojatne pojačivače i dragocjene igračke! podudaraju se tri ili više blokova iste boje kako biste očistili razinu i prikupili igračke odakle su zaglavile. ali budi pažljiv! Nije tako lako spremiti...
Version: 1.92 APK - Updated: November 13, 2019
After a long grazing meal, the little cow is so bloated that she takes off! Use your digestive gases to navigate in the air and reach the next level.Start with two easy introduction levels. Play Infinity Level with random layouts and contents. Earn stars and rubies to unlock quests with special...
Version: 19 APK - Updated: November 08, 2019
SpilletSpillet gælder om at klare så mange baner som muligt og få den bedste score.Undervejs vil du måde fjender som du skal passe på.For at klare en bane skal man røre den store cola som befinder sig til sidst på hver bane.FjenderDer er to forskellige fjender(Pepsi, Bamse)Hvis du går ind i...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: November 05, 2019
Kuća: Akcija-horor - zaista je zastrašujuća horor igra prvog lica s odličnom glazbom koja stvara strašnu i jezivu atmosferu.Ne mirujte, kretajte se cijelo vrijeme! Čak i ako vidite strašno čudovište, uvijek možete pokušati pobjeći od neizbježne smrti! Sve ovisi o vama!Donosite samo...