Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas

Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas
Version: 0.3 APK - Updated: July 17, 2019
Pārbaudiet savu smadzeņu lēmumu refleksu. Jūsu spēja pieņemt ātrākus lēmumus. Kļūsti par šīs spēles meistaru un uzlabo savas lēmumu pieņemšanas prasmes, pieņemšanas ātrumu un attīsti ātrāku domāšanu. Šai spēlei ir nepieciešama liela koncentrēšanās spēja.Spēles...
Version: 6.2 APK - Updated: July 15, 2019
Demon Warrior Premium piedāvā jums: - atbloķēt eņģeļa pet. - bezmaksas 200 dārgakmeņi. - bezmaksas 15.000 zelta. - nav intersticiālu reklāmu. Iestatiet! Dēmonu karavīrs sveic jūs uz tumsas valstību, kas pilna ar ļaunumiem un tumšiem pūķiem. Jums ir spēks glābt valstību no...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: July 11, 2019
KaczMan Alias Baron's Revenge is both an amusing arcade and an educational game about political situation in Poland since 2015. Learn why a certain famous French aristocrat from 18th century would be terrified about the situation. The game is a warning about current threats to democracy in...
Version: 1.1.17 APK - Updated: July 06, 2019
A puzzle game based on spatial recognition with a philosophical twist. The player solves puzzles by removing triangular segments of a hexagon until no parts remain. A narrator reads pieces of poetry to the player as the game progresses.
Version: 5.3.0 APK - Updated: June 28, 2019
FAQ: Kur ir poga Saglabāt? - lai BW-go vairāk saskaņotu ar moderno Android praksi, saglabāšana ir aizstāta ar kopīgošanu. Tikai ilgstošs nospiedums spēlē sarakstā un koplietojiet to jebkurai vēlamajai lietotnei. Ja vēlaties saglabāt spēli lokāli, varat instalēt failu pārvaldnieka...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 28, 2019
Pārvietojieties šim super niecīgajam spēlētājam vairāk nekā 60 līmeņos. Jums, iespējams, būs nepieciešams palielināmais stikls, lai to redzētu! Atrodiet atslēgu un atveriet Dungeon durvis, lai dotos uz nākamo apgabalu, bet uzmanieties! Jums būs jāizvairās no ienaidniekiem,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 25, 2019
Agent 00stix is tasked with taking down a criminal organization before their evil plan becomes the destruction of Europe. Race across the rooftops of 5 iconic countries in this secret-agent, parkour inspired game.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 16, 2019
Car ShowdownCar crashing game between two cars in a parking lot.Drag the blue car to crash into the green car.Battle for survival using power upslike Gears,Fire Crackers,Bombs,Missiles and Health.Redeem yourself while in critical condition. Be the fastest to acquire the best power ups.Challenge...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 02, 2019
You got an old and rusty pickup. You hand over on scrap metal or you pump it in full?Change all the details on your Rover. Earn money driving difficult and interesting tracks.
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: May 29, 2019
GoTo Gold game is about a Golden Fish, that goes through the river to find the ocean.On it's way it should collect as much gold and energy as it can. Through the way there appears a lot of barriers like turtle, octopus, snake-fish etc..If the fish touches above mentioned objects it will lose...
Version: 1.2.9 APK - Updated: May 19, 2019
Divas kauliņu spēles par uzņēmumu: Poker (nedaudz līdzīgs kauliņu spēle Yahtzee) un 1000 (Viens tūkstošos) līdz 6 cilvēkiem vienā ierīcē un līdz 4 cilvēkiem tiešsaistes spēli. Jūs varat arī spēlēt pret Android. In app pagarināts aprakstu spēles noteikumiem ar piemēriem. Ir...
Version: 1.9.0 APK - Updated: May 15, 2019
ScoreNow is app for Reversi game based on Edax which is powerful Reversi Engine.This app shows evaluations (analyzed scores) on Reversi game board now.It supports you to master Reviersi game.ScoreNow does not provide capability to play a game with AI.You only click “ScoreNow” button to analyze...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: May 07, 2019
3 games for adults and 2 of them also for the children of the house.3 games to test your reflexes, every level screen is accelerating and have new sprites and new changes so you never get tired of playing!When try will become your favorite games !!!;)
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 30, 2019
내 이름은 박인철.내 입으로 말하기도 뭐하지만, 극히 평범한 2학년의 고등학생이지.아침에는 어릴적부터의 친구 지혜와 함께 쓸데없는 이야기나 나누면서 등교를 하고, 교실에 도착하면 참견쟁이 회장이 이것저것 시비를...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: April 24, 2019
729 is a number slider puzzle game, with a hexagon grid.Clear tiles by matching them in rows and swiping them together. The objective is to build the 729 tile!Get a quick 729 tile, or a high score, and you can be featured on the leaderboard!
Version: 1.0.26 APK - Updated: April 18, 2019
I greet you, a wanderer! Use a mysterious device in the abandoned dungeon for getting treasures. Press “Up” and “Down” push-buttons for moving along the lines. Collect all gems to complete the level. Collect all jewels of the same color before getting gems of different colors. It’s the...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: April 04, 2019
Your goal is to break bricks on the board, scoring as many points as possible. You must shoot at them with balls of same color.Point you finger to where you want the next ball to go.
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: April 03, 2019
It was supposed to be a romantic trip… but turned into a brutal murder scene. When Marc and Caroline planned their romantic getaway, they didn’t know that it would turn their lives into jeopardy. Can you find a way to prevent this terrible crime and put the murderer to justice? Or will you...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 24, 2019
Teach your kids to draw and pronounce letters in a fun way!Available with 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and ItalianParents' Choice Gold Award Winner! No in-app purchases, ad Free - all games are immediately available to empower your child to master key literacy skills.Your...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: March 21, 2019
Defender Battle Premium piedāvā jums: Bezmaksas 200 dimanti. BEZMAKSAS 100 viking dvēseles Bezmaksas 100 koku karavīru dvēseles Bezmaksas 100 uguns dvēseles nav intersticiālu reklāmu. Artūru iebruka tumši spēki un dēmoni. Karš izcēlās. Velni sadalīja valstību atsevišķos...
Version: 2.4.9 APK - Updated: March 19, 2019
Dreamky Games, vienkārši esi laimīgs! šīs versijas privilēģijas 1. Vairāki jaudīgi varoņi 2.Heroes puscenu akcijas 3.NO reklāmas ir Viens no labākajiem darbības sānu ritmiem 2016. gadā! Ar grandiozām skatuvēm, bezgaumīgām prasmēm, stilīgu aprīkojumu, sprādzienbīstamu...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: February 28, 2019
Primary objective: free all prisoners.Secondary objective: destroy all blocks.Read the manual in-game for more information.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 23, 2019
aquarium Augmented Reality / ar paint Akvaryum Ar Paint uygulaması"aquarium AR Paint" is an Augment Reality App. it is a mix of Painting, coloring and Augmented Reality. aquarium ar paint arttrılmış gerçeklik uygulaması; Çizim, Boyama ve Arttırılmış Gerçekliğin birlikte...
Version: 2.1.7 APK - Updated: February 21, 2019
Iespaidīgā vertikālā sānu ritināšanas šāvēja spēlē jūs būsit atbildīgs par trīskāršajiem varoņiem ar nosaukumu Wonder Knights un viņu piedzīvojumu. Kā viena no labākajām šaušanas spēlēm šogad, šis Arcader nodrošina stundu un stundu pārsteidzošu izklaides laiku, kas...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: February 21, 2019
Sword Warriors Premium piedāvā jums: Atbloķējiet leģendāro atbalsta varoni. Bezmaksas 50 000 Golds. Bezmaksas 200 dimanti. Nav intersticiālu reklāmu. un cīnieties par slavu. Zobenu karavīrs ir bezmaksas bezsaistes darbības RPG spēle. Zobenu karavīrā ar asmeni jūs kļūsit par...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: February 12, 2019
Matemātikas mīklas pārbauda jūsu IQ ar matemātiskām mīklām. Izaiciniet sevi ar dažādiem matemātikas mīklu līmeņiem un izstiepiet jūsu intelekta robežas. Katra IQ spēle tiek sagatavota ar IQ testa pieeju. Jūs varat izpētīt savu matemātisko talantu ar šīm matemātikas...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 09, 2019
The objective is to find all the matching pairs. Playing is very simple, you turn over one card and then turn over another one to find its matching pair. All Valentine pairs memory game can help improve your memory and concentration skills while having a good time. 1 player or 2 players : You can...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 31, 2019
Drag and Score is a time killer. Try to reach your maximum score by passing interesting and hard levels. Be careful - ball may fall out of a basket.Features:- 49 interesting and hard levels;- easy to learn how to play;- cool physics of the ball;- 2 types of game (linear and random). You should open...
Version: 1.0.34 APK - Updated: January 31, 2019
================================== VIP versija maksās noklusējuma 200 dārgakmeņus un reklāmkarogu Reklāmas neparādās. UZMANĪBU Apvienot mon vip un apvienot pirmdienas bezmaksas versiju Kopīgot tos pašus servera datus. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka, ja saglabājat savu spēli uz Mon...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: January 27, 2019
- When you need a change of mood.- When you want to clear your head.Enjoy [Cartoon Sudoku]~!!! ** Enjoy Sudoku without advertising.Play [Cartoon Sudoku] and collect beautiful and wonderful illustrations!We've prepared a variety of illustrations for you to see in simple puzzles.There are more...