Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
Inhloso yalo mdlalo ukuthola amaphethini afihliwe ku-puzzle ukuze ufike kwikhambi. Lo mdlalo usiza ekuthuthukiseni ngcono ama- - Amakhono Okubhekwa - Ukubonisana okunengqondo I-Teasers eyinselele yobuchopho. I-Tealer ngayinye yobuchopho inikezela inselelo ehlukile futhi eyingqayizivele ephoqa...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 25, 2018
The Dummy Test is a fun quiz app that tests your I.Q. and common sense. Try this moron Test to test your brain or challenge your friends to prove that they're not an idiot.It's lots of fun to try it with friends and see who can pass the dummy test and who will fail it!Features include►...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 13, 2018
Version without ads.Help Stikman jump over all obstacles and survive as long as possible in this apocalypse!Features:★ Addictive gameplay!★ Easy operation!★ Pleasant and atmospheric HD-graphics!★ Funny physics!
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 22, 2018
A lovely Kitty Cat for you to play with, feed and love! Walk it around the house, outside in the garden and play games with it! Don't forget to feed it and buy it toys!Enjoy!A game by the One Man Clan - An Independent Developer
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 04, 2018
Transform your mobile phone into a time machine and visit Dinosaur Island! Have a VR Cardboard Set? Put it on and visit it all in Virtual Reality! Also compatible with android joystick controllers for a more immersive VR experience! No VR gear? No problem! Your mobile phone is enough to enjoy this...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: January 11, 2018
Ulahlekelwe idayisi lakho? akukho lutho olungalungile !!! Landa amadayisi wohlelo bese uqhubeka nokudlala
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: January 02, 2018
New Monster Land Open!Grab a super strong monster.Get the treasure chest.Make weapons and items.Use powerful magics.Hire dwarves.Take gold and gemstones.
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: December 31, 2017
Un juego de parodia política, cuyo fin es darle un toque de Jocosidad y protesta pacifica.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 27, 2017
I-Skytrek iyi-World Flight Simulator evulekile, ngemephu yangempela eshukumisayo emhlabeni esekelwa yiWard. Ohambweni luzokuyisa ku-n.y, eLondon, eRoma, eSan Francisco, eChicago neToronto. Imephu ngayinye iqukethe amaphuzu ahlukene onentshisekelo efana neLiberty, i-Coliseum, Tower Bridge nokunye...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2017
Episode 1 - The Beginning?Even before the universe existed, there were already 7 beings. They were known as, "Centers" and some had individual names still unknown. These beings maintained the balance of existence between dimensions, they had the knowledge that at one time one of them...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: November 20, 2017
Lolu hlelo lokusebenza uyonifundisa ukufunda upiyano amanothi. It uyabalalela ikhibhodi yakho futhi sikhombisa wena inothi. Umgomo wakho uwukuba ukudlala amanothi njengoba abaningi ngomzuzu owodwa.Kulesi okufushane umnyuziki ungase uprakthize isandla sobunxele futhi.Amaphuzu laphindeka kabili for...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
isikhathi Anvilforth sika obunokuthula lidlulile. Isandla kobushiqela uhlanganyele phezu komuzi. It idalwe kusukela isitimu metal nokuhlupheka kwabantu.  Amandla King Zargus kwadingeka ngaphandle komkhawulo, njengoba ukuhaha kwakhe kukhohlisa kanye nelunya. AbakwaSmith engcono nabakhandi baye...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
In Shape Crusher the goal is to crush shapes in twos or threes so that there is none left. Sounds simple but is it really? Play and find out.
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: August 06, 2017
Balance the fluffy ball and collect as many points as possible.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 20, 2017
Teste deine Fahrfähigkeiten mit einem Feuerwehrauto und sei so schnell wie möglich beim Einsatzort. Zur Auswahl stehen ein amerikanisches Fahrzeug sowie ein Oldtimer der Berufsfeuerwehr Bern.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 02, 2017
Climb the ranks on the leaderboards and unlock achievements! The local multiplayer mode is great for playing with friends and family and eliminates the need for a second device -- perfect for playing with your kids! How fast can your brain react to the changing colors?Turn on Disco Mode to fill the...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: June 01, 2017
Kulona opopayi, umdlalo osuselwa ezindabeni iqembu lezingane lithatha i-villain ngeshwam. UZee, ongcolisa ubudlova imvelo. I-patrol eluhlaza ayibekezeleli ukungcoliswa. Lets ubasize bahlanze! Lo mdlalo omnandi ukhombisa izingane ukuthi imvelo ingalinyazwa kanjani nokuthi ingawuvikela kanjani....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 25, 2017
This game assigns each of the numbers in the lottery to a multi-tone, multi-frequency audio pattern and the result is a set of sample numbers. To play, you may choose to pick five numbers in the top section and one number in the bottom section. Or, you may choose QP to have the system make...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: May 22, 2017
Qaphela: Lokhu kuhlola okwesabekayo kulinganisa ukuthambekela kwakho kokwesaba. Umdlalo ulandelela ukusabela kwakho nokugxuma. Lapho ukwethusa kwakho kushube futhi kaningi, kulapho amaphuzu akho aphezulu. Umphumela wakho wokugcina uzoboniswa esikrinini ekupheleni komdlalo.Ufuna amaphazili...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: May 17, 2017
🍁GET THIS FOR FREE: Just send me an email to [email protected], and ask for a promo code. I have 500 promo codes/3 months only, so to avoid spammers, you must send email from a gmail account (🍁🍁🍁 This is an unique and fun endless runner: Rocks, flying saw blades and men...
Version: 1.9.1 APK - Updated: May 11, 2017
ETThola lokhu mahhala: Vele ungithumelele i-imeyili [email protected], bese ucela ikhodi yokukhuphula. Nginamakhodi wokuphromotha angama-500 / izinyanga ezi-3 kuphela, ngakho-ke ukuze ugweme ogaxekile, kufanele uthumele i-imeyili kusuka ku-akhawunti ye-gmail (@
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: May 02, 2017
Spielbeschreibung:"Der Braumeister Tycoon" ist eine Mischung aus Zeitmanagement, Wirtschaftssimulation und RPG Elementen, mit einer offenen Spielwelt. Du übernimmst eine Brauerei von deiner Tante. Noch bist du völlig neu in dem Gebiet, aber schon bald wirst du selbst Hopfen und Gerste...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: May 02, 2017
Welcome to the Tilelands. Start with a single Island Tile and tap it to create new islands around it, or destroy islands that already exist. Use this technique to solve infinitely generated puzzles with five difficulties, earning medals on your performance. Tilelands is a relaxing visual-puzzler to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 22, 2017
Slice English é um aplicativo que reúne técnicas de Gamification, ou seja, técnicas e estratégias de jogos aplicados a outros conceitos como estudos, seleção, recrutamento, treinamentos e muito mais.De modo a gerar produtividade, foco, determinação e engajamento em qualquer contexto,Por...
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: March 17, 2017
I-Dream Flight ngumdlalo we-mesmerizing umculo oshukumisayo ophefumulelwe yi-miyazaki izithombe kanye ne-Dance Dance Revolution. Umdlali udlala ingxenye yentombazanyana endiza atholi indiza yephepha, ehamba ngezindiza ezimnandi futhi eziphuphayo, efuna umngani wakhe omkhulu olahlekile. ...
Version: 2.2.1 APK - Updated: March 14, 2017
Eqa umhlaba omnandi futhi okhazimulayo wokulima nge-proarming pro 2. Jabulela elinyezwe elinengqondo kakhulu futhi elibukhulu kunazo zonke elake latholakala kumafoni kanye namathebulethi. Mema abangani bakho ukuthi bakusize ngemisebenzi yakho yokulima kumodi entsha yabadlali abaningi yasendaweni. ...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: March 08, 2017
🍁GET THIS FOR FREE: Just send me an email to [email protected], and ask for a promo code. I have 500 promo codes/3 months only, so to avoid spammers, you must send email from a gmail account (🍁UPDATE 21/02/2017🍁- Level has been redesigned: now it is more fun, interesting and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 26, 2017
Quizudo is a simple text-based quiz app that displays questions with multiple-choice answers. A random selection of questions are chosen from the user-specified question packs. The app shuffles the order of questions as well as the order of answer choices every time a new quiz is started. A helpful...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: February 23, 2017
"Inhliziyo thumping futhi ukucabanga-okususa phazili-based baphendukela""Ngaphansi kwe-Thriller action and more of a-based ukuphenduka puzzle game" -mashable"Indlela ethakazelisa ngempela reinvent ujabule zombie." -indiegameriOS[Ungavumeli amehlo abafileyo...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 19, 2017
You are woken by the sound of a door being forced open. Footsteps faintly echo from the main hall.Have the undead begun to awaken? Is it time to perform your guardian duties and put the undead at rest?You must gather the four elemental crystals and take them to the cemetery. The first crystal is...