Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2014
OPOMBA: Ta aplikacija zahteva VR slušalke, kot sta Google Carton ali Durovis Dive. Noben regulator ni potreben. #} Ta aplikacija je bila preizkušena in optimizirana za Samsung Galaxy S3 in S5. Če v vaši napravi ne deluje dovolj dobro, zahtevajte vračilo v 2 urah po nakupu s klikom na gumb za...
Version: 0.2.3 APK - Updated: October 18, 2014
Dash down the endless tunnel and avoid obstacles in this wicked awesome psychedelic adventure.
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: October 09, 2014
For children 2-10 ! EarthMovers is a simple and fun set of diggers and excavators for small children to play with.There are two excavators, a front loader, a steamroller, a bulldozer and a bobcat ! With simple and intuitive controls that a small child can easy understand, the EarthMovers can be...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 02, 2014
Do you remember all the times you saw raindrops on the window and thought to yourself - "I wish somebody would make a game out of this!".- What do you mean no!?!- No you're weird!Without further ado - I present Numdrops!Gameplay:* Combine raindrops (numdrops) so that their weight is...
Version: 1.02.02 APK - Updated: September 29, 2014
Death Vault Remastered - grozljivka je ena redkih iger, ki vas resnično prestrašijo.Ste kdaj razmišljali o možnosti nadzora človeških možganov na daljavo? Lahko to storimo? Iste ideje so okupirale misli našega junaka. Novinar majhnega provincialnega časopisa najde delčke informacij o...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 14, 2014
Novo! Ta aplikacija ima vso vadbo za štetje kartice Blackjack/igre Comem Blackjack 2 Lite in tudi 6 igralcev navidezno igro in vadbo. Simulira pravo igro Blackjack s hitrostjo, ki jo želite. Vadba s to aplikacijo se lahko izplača velika. vso srečo!
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: August 20, 2014
V tej igri boste plačani plačniki, ki opravljajo vsa dela, ki jih vidi! Če želite tvegati svoje življenje - to je tisto, kar je vaša naloga, dokler plačajo za to dobro!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 19, 2014
Čas je za SECOND Hack Run!Opomba: Hack Run ZERO je prequel za aplikacijo "Hack RUN". Pred začetkom te igre morate igrati "Hack RUN".>>> "Obljubim ti, da je današnja taka igra vredna videza. Imenuje se Hack Run ZERO, in tukaj je, zakaj morate preveriti" -...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: July 14, 2014
Nadaljevanje priljubljene Tiny Text Adventure 1 - pustolovščino nadaljujte na nekoliko večji način.V tej besedilni pustolovski igri nadzirate zaplet in igrate kot heroj, zato morate rešiti mesto Perpetuity in vse tiste, ki jih imate radi pred zlobnimi mahinacijami čarovnice Bella Constantine....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 03, 2014
Very Very Hardly Game !! You can avoid many patterns, and survival game as long as possible !! You can press "Gravity Button", than reversal character player !!
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: June 23, 2014
Push the boxes to clear the floor. The boxes are falling from the ceiling, push them right or left to make a complete line. Once you make a complete line it is removed. Combinations of 3 or more boxes of the same color will also be removed. Bonuses will help you to get through. Enjoy!
Version: 1.101 APK - Updated: June 22, 2014
Letterteller, kar pomeni števec ploščic v nekem čudnem jeziku, je zelo preprosta, a zmogljiva aplikacija za fanatiko Wordfeud. Pokaže vam, koliko vsake črke je še v igri. Niti na plošči niti na vašem stojalu. Če se želite prijaviti na strežnik WordFeud Če se želite prijaviti...
Version: 1.13 APK - Updated: May 03, 2014
Western Gun is a dueling game where the player must win one-on-one gunfights against an endless number of opponents. Western Gun mimics shootouts from the wild west, accompanying epic stare-downs and quick-draw mechanics. Try your hand and defeat as many opponents as you can.Further updates are...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 28, 2014
Ste pripravljeni sprejeti dar norosti in razumeti skrivnosti globokega? Če je da, vas čaka duševna bolnišnica. Mentalna bolnišnica: Eastern Block II je nadaljevanje prvega dela igre, ki ga je že igralo ogromno igralcev po vsem svetu. je poganjalo noro na desetine ljudi. Zgodba o vzhodnem...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: April 16, 2014
"oO" je trdna, minimalna arkadna igra "dodge-em-up / runner", ki sem jo naredil z Wojciechom Wasiakom.Hvala za igranje in vaša podpora!Maciej
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 20, 2014
Nastavite seštejte in razstrelite! Love Child of Threes, Comix Zone in Super Puzzle Fighter. z eksplozijami. - Iculture bi to odigral čez nekaj, kot je Candy Crush vsak dan. - Android Reviewer ustvarjalcev Quenta prihaja Numolition, eksplozivno zasvojenost puzzle igre z Anique in njeno...
Version: 1.76f APK - Updated: February 14, 2014
You are a network administrator, and someone has scrambled your network. Your job is to rotate all the pieces so that every computer is connected to the server by pipes and there are no lose ends in your network.
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: February 06, 2014
Zelo težka štiridimenzionalna sestavljanka. Ne pričakujte, da ga boste enostavno rešili. Igra je sestavljena iz valjanja zlate sfere na vsako površino hiperkube. To se naredi tako, da se dotaknete vrat, da se skozi, skozi katero se tesseract vrti štiri dimenzionalno, in sfero pripelje v...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: January 14, 2014
Ti si zadnji. rezervoar. stoji. Preživite valove sovražnikovih tankov, ko vas poskušajo uničiti. Zaščitite se, svojo bazo, domovino in družino !!! Uničite sovražne tanke, preden dosežejo in uničijo vašo bazo! Dodge in uničite prihajajoče balvane! razstreli sovražnikove helikopterje!...
Version: 1.4.2 APK - Updated: December 24, 2013
A new concept of bouncing game. Use your finger to draw with chalk, but be careful, it will not last for long. Make your ball hit other ones to recover chalk and don't let it fall. Easy to learn, hard to master!-- Gamplay -- Chalk ball has two different game modes, adventures and survival.In...
Version: 1.45 APK - Updated: November 23, 2013
Olje Rush 3D naval strateška igra, ki se odvija v svetu, kjer je jedrska vojna stopljenega ledu kape, spreminja podobo našega planeta za vedno. Ima edinstveno igranja, se osredotoča na nadzor skupine in odločitve globalne razsežnosti. Načrtujte nekaj korakov naprej, kot vsak posamezen šteje...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: November 15, 2013
Test your logic abilities in this bomb defusion puzzle game. Cut all the wires to disconnect the clock from the explosive but be sure not to cut the wrong one! Logic Bomb provides unlimited levels that are completely random generated with increasing difficulty - so no bomb defusion job will be like...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 27, 2013
Heimen no Heiwa (English: Tranquility of the Planes) is a deceivingly simple game of will and emotional stability. Move the marble over the playing field from circle to circle without it leaving said field. Uses the phone's motion sensor to control the marble.
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: October 04, 2013
Take your skills to the limit by slaloming through traffic in an endless, addictive driving game.You have to control a car that's driving faster and faster until the inevitable crash.You can driver under different weather conditions and each weather condition has its own challenges.How long...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: August 10, 2013
Low Life is a brand new type of action / puzzle game. It combines beautifully animated action with baffling puzzles and frantic control."Low Life is ridiculously addictive and even as I write I’m pining to pick the game up again" -AndroidTappYou’re responsible for the fate of The...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 21, 2012
Feeling bored or stressed out. Want to pass the time or justplay casually. Just SHOOT ..... !!!SHOOT is a classic game where the goal is to shoot down all the items by touching on them.It has the collection of different items and levels to play with.The level gets completed when all items are blown...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 16, 2012
Igra kocke, ki se igra kot sestavljanka ali slog igre s prijateljem. Predmet je zajeti vseh 30 položajev na zemljevidu. Vsak položaj ima barvo, ki predstavlja njegovega lastnika, nekaj število pip, ki kaže na njegovo moč, in nekaj povezav s sosednjimi položaji. Tapnite bele črte, da...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 12, 2012
Have you ever dreamed of soaring through space in a ship with technology capable of producing space fireballs? Would you dare to use such a ship to take on the tyranny of the Block Empire? Have you ever licked sand?If the answer to any of these questions (but particularly the first two) is a...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 05, 2012
NEDS Film Trivia - to niso samo vprašanja, to je igra !!! #} Neds Film Trivia vam omogoča, da se odločite za usodo Neda, ko odgovorite na vprašanja pravilno ali narobe. Bo Ned postal znana filmska zvezda? Ali pa bo neuspeh in se odpovedal vrnitvi domov na Srednji zahod? Odločite se, ko se...