Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: May 18, 2018
Deze lees- en woordenschatoefeningen zijn gebaseerd op de leesmethode Veilig Leren Lezen Kim-versie. Deze app bevat 35 reeksen met elk 12 woorden dus 420 woorden verdeeld over 11 kernen. Vanaf pasen kan deze Kim-versie ook gemakkelijk gebruikt worden door de gebruikers van de gewone Veilig Leren...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: May 16, 2018
The Guides Evelele iyona inoveli umfanekiso enezithombe okuhloswe ukunikeza imininingwane lokuchibiyela emdlalweni primary, The Guides. Nakuba akubalulekile athuthuka nokuzixazulula puzzle in the game primary, The Guides Evelele inikeza izinkomba kanye zingaba ugqozi ukukusiza uqhubeke nohambo...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: May 16, 2018
In kern 11 worden alle aspecten verder uitgebreid en ingeoefend. In deze reeks heb ik vooral aandacht geschonken aan twee- en drielettergrepige woorden met open en gesloten lettergrepen. Volgende types oefeningen komen hier aan bod: flitswoorden, drag- en drop, volgorde zinnen, dictee (azerty of...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: May 15, 2018
Deze reeks oefeningen volgen de leesmethode Veilig Leren Lezen van uitgeverij Zwijsen (een veelgebruikte leesmethode in België en Nederland). De oefeningen volgen de 2de maan-versie en de kim-versie. In kern 10 leren de kinderen vooral woorden met 2 lettergrepen zoals ‘ta-pijt, vlin-der,...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: May 15, 2018
Follow Sid the surfing dingo as he surfs across the oceanHelp Sid surf while avoiding obstacles to let him reach his girlfriend, DollyTo avoid obstacles, touch or swipe anywhere on the screenIt's good simple fun for children of all ages
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: May 15, 2018
Sliding puzzle game made of unique Australian animals in cartoon formIn this game, you should assemble cartoon pictures by moving the pieces to their correct positionsTo movie the pieces, touch a tile that's beside the empty spaceAnyone can casually play this at their own pace since there's...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: May 15, 2018
주의 - 2GB이상(갤럭시S3LTE이상)의 램 환경에서 실행하여주세요.설치오류가 발생하면 물리적으로 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2018
Deze reeks oefeningen volgen de leesmethode Veilig Leren Lezen van uitgeverij Zwijsen (een veelgebruikte leesmethode in België en Nederland). De oefeningen volgen de 2de maanversie en de kim-versie. In deze kern 7 leert uw kind de hoofddrukletters, sch- woorden, de eind –ng klank, mmkm- en...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2018
Deze reeks oefeningen volgen de leesmethode Veilig Leren Lezen van uitgeverij Zwijsen (een veelgebruikte leesmethode in België en Nederland). De oefeningen volgen de 2de maan-versie en de kim-versie. In deze kern 9 leert uw kind woorden met 2 medeklinkers vooraan en achteraan (zoals ...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2018
Lokhu uchungechunge umzimba ulandele indlela ukufunda ngokuphepha bafunde ukufunda ukushicilela Zwijsen (a asetshenziswa kabanzi ukufunda indlela eBelgium naseNetherlands). Izivivinyo ulandele kwenyanga okufushane 2nd futhi inguqulo umkhathizwe. Kulesi core 8 fundisa ingane yakho amazwi ngongwaqa...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 14, 2018
I-D-Gles iyi-hardware engekho emthethweni ye-3D Hardware esheshayo echwebeni lomthombo we-doom, usebenzisa ama-opengles. Ixhaphaza iprosesa yehluzo ye-smartphone / ithebhulethi yakho ukuletha imidwebo emangalisayo engalethi kuhlobo lwangempela. #} / ****************************************. >>...
Version: 1.19.afrikaans.paid APK - Updated: May 13, 2018
Lo mdlalo omncane usiza izingane ezincane kune-5 ngamakhono ayisisekelo afana nemibala, izinombolo, ukwakheka nokubala. Imidlalo yenziwe ngokukhethekile ilula ukuvumela ingane ukuthi idlale ngaphandle kosizo oluningi ngaphandle komsebenzi ovaliwe ngoba ngephutha inkinobho yezinhlelo zokusebenza...
Version: 1.12.9 APK - Updated: May 13, 2018
Njengoba impilo ilwela ukuthola isisekelo ezweni elonakalisiwe, kuvela impilo entsha emfucumfucwini. Zithele kunoma yisiphi isimo njengoba uhlola lo mbono ongajwayelekile futhi oyinselelo. Imibukiso emihle eerily ihambisana nomculo we-ethereal wezinganekwane ze-elekthroniki iThe future Sound...
Version: 1.07 APK - Updated: May 12, 2018
Kwikhodi eyimfihlo yePirate Inhloso yakho ukufinyelela idokodo kulelo nalelo zinga usebenzisa amatshe omlingo ukusuka kwelinye ipulatifomu uye kwelinye. Qoqa zonke izinhlamvu zemali zeleveli ukuvula izingubo ezintsha. Futhi zama ukuvula wonke amazinga nazo zonke izinhlamvu zemali. I-Pirate Secret...
Version: 2.8 APK - Updated: May 11, 2018
*가끔 안드로이드 환경에 따라 폰트가 깨지는 경우가 있습니다.불의단서 2 Part1, 불의단서 2 Part2를 합친 완전판!추리 비주얼 노벨 불의단서의 후속작이 돌아왔다!미스테리한 사건들과 최고의 두뇌를 가진 악당이 런던을...
Version: 2.7 APK - Updated: May 11, 2018
빌이 잊고 있었던 마지막 임무에 대한 이야기가 지금 펼쳐진다!역대 최다! 600여장의 배경 일러스트!다양한 미니게임과 깊이 있는 시나리오!불의 단서 특유의 개그 요소까지!불의 단서 팬들이라면 놓칠 수 없는 퍼즐과...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 11, 2018
Kwethulwa lokusebenza Hey Duggee kuqala onemibuzo: Hey Duggee Jigsaw. Safe, kumnandi kwezikhangiso yabancane benu!Okufakiwe 22 puzzle kumnandi, ngasinye amazinga amane nobunzima, uhlelo lokusebenza ngeke ivumelane Duggee abalandeli babo bonke ubudala kusuka Jigsaw Juniors ukuze Professionals...
Version: 1.0.308 APK - Updated: May 11, 2018
Help the girl get her kid back, maybe you can win her heart?Jump on enemies to kill themBeat the boss at the end of each worldOn every level you start with 2 stars. Loose a life, and you are down to 1 star. Collect the star that appears in the end of each level. Try to keep all 3 stars.Jump Kid is...
Version: 3.4 APK - Updated: May 11, 2018
주의 - 설치오류가 발생하면 환경설정에서 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)또한 기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한 문의사항은 문의하기를 이용해주세요.덧글로 문의...
Version: 3.7 APK - Updated: May 11, 2018
주의 - 설치오류가 발생하면 물리적으로 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)*본 상품은 인앱상품, 광고가 없는 깔끔하고 쾌적한 게임입니다.홍보 영상 :...
Version: 1.9.4 APK - Updated: May 10, 2018
I-Element TD ibuya kulo mdlalo wokuvikela umbhoshongo ngokususelwa enhlanganisweni yama-elemental. Izakhi ozikhethayo zinquma imibhoshongo ongayakha. Inhlanganisela engenakubalwa inikeza amasu amaningi wokuthola.I-Element TD inikeza amahora wegeyimu eyinselele kubalandeli nakubadlali abasha...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 10, 2018
Yakha owakho umbuso webhola!Dala iklabhu yebhola lezinyawo kusukela ekuqaleni, uqale njengeqembu elincane elingelona iligi, futhi ubone ukuthi ungakwazi yini ukungena ezigabeni eziyisikhombisa uye phezulu kakhulu.Bona abadlali bakho bewina ama-play-offs, imiqhudelwano yezinkomishi futhi ekugcineni...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: May 10, 2018
주의 - 설치오류가 발생하면 물리적으로 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한 문의사항은 문의하기를 이용해주세요.덧글로 문의 하실...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: May 10, 2018
JigsawMania Pro brings classic jigsaw puzzle fun to your Android device! Access over 6,000 puzzle images, choose from multiple difficulty levels, save images for offline use, and much more!JigsawMania Pro Features:- Access over 6,000 puzzle images- Choose from 4 difficulty levels: Beginner (3x3),...
Version: 22 APK - Updated: May 10, 2018
2016년 이너스게임즈가 출시한 불의단서 Zero와 2편의 방탈출 외전!탐정 빌 발모어의 이야기를 한번에 즐긴다!*본 상품은 인앱상품, 광고가 없는 깔끔하고 쾌적한 게임입니다. [불의단서 제로]1887년 런던. 비밀정보국 소속의 빌...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: May 09, 2018
** yesibili ochungechungeni esemthethweni Sarah & Duck Izinhlelo ze **Safe, omethembayo, kumnandi kwezikhangiso for pre-school kanye nursery abantabakho.NoSara Duck nivuna sleepover ukuqagela ukuthi yini ... omenywe! Ngakho donsa on PJs zakho bese ujoyina i kusihlwa kumnandi futhi imidlalo...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 09, 2018
I-multiple BAFTA umklomelo Charlie and Lola kukhona back! Lesi yisihloko sesibili ekhethekile ngokwedlulele futhi esemthethweni ngokuphelele BBC Charlie and Lola App! Safe, wathembela, fun ad-free for pre-school nabancane benu. Free kusuka ngaphakathi nohlelo. 'Charlie and Lola: I...
Version: 14 APK - Updated: May 09, 2018
주의 - 기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한 문의사항은 문의하기를 이용해주세요.문의하기를 이용해주시면 신속하고 친절한 답변을 드리도록 하겠습니다.*불의단서 제로가 2월 22일 런칭되었습니다!추리게임불의단서1,...
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: May 09, 2018
주의 - 설치오류가 발생하면 물리적으로 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한 문의사항은 문의하기를 이용해주세요.덧글로 문의 하실...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: May 08, 2018
Kuvunyelwe ngabazali nothisha, ephaketheni amagama okubona kuyinto uhlelo lokusebenza lokufunda olujabulisayo lwezingane ezineminyaka engu-4 ezineminyaka engu-4, izinsana zasenkulisa, izici zangaphambi kokuzalwa. {22} amagama anosizo lomsindo Usebenzisa amagama aphikisayo akhethiwe wezinto...