Jocurile Plătesc Android Gratuit

Jocurile Plătesc Android Gratuit
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: April 10, 2018
Welcome to Gangs of Toy City, action game in real 3D mazes for Android devices.Take the role of undercover cop and collect the evidence necessary to imprison the most dangerous criminals in the city.Circulates through the worst neighborhoods of Toy City and if necessary pick up your police badge...
Version: 1.4.136 APK - Updated: April 10, 2018
IMPORTANT: necesită un gamepad pentru a juca (sau un al doilea dispozitiv care rulează aplicația Bombsquad la distanță) aruncă-ți prietenii în mini-jocuri explozive, de la Capture-the-Flag la Hockey-acum în vr! funcționează cu orice cască compatibilă de carton sau zi de zi. ,...
Version: 1.6.0 APK - Updated: April 10, 2018
Adventure into space with your starship and crew. Discover amazing new alien species to recruit and train, and find powerful weapons to install on your craft. Uncover unique new ships to pilot and command, engaging in tactical combat where you are the commander of your forces! The vast fantasy...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: April 07, 2018
Testele de practică a tehnicianului de farmacie Denali RX conțin 6 test cu 15 întrebări fiecare pentru un total de 90 de întrebări. Acest test de practică este, de asemenea, disponibil online cu cod de acces gratuit inclus în aplicație. util pentru farmacist, tehnologie de farmacie,...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: April 06, 2018
Ești campion Dot-Chompin? Ediția Campionatului Pac-Man duce mâncarea competitivă la un nivel cu totul nou! Această adevărată continuare aduce caracteristici noi de joc grafice și de calibru de campionat, cu labirinturi de defilare mai mari, modele unice de puncte și combosuri mai lungi de...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: April 06, 2018
Simple Slots is the paid version of Simple Free Slots. It has no advertisements and requires no special permissions to use. It does not access any of your personal data like other apps. If you like Simple Free Slots then you will like this version of the game. It includes an option for...
Version: 2.52 APK - Updated: April 05, 2018
ARDrone Combat is the new Combat add-on for the free ARDrone Flight used to control the Parrot AR.Drone.It uses Bluetooth to pass combat information to another Android device running the ARDrone Combat add-on.With ARDrone Combat installed, configure the enemy detection colours, mode and difficulty...
Version: APK - Updated: April 05, 2018
Bun venit la Dope Wars (Weed Edition)!Vestea bună - aveți 2.000 USD în numerar și licențe de tranzacționare. Răul? Îi datorezi 5.500 de dolari lui Dishonest Harry, un împrumut nu prea prietenos, dobânda se adună, te va vizita în curând pentru banii lui și deține o ferăstrău cu...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: April 05, 2018
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: April 04, 2018
Grab your long board, get wet, and ride a barrel at your favorite break as you kill as many sea monsters as possible. Collect awesome achievements and bonus coins and score "epic" points along the way. Meet your "Maker" at the end of each surf break and either wipeout or make...
Version: 2.3.0 APK - Updated: April 04, 2018
Dominoes Online is an exciting logic game with attractive interface for all lovers of classic board games. The simple principle of the game make it easy to understand rules of the game.You can play with one, two or even three real players!You can invite your Facebook friends to play with you!Sign...
Version: 4.74 APK - Updated: April 02, 2018
Finally, an app for Canasta Lovers everywhere!Compete against players worldwide, old friends you know and new friends you've not yet met. Choose to play either 2-player or 4-player modes. Play on-line in person or long distance.Utilizing the Canasta League of America rules and regulations,...
Version: 1.2.8 APK - Updated: April 02, 2018
Tren joc de simulare Hmmsim a devenit nou și divers!În Hmmsim 2, grafică avansată, o hartă nouă, vedere exterioară a trenului, a fost adăugat trenuri dinamice și modul de notare.De asemenea, performanța în BVE operațiune Add-On a fost îmbunătățit, și fișierul de animație și...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: April 02, 2018
Această lume este păstrată în echilibru datorită blocurilor misterioase de umbră, dar un vrăjitor întunecat și puternic aruncă o vrajă și a împrăștiat multe dintre diferitele formațiuni de cutii de umbră care au ținut umbra la îndemână. Ați fost ales proprietarul a...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: March 29, 2018
Gin Rummy (or simply Gin) is a classic quick fire card game for two players. The aim of the game is to score more points than your opponent. The winner of the game is the player whose score first reaches or exceeds the win target of 100 or 250.The premium version is an ad free game.Play Gin Rummy...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: March 29, 2018
Lähde merirosvoseikkailuun kapteeni Ärjyn ja miehistön matkaan! Tenkka-poo on 4-8-vuotiaille lapsille suunnattu puhe- ja toimintaterapeuttien suunnittelema toiminnallinen /r/-muistipeli , jonka avulla /r/-äänteen opetteleminen on hauskaa. Tenkka-poo -muistipeli on suunniteltu...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: March 29, 2018
Lähde merirosvoseikkailuun Siru-keijun, kapteenin ja miehistön matkaan!Tenkka-Poo S on 4-8-vuotiaille lapsille suunnattu puhe- ja toimintaterapeuttien suunnittelema toiminnallinen /s/-muistipeli, jonka avulla /s/-äänteen opetteleminen on hauskaa. Tenkka-Poo S -muistipeli on suunniteltu...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: March 28, 2018
Ce este mai imersiv decât a fi rechin sub apă? Fiind un rechin foarte înfometat! Mâncați -vă drumul printr -un mediu masiv subacvatic, completați misiuni riscante și eliberați -vă colegii prieteni finali! Faimoasa serie de rechini înfometați tocmai s -a reinventat exclusiv pentru...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: March 27, 2018
Keep your tower BIGLY GREAT! Defend it against nasty invaders with your AMAZING bow and hairrows!Find the best tower defense strategy and keep your gold tower standing. Awesome gameplay with a side of laughs!Yuge epic battles!14 unique enemy types!Beautiful boss battles!Tremendous weapons with...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: March 26, 2018
Exciting jumps!Various shapes of jelly,Various accessories to decorate the jelly!
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: March 25, 2018
Note Shooter is an educational game that allows players to learn their musical scales and arpeggios through a retro style shooter game. Shoot the correct notes to progress through the levels. Watch out for wrong notes and the occasional enemy UFO!There are over 40 levels to complete! Can you master...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 23, 2018
Best Android Wear Games 2015! "Stellar Graphics!" - BeebomGoogle Play featured best Android Wear GameSpace War is the BEST space arcade game for Wear OS! Fly through the space and destroy waves of attacking aliens! Be prepared for the final battle!NEW!• Use rotating crown to control...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 22, 2018
GALAXIA - the space arcade game for Wear OS! Use your wrist to control the game!After successfully defeated the aliens on the moon, you are now going to face the complete alien fleets in space! NEW!• Use rotating crown to control spaceship! (LG Watch Sport/Style and more)GAME DESCRIPTION• Tap...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: March 22, 2018
S-ar putea să vă gândiți că lucrul la linia de asamblare este o muncă obositoare, dar nu dacă fabricați bile de fabricație! Misiunea ta în acest joc puzzle logic este de a personaliza ambarcațiuni fiecare minge la o anumită ordine. Aveți toate instrumentele de care aveți nevoie pentru...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: March 21, 2018
Kill enemy hordes, get the best score, compete with players around the whole world and don't show mercy to anyone! Fight for your life and freedom in the new unique game Goblins: Dungeon Defense!The Council has chosen you for the top-secret mission - stealing of a unique source of energy -...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 21, 2018
This app from the appolino series is about adding and subtracting numbers. The range of numbers up to 20, to 100 and to 1000, working with blocks, number lines and value charts are taught and practiced. The number pyramids combine adding and subtracting. Appolino Plus& Minus is based on the...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 21, 2018
In appolino® Multiplying & Dividing, comprehension is built up and internalised, without simply drilling multiplication tables. Multiplications and divisions can be illustratively solved on the numbers row and the point field right up to 1000. Relationships become visible and clever solutions...
Version: 1.31 APK - Updated: March 20, 2018
- rezervare anticipată Witch's Spring 4:ă oficială: de supraviețuire a lui Irudy, o vrăjitoare căreia îi plac păpușile.Fântâna Vrăjitoarei, aceasta este a treia poveste.Irudy, vrăjitoarea, se...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 20, 2018
Satisfy your urge to play slots without actually stepping foot into a casino and risking your wallet. Simple Slots is the perfect app for the Vegas-loving smartphone user and is sure to keep any slot aficionado entertained. Upgrade to the full version, Simple Slots Full, to enjoy your slots without...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 20, 2018
If you love the game Asteroids, you'll love SATURN 3D by Virtual GS! Your spaceship is flying in the middle of a shower of asteroids. Blast the asteroids with lasers! Beware: big asteroids will fragment into smaller asteroids! How long can you survive?This is the BEST 3D game for your Wear OS...