
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 23, 2018
這是經典的破磚遊戲。*** 包括安卓電視版本 ***您是划槳的英雄“Blippy”,必須將地球從最大的威脅中拯救出來。你能完成遊戲並從“The Evil Snarfer”手中拯救地球嗎?...- 完成 35 個具有挑戰性的關卡。-...
Version: 7.2 APK - Updated: January 23, 2018
Five In a Row also known as Gomoku, Tic Tac Toe with high quality artificial ingeligences and a lot of extra functions. It is the classic strategy game that  develops logical thinking and concentration in an entertaining form.There are three modes in the game:1) The player against the phone2) The...
Version: 2.0.0p APK - Updated: January 22, 2018
賽馬是人類開發的最古老的運動之一。多年來,許多新的格式和样式都在發展,但基本的前提仍然有些相同 -...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: January 22, 2018
另一年的謎語是一年的謎語的續集,還有數百個全新的經典謎語可以解決!{#} {#} 366謎語- 甚至比以前更多!{#}直覺界面- 點擊或拖動字母來寫上解決方案{#}提示系統基於點{#}清潔和極簡主義設計{#}...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: January 22, 2018
漫長的謎語是該系列中的第三場比賽,經過一年的謎語和另一年的謎語,還有數百個經典謎語可以解決!{#} {#} {#} {#} {#} 367 Riddles-包括2月30日! {#}更長的解決方案- 現在最多10個字符{#}直接接口-...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: January 21, 2018
Decorate your cave, Go for a walk in the forest, Visit the store.Pupy needs food and milk to live!Increasing pupy happyness will cause more moonstones to grow in your gem garden!Do you have what it takes to look after a digital baby wolf?
Version: 21 APK - Updated: January 21, 2018
沙漠風暴 - 關於美國記者的故事的遊戲。被送往科威特,那裡發生了一場激烈的戰爭。在去機場的路上,他砲擊了。接下來會發生什麼,僅取決於您! {#} {#}特徵:{#}...
Version: 6.0.7 APK - Updated: January 21, 2018
Spider Draw Pro. NEW Update: Finally!!! You can now share your images in a variety of ways including Facebook, Pinterest, email, Dropbox, etc.!You can also Save your "Brush Strokes" and Replay your drawings from start to finish and watch your art unfold before your eyes! Draw complex...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 21, 2018
Gioco che permette di migliorare la propria preparazione sulla conoscenza della Chiave di Basso,consigliato a tutti gli studenti di Strumenti che leggono in chiave di Basso:Trombone,Eufonio,Tuba,ecc
Version: 0.1.30 APK - Updated: January 19, 2018
Version: 1.3.2 APK - Updated: January 19, 2018
This is not your typical zombie game. You are in charge of your own zombie plague, unleash an army of undead allies and reign havoc on the city. Watch as your hordes rip through military outposts to police departments, nothing will stand in their way.The city realistically reacts to the outbreak as...
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: January 18, 2018
Exercise pre-writing skills with this beautiful and fun tracing app for toddlers and preschoolers. Trace straight, curvy and zigzag lines, spirals and basic shapes, with the prewriting worksheets in our app. Each stage has 5 colorful worksheets for each difficulty level. There are different...
Version: 1.0.14 APK - Updated: January 18, 2018
控制自己的政黨。 僱用政客並選擇您的領導者,並帶領他們在2020年取得勝利!{#} {#}*創建自己的聚會,或舉辦現有政黨{#}*僱用政客並選擇您的領導者{#}...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: January 18, 2018
Snowball is a homegrown, hand-cranked winter pinball adventure from Pixeljam, the creators of Dino Run.Send your behemoth snow spheres through an epic kid-constructed bobsled maze of snowbanks, homemade wooden paddles, Tesla coils, igloos, railcars, and more.For both casual and hardcore pinball...
Version: 1.39 APK - Updated: January 17, 2018
* 2017 Exhibit at BIC Fest* 2017 Made with Unity Korea Award – Best Student Award & Popularity Award* 2017 Exhibit at Casual connect in Berlin* 2016 Grand Prize in the Global Indi Game Competition“Alice in the Cube” is the mobile puzzle game which is applied with the wholly new...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: January 14, 2018
十大高分! - 改進您的遊戲。{#}出色的練習,挑戰自動玩家和兩個玩家遊戲。{#}標準美國跳棋規則和遊戲板。
Version: 62 APK - Updated: January 14, 2018
An adaptive practice programme to learn the multiplication tables 1 to 10Mathblobs is a practice programme which automatically adjusts itself to your math level. The programme chooses the multiplication tables you have come to and, within a multiplication table, repeats the very sums you have...
Version: 62 APK - Updated: January 14, 2018
An adaptive practice programme to learn addition and substraction facts up to 20 that will really improve your math skills!Mathblobs is a practice programme which automatically adjusts itself to your math level. The programme chooses the right collection of sums and, within each collection, repeats...
Version: 17.0 APK - Updated: January 14, 2018
Version: 21.0 APK - Updated: January 14, 2018
Build your luxury sports car like a mechanic and race it in style like a speed racer! Order and install custom parts (rims, speakers,...), choose your paint colors and challenge your race car at the end. YES YOU CAN RACE IT!Have you ever wanted to construct an automotive dream from the ground up (a...
Version: 62 APK - Updated: January 14, 2018
An adaptive practice programme to learn division facts up to 10 that will really improve your math skills! Mathblobs is a practice programme which automatically adjusts itself to your math level. The programme chooses the right collection of division sums and, within each collection, repeats the...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 13, 2018
Morath的村民長期以來一直生活在Evermore Mountains的陰影中,但最近,黑暗已經出現了... {#} {#}...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: January 13, 2018
Version: 110 APK - Updated: January 13, 2018
Version: 55 APK - Updated: January 13, 2018
Your family is dead. The Government has dissolved. The city is overrun with the infected. Choose what to do each day and escape before your city is wiped out! Train skills, find gear, improve your home, explore the city, defeat your enemies, adopt pets, and make hundreds of tough life and death...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2018
The revolutionary app for all puzzle addicts – the brand new MoviePuzzles app brings your pictures to life! Our latest technology makes it possible to turn fascinating videos into the pieces of a mind-blowing puzzle!A new challenge awaits all puzzle fans: Solve all twelve of our brand new puzzles...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2018
The revolutionary app for all puzzle addicts – the brand new MoviePuzzles app brings your pictures to life! Our latest technology makes it possible to turn fascinating videos into the pieces of a mind-blowing puzzle!A new challenge awaits all puzzle fans: Solve all twelve of our brand new puzzles...
Version: 9.0 APK - Updated: January 12, 2018
巴黎Mtro Simulator是一個地鐵模擬器。 {#}您必須尊重紅燈,速度限制並停在每個電台的末端。...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: January 12, 2018
A high skill game with simple controls, 1 BLOCK will test your physics skills to the maximum. See how far you can get in this addictive, one-more-try, casual brick game that combines Breakout and Snooker mechanics into one of the biggest challenges of your gaming life.*Intuitive controls*Procedural...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: January 11, 2018
該節目的粉絲將喜歡這一季節性啟發的冒險,這鼓勵他們通過互動遊戲和活動來探索Peppa的奇妙世界,其中包含眾多喜愛的角色,音樂和聲音效果。 {#}...