Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: December 04, 2017
LIMITED TIME ONLY - 50% OFFANDROID TV ONLYAs featured in SHIELD HubFasten your seatbelt, start your engines and invite your friends over for some seriously chaotic multiplayer racing for up to 8 players in HOTLAP HEROES.Powerslide around the tracks solo in practice mode, or download the HOTLAP...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: December 03, 2017
Изазовите своје пријатеље у утакмици два играча са картицама и фасцинантним, интригантним, шкакљивим, глупостима, да се Винци загонетке и мозга не би могли да реше!...
Version: 1.3.2 APK - Updated: December 03, 2017
The mahjong game only for mahjong fans.Ad-free. It has 4 challenging levels.Basic levels - train your abilities and gather items.Mahjong Memory are levels with hidden tiles.“Stone Activators” levels - within a certain time, tiles turn into stones. You must free the way to make the activator go...
Version: 22 APK - Updated: December 03, 2017
Пит Своје СхеепСхеад вештине на једном џепу за очи, црацк Меистер, аце без лица и краљице Бетси. СхеепСхеад, игра је забавна, изазовна и једноставна за употребу...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: December 02, 2017
Learn algebra by becoming the world's greatest agent.Improve your math skills with this free and exciting algebra game. Agent X is an algebra game that helps parents and students practice solving algebraic formulas for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots and...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 02, 2017
Find hidden words. The grade can be selected between 5x5 thru 15x15. In this version there is no ads and you can control the sound on or off.
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 01, 2017
In this game, you’ll be a space pilot with your ship trapped by orbits in the depths of the vast universe. By firing high-tech marbles, you need to make matches of three or more same-colored marble in the orbit before it reaches your ship. This early access version contains 10 different orbits...
Version: 1.0.17 APK - Updated: December 01, 2017
Join Flo as she and her friend Kit work to find out what has caused all of the chaos at the Munterling Mansion.So far on our adventure, Flo and Kit can explore the first five levels. You can also explore the start of the playground where in the future you will be able to build your own puzzles.We...
Version: 1.7.9 APK - Updated: November 30, 2017
Уништите све балоне! трчи брзо као што можете! уз помоћ својих бомби пријатељи! Не дозволите да брисачи пумпе излази, осветлите вулцуно бомбу! Ово је Прича о...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: November 30, 2017
Игра ће вас одвести у Совјетско Савез, у време када је совјетски моторни трци била веома популарна. Морате ићи у првенство, возити легендарне аутомобиле. Постаните...
Version: 0.1.20171129 APK - Updated: November 30, 2017
Can you help two unlikely friends find treasure? Follow Lucky and the hobo on their journey into the unknown as they solve brain twisting, never before seen puzzles. ================HAND CRAFTED PUZZLESSwing, roll, stick and slide triangles around each other with 144 thoughtful puzzles, each both...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: November 30, 2017
-Fly on a cloud with your trusty bat and take back the skies! -Bash enough clouds to face off with ten bosses!-Figure out how to handle different clouds!-Unlock the arcade mode and put your hi-score on the leaderboards!-No ads when you're playing this version!-Play with a friend in two-player...
Version: 2.0.3 APK - Updated: November 29, 2017
Un Joc en que podràs viure la teva pròpia historia com a Colla Castellera!!Comença practicant els castells més petits en patis d'assaig i fes crèixer la colla fins conseguir portar els castells més grans a les plaçes o inclús al Concurs de Castells!! Tant si ets un fanàtic dels...
Version: 7.4 APK - Updated: November 28, 2017
Андроид верзија само ... све док не добијем времена да радим иПад / иПхонеес Ова апликација је дизајнирана да вам помогне да стекнете знање да бисте могли да вам...
Version: 112 APK - Updated: November 27, 2017
The first FPS movie-game on Android - SOV 2 /try SOV Demo for FREE on Google Play/Around 2050, the Earth was not so friendly anymore. The effects of global warming were irreversible, the survival rate significantly dropped. But what if this all was planned?New features:- redesigned controls-...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: November 27, 2017
Комодо 10 је најновије издање овог награђиваног шаховског мотора. Комодо 10 је побољшање преко свих претходних Комодо верзија и подржава вишејезгрене процесоре (32-...
Version: 3.2.1 APK - Updated: November 27, 2017
Логичке мреже загонетка попут оних у Делл часописима. Декодирајте писмене трагове и напуните мрежу да их решите. 50 Логичних загонетки заснованих на мрежи у...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 26, 2017
Version: 2.8.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2017
Претпостављајте реч. Ова реч игра изазива вас да пронађете реч са недостајућим словима. Имате ограничено време да то учините, али можете користити трагове да вам...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: November 26, 2017
Jogo do Bingo its a automatic number sorter whit TTS in you language, to the the main casino bingo games. play were ever you want, whit-out loosing bingo balls or carrying a heavy box.
Version: 2017.11.26 APK - Updated: November 26, 2017
4구? 3구? 쓰리쿠션? 뱅크샷? 이제 어렵지 않아요~국내 유료 당구 다운로드 1위 리얼당구가 모든 길을 알려 드립니다!!!리얼당구는 어플 이름처럼 실제 당구와 거의(99%) 흡사하게 만들었습니다.소대/중대/대대 당구대를 모두...
Version: 1.078 APK - Updated: November 26, 2017
The speed constantly increases, it's hard to choose the color of the gate. Trust your reflexes and do your best.
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: November 25, 2017
Play the new puzzle game for kids! 15 wonderful puzzles that come to life once completed. Choose between 6, 12, 20 or 30 pieces. Designed for the youngest kids, with NO ads or in-app purchases. The number one puzzle game for kids and toddlers. Try now, kids love it!
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: November 25, 2017
Continents, locations of the countries are visually explained.You choose one of the continents and the difficulty level which is one of them 2*2,3*3,4*4.After that, if you touch the screen with one finger you will see a new screen which has a image of shuffled countries places in the selected...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: November 24, 2017
Í leiknum AFMÆLI Í TALNALANDI er áhersla lögð á hugtaka- og talnaskilning. Jafnframt er lagður grunnur að talnaskráningu (1-9), talnalæsi og unnið með form. Öll fyrirmæli eru lesin.Í leiknum eru átta verkefni sem börnin þurfa að leysa til þess að koma aðalpersónunni, Palla...
Version: 1.1.17 APK - Updated: November 23, 2017
【Након ажурирања верзије на Плаи продавници 29. септембра (УТЦ+8), недостаје грешка у тексту игре. Деинсталирајте пакет игре и преузмите игру у Плаи продавници да...
Version: 1.10.0 APK - Updated: November 23, 2017
Решите загонетке да бисте пронашли свој излаз из собе пре него што буде прекасно - нешто вреба дубоко у сенкама. Добродошли на место где је све што сте икада...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: November 23, 2017
The thoughts of civil war had been brewing in your homeland for years, and the violence has finally erupted. In the chaos, your village was burned to the ground, and your daughter disappeared. When faced with death, you chose to survive and to overcome the difficulties of disease, war, and famine....
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: November 22, 2017
Tank Ace Reloaded is the next generation tank warfare game from the makers of Tank Ace 1944.In the game you command a World War II tank charging to occupy the enemy capitol. Allied and Soviet Tank Aces advance on Berlin; German Aces advance on London and Moscow. At least that's what the orders...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 22, 2017
Long time no travel? Now you can enjoy an extremely adventurous travel without moving any centimeters out of your house. VR Duck Hunting will teleport you to various places in primitive time. Be a real primitive duck hunter, hunt all the year round and immerse in wonderful sceneries: spring in...