Spil Betalt Android Gratis

Spil Betalt Android Gratis
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: November 22, 2017
Here’s a great way to sharpen up or show off your vocabulary and verbal skills! Crypto Hangperson, a sophisticated new scion of the Hangman family, brings a cryptic twist, inspired by classic British crossword puzzles, to the venerable game. Our hangperson has more than 200 words to taunt you...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 21, 2017
In a world torn apart by violence and blind rage, you participate in a tournament to death against a horde of mythical creatures.Shoot fast and your deeds will echo throughout history. Be just a little slower and hear the chilling gong of Death himself.Choose your path - train your reflex with AI...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 21, 2017
¡Deja de apuntar tus símbolos en servilletas!Cleopatra llama a la puerta de los teléfonos inteligentes para ofrecer lo siguiente: unalmacenamiento para triadas, es decir, un concepto, un símbolo y una explicación; unaSimboloteca en la que consultar fácilmente las triadas; un modo de...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: November 21, 2017
App Natural Augmented English allows English learners to experience spoken and written English in virtual...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 20, 2017
Are You Alone in Taking Decisions! Try Out This Decision Taker Magic Ball.This can tell You all Decisions.Just Ask A question In Microphone And Click On screen After It And Then It will Itself Take Any Decision.#HD Graphics#Smooth Function#Much More
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: November 20, 2017
Dinoboom Puzzles is an educational game mainly for kids from 3 to 6 years old but is suitable for all ages. Our game introduces your kid to the exciting world of dinosaurs. It is cheerful and colorful themed game, that is designed to inspire further education and creativity.The game flow is...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: November 20, 2017
PRINCIPIA: Master of Science is a simulation game with the theme of European science in 17th century. Choose one of 12 real scientists from the era of Isaac Newton and proceed with your research. There are six research topics: "Astronomy", "Physics", "Thermodynamics",...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: November 19, 2017
"Balance Ball Reach"A Balance Ball Game...Roll The Ball....Balance and Rolling Ball Game..... Control the ball by arrow control on the screen. you are able to move the camera by arrow control on Horizontal all way around....The ball movement is flexible & fast....You will see traps on...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 19, 2017
Denne app er inspireret af de gamle Tamagotchi nøgleringskæledyr fra 90'erne. Hvad du gør er at passe på et virtuelt kæledyr, som du ville have en rigtig, ved at tage sig af dets behov. Du bliver nødt til at fodre det, lege med det, vaske det og disciplinere det. Knapperne omkring...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 18, 2017
Blitzcreen is a variably-paced enemy-tapping game full of cool art and fun mechanics. Fend off unending hordes of foes with meteor showers, black holes, furious finger flicking, and more!Hone your digital dexterity by tapping the armies of enemies that will try to blitz your screen and reach the...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: November 18, 2017
[Control]:You can touch the screen to move the triangle, and open the menu to change the control with touch、gyroscope or VR mode.[Game introduction]:How long haven't you look up the starry sky?This game can bring you the experience of tranquillity and beauty under starry sky. Do you ever...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 17, 2017
Dark Tower er et brutalt permadeath-spil. Et dødbringende tårnværelser med dødsudforskning, hvor alle dine bevægelser er kritiske. Puslespil dig vej til toppen af ​​tårnet ved at låse døre op med et brutalt begrænset antal nøgler. Stå over for farlige fjender såsom nisser,...
Version: 5 APK - Updated: November 17, 2017
ルールオブロー #4...
Version: 1.1.22 APK - Updated: November 16, 2017
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 16, 2017
Mobius Mansion VR, es el nuevo juego de Bixelium, es un juego de realidad virtual que estamos desarrollando para este Halloween. Mobius es un juego de misterio y acertijos, tú te encuentras atrapado en esta mansión y tu objetivo es salir manteniendo tu sanidad intacta. Atravesando varios pasillos...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 15, 2017
Vandærter er små runde ting, der flyder i vand. De spiser og bæsj. Ligesom rigtige kæledyr. Det er sjovt for hele familien. Lær mere om vandærter her: https://jellyshack.blogspot.com/2017/10/water-pea-care-and-instructions.html Vandpar er gratis. Hav det sjovt!
Version: 1.38.2 APK - Updated: November 15, 2017
Brug fingrene til at bygge træbroer og lad køretøjerne krydse dem. Brug så mindre materiale som du kan for at få den højeste score. Denne PRO-version indeholder 53 trin.Her er de inkluderede nye funktioner:- Meget bedre fysiksimulering. Nu skubber hjulene køretøjerne.- Køretøjer med...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Har du altid været interesseret i at lære japansk? Asuka og Kenji er her for at hjælpe med at guide dig langs vejen til at lære at læse japansk Hiragana og Katakana. Brug digitale flash -kort til at lære, hvordan man både skriver, og hvordan man udtaler hver karakter. Og når du tror,...
Version: 1.4.1 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Udvikling af computer til små børn i alderen 2-4 år. Snyder på det estiske sprog gennem billeder og slanger, farvnavne og tal at sigte. //incompetech.com licens under Creative Commons: Byttribution 3.0 License {##} http://createivecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ {# rift: neucha http: // www...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Et episk middelalderligt tårnforsvar! Beskyt dit imperium med riddere og helte I middelalderen smedte alver, mennesker og giganter en alliance for at søge en mystisk skat. Vælg din konge og forsvare dine landsby mod fjenderangreb. Få din helt klar til det kommende slag, opbyg de stærkeste...
Version: 14.11.17 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
The task of the player is to collect at least three coins in one row. On each level you need to collect a certain amount of money during allotted time. When you will finish each level you get the collectible coin of country you played for. In a case, if it does not happen, it starts again from the...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Try and stay alive as long as you can, by running and jumping from platform to platform, trying to stay ahead of a wall of spikes.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
----- Hjælp os med at opbygge wiki: http://monsterfantasy.wikia.com/----- {# }Monster Fantasy er et rollespil mobilspil med elementer af strategi og monstre, udviklet af Langtong spil. For at blive den bedste monstertræner i monsterfantasy, er spillere nødt til at rejse over hele verden, fange...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
“I know what you’re thinking: Why keep getting up, day in and day out, even though your life is going nowhere?”Notorious: Widely considered to be one of the bleakest and best-written experiences in indie gaming, Actual Sunlight challenges you to confront the life of Evan Winter: An...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
BionoidRox is an arcade style game. Move the bat up and down so that the ball has always been on the playing field. Break all the breakable bricks to advance to the next level. Collect bonuses from broken bricks.
Version: 111 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
Rumsimulator er et realistisk 3D -rumfarts -simuleringsspil, der kører ægte fysik i et fuldskala solsystem. {#yld {#yld Moon, praksis Rendezvous og vender hjem med reentry og Splashdown. Plan komplekse interplanetære kredsløb, betjen flyvecomputere, brug ombordskontakter, instrumenter og...
Version: 1.17 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
Join the war for your homeland in the World War I: Air War. Close in on the occupation with each mission, make your way to the heart of battle, and lead your homeland to WW 1 victory! History depends on you!ENGAGE IN HISTORIC WARFAREExperience exciting WW1 campaigns with challenging missions that...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: November 12, 2017
"Daily 3. plads" - Newgrounds ★★★★ 4/5Awesome spil COLORUS nu på googleplay!*! * Advarsel *! *Må ikke anbefales til epileptiske eller farveblinde mennesker!Dette er nyskabende runner med unik kontrol - du skal vælge farve i forhold til hindring for at ødelægge det.Forskellige...
Version: 3.00 APK - Updated: November 12, 2017
Having trouble getting your kid to learn to write? Does your child love their mobile device? Try ScribbleCards flash cards with handwriting recognition to help children increase hand-eye coordination, writing skills, get a head start for school and have a blast while doing it!Current decks :...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 11, 2017
Help the Husky stay in the air while dodging the bones. Guaranteed to keep you busy for hours. Stay tuned for future updates! Which will include animation, more backgrounds, and other breeds (to be added within a week)!