Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 3.00 APK - Updated: November 12, 2017
Having trouble getting your kid to learn to write? Does your child love their mobile device? Try ScribbleCards flash cards with handwriting recognition to help children increase hand-eye coordination, writing skills, get a head start for school and have a blast while doing it!Current decks :...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 11, 2017
Siza i-husky ihlale emoyeni ngenkathi ifaka amathambo. okuqinisekisiwe ukukugcina umatasa amahora amaningi. Hlala ubukele izibuyekezo ezizayo! Okuzothuthukisa izithombe, izizinda eziningi, nezinye izinhlobo (ezizongezwa kungakapheli isonto)!
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 11, 2017
Bu uygulama ile hem matematiksel zekanızı hemde göz kaslarınızı geliştireceksiniz. Rastgele üretilen rakamlar ve matematiksel sembollerle işlemlerinizi yapıp sonucunuzu girin ! Eğer doğru ise devam edin ve gitgide hızlı işlem yapın ! 15. adıma gelmek için hızlı...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 11, 2017
Enjoy the thrill of miniature golf your Android. Touch the head of your putter, pulling it back slightly, and then push it forward. How fast you push it forward determines how hard your shot will be, and how far the ball will go.The View Button zooms out to let you see a bird’s eye view of the...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
Using tilt controls, navigate the marble through various obstacles, and collect all of the keys to unlock the next level. If the marble rolls off the table, or falls into a lava pit, it will be placed back at the starting point. Your best time for each level will be saved for you try and beat...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
Knight Jumper is a video game in which the player views the field of play principally from a top-down perspective, while the background scrolls from the top of the screen to the bottom.The goal of the game is to jump as much as you can and collect as many coins you could while beating the pressure...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
The classic children's memory game "Pairs" now comes to Android.Play against your friends, play against the computer - find all the matches.With all your favourite Batman characters, you can personalise the game to suit your style.Game scores and total scores are all recorded so...
Version: 0.3 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
yehlela emgodini weziyaluyalu, thola i-amulet ye-Yendor, bulala bonke abama ngendlela yakho bese ubuyela ngomklomelo wakho. * I-Ambient Industrial Ost ne-Addiod Design nguNathan Gallardo. * Izinqumo zobuciko zokuqamba ezenza abantu babuze, akenzeki umdlalo? Lapho engiphendula khona, hhayi kuze...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
Hexe Lilli hilft beim Mathe Üben! Die Hexe Lilli Plus-und-Minus-App mit Illustrationen aus der gleichnamigen Kinderbuchreihe von KNISTER.Hexe Lilli zaubert wieder und hilft Grundschulkindern jetzt auch beim Plus-und-Minus-Training in den Zahlenräumen 0 bis 10 oder 0 bis 20. Das sichere...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
*** Umdlalo wokuqala weselula obeka izinkanyezi ama-penguins eMadagascar *** AmaZooster, u-Alex, Marty, uMelman noGloria, basezinkingeni zokusindisa usuku! Ingane yakho izosiza ukweqa, i-kowalski, yangasese, futhi i-rico njengoba iqala ukusebenza okungekho emthethweni kwezibalo ukukhulula...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Drag and shoot the balls to collect coins and break bricks. Use your in game coins to buy extra balls and make the balls do more damage. Go further each time you play! Challenge your friends to beat your score!
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Balance a scale by dragging animal shaped weights on a pan.Buy items from stores due to getting higher score.Easy to play and addictive game, Seesaw Pop!Play NOW!*** Please allow the permissions you want to allow on Google. Please rest assured. We do not collect any information.
Version: 0.0.3 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lunikeza nsuku zonke izindunduma, kwakha ivesi leBhayibheli elilandelwa ngumyalezo omfushane o kwababhali besimanje ababhali asebekhulile. [# #} U-JSUS Kristu kangcono futhi usikhuthaza ukuba silinde ukubuya kwakhe. Yebo, iNkosi iseduze (KwabaFiliphi 4. 5). Kuyinto yethu,...
Version: APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Experience managing a coffee shop Asian style! Learn about and also have fun serving many interesting and eager customers that come to your restaurant by preparing dishes like:1) Egg and onion prata, Paper (tissue) prata2) Kopi-O, Kopi-susu, teh-O, teh-susu, and many other drinks!3) dim sum4)...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Enjoy a round of golf on Saturn's rings. Discover your origin. Save humanity. Master gravity as you play over 2000 holes of golf on procedurally generated asteroids. Help Cronus unravel the mysteries of his time near Saturn, and help them find a purpose in the final hours of humanity's...
Version: 1.00.34 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
*** App Store Best Kids App 2013 ***Балакаюча АБЕТКА – це інтерактивна абетка, створена з любов’ю та турботою. Процес вивчення літер захоплюючий і веселий, а кумедні персонажі...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Experience motorbike racing like never before: step into the race and become the new Superbike World Champion!Following 3 releases and 30 million downloads on mobile devices worldwide, SBK Official Mobile Game lands on Daydream to offer a far more immersive and adrenaline-fueled experience.Compete...
Version: 10.143 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Skat, umdlalo wamakhadi owaziwa kakhulu eJalimane manje njengoba le nguqulo ethuthukiswe ngokukhethekile ye-Android. Noma ngabe umdlali osemqoka noma oqeqeshiwe, ku-Skat ngokuphelele 10 ungathola okudingayo ngenselelo ethokozisayo ye-skat. amazinga ahlukahlukene obunzima nge-AI ukubuyekeza...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Gnadenlos regiert Thabit sein Reich im Lande Ägyptens, bis ihn eines Tages ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag trifft.Die Götter Isis und Osiris erbarmen sich des jungen Pharaos: Mit dem Bau einer prächtigen Stadt, die vielen zufriedenen Bewohnern Unterkunft bietet, kann Thabit sein Schicksal...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Wazi kahle kangakanani i-Basketball Trivia yakho? Hlola ulwazi lwakho ku-NBA Trivia Challenge!**** Kufaka i-Android TV!!! ****I-Basketball Trivia ayikaze ibe mnandi kangako. Ziphonsele inselelo noma ube nobusuku be-trivia nabangani nomndeni ku-Party Mode!IZICI- Imodi yomdlali oyedwa.- I-Party Mode...
Version: 2.09 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
During an unsuccessful experiment a small, unfortunate elf fell out of one of Knoxford the Sorcerer's many books. Her sole wish is to return into her book, but first she must go on many adventures.Enter the magical world of Knoxford the Sorcerer!Play your way through many exciting levels of...
Version: 2.09 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Als Folge eines missglückten Experiments fällt eine kleine Elfe aus einem der vielen Bücher des Zauberers Knoxford. Sie wünscht sich sehnlichst, in ihr Buch zurückzukehren, muss jedoch dafür viele Abenteuer bestehen.Tauche ein in das magische Land des Zauberers Knoxford und in „Magic Cards...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
I-WinX Party namuhla iqukethe iqoqo elisha le-Brand 7. I-Winx Party Launch evusa ubumbano lwamantombazane, ngenxa yenhlanganisela eminingi yomdlalo wakudala wengubo enezingubo ezingaphezu kwe-100 nezinye izinsiza. {# } Ngemuva kokukhethwa kwekhefu, iqembu lihlelwe ngokukhetha phakathi kwezindawo...
Version: 2.1.17 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Siyakwamukela Vegas. How about a nice little umdlalo pool? Kodwa ngokushesha lezo bakhona abanomusa wena bahlangana the casino libonisa ukuthi side ethile izilwane. Halala, udlala manje Vegas Pool Sharks, isihloko imoto yakho, mortgage, futhi college fund izingane 'etafuleni.Izici:- Izinhlobo...
Version: 1.072 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
I-China, ezinsukwini ezimbalwa ngaphambi konyaka omusha: Sebenzisa amakhono akho omdlalo-3 ukusindisa umkhosi woNyaka oMusha bese uvumela udrako wegolide wenhlanhla enkulu. Ngokusho kwenganekwane yaseChina endala, udrako omnyama uvuka kuzo zonke izinsuku ezintsha kusukela ebuthongweni bakhe...
Version: 1.072 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
China, wenige Tage vor dem Neujahrsfest ...Verhindern Sie die Auferstehung des Dunklen Drachen im Land der aufgehenden Sonne! Nutzen Sie Ihre Match 3-Fähigkeiten um das Neujahrsfest zu retten und den goldenen Glücksdrachen erscheinen zu lassen.Einer alten chinesischen Legende zufolge erwacht an...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Version: 1.06 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
A long time ago, in the lands of the Maya …Every now and then a young love couple would meet somewhere deep in the jungle, in a sheltered place. They were the children of two hostile tribal leaders and only there did Princess Kin and Prince Chaac find some peace.But their secret has been revealed...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: November 08, 2017
Calcolatore di poker per il texas hold'em. Uno dei pochi in circolazione. Vi segue passo-passo nei tornei e mostra suggerimenti sul da farsi. Spia le carte degli avversari.